Fic: Interdimensional Hopscotch (1/1)

Dec 31, 2008 09:29

This fic is inspired by Strangevisitor7 and divas_lament's stories of Holly and JD through the looking Glass.  I thought I was done with Special Projects, then this little bunny bit me.

Fic: Interdemensional Hopscotch(1/1)
Series: All of my series.  Sorta.
Summary:  Dean has been on a long journey.  Sliders style.  
Author: pen37
Beta: strangevisitor7
Fandoms: Smallville, Supernatural, mentions of Highlander and BTVS
Characters: Dean  Winchester, Chloe Sullivan
Rating: G

Dean knew he was making too much noise. After all, it was midnight. And too much noise in the kitchen at midnight usually led to scuffling around on the floor with Sam. But damnit, he needed a beer.

When the light kicked on and he heard the sound of a gun cocking, he realized that things might be a little more serious than he thought.

“Dean!” He turned, and saw Chloe - looking really hot in one of his old button-downs - lower the gun. She didn't put it away completely - smart girl. But she did give him an expectant look that meant that the threat level had been lowered from I'm going to shoot your ass to you better start talking fast, because you're sleeping on the couch otherwise.

He gave her his best grin. When her frown deepened, he toned it down a notch.

“Where have you been?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Funny story, that. Remember how I was going to check on some of the stuff in Dad's old storage locker.”

Chloe nodded slowly. When they'd bought the duplex that they currently shared with Sam, they had planned to move the contents of the old storage locker from New York down into the basement. But while poking around in their dad's stuff, they'd come to the conclusion that the combination of accumulated supernatural objects was the paranormal equivalent to a toxic waste dump.

All three of them agreed that there was no way they were going to live over something like that. So instead, they were slowly transferring the contents to a more secure facility in Justice League HQ. Before that could happen though, he wanted to grab a few of the more personal items. Because he really didn't feel like giving Batman free rein over Dad's photos of mom.

He looked back at Chloe - to see that her expression had gone from peeved to worried.

“Well, Dad must have some sort of gateway through the space time thingamajig hidden somewhere in there. Because I stumbled into it, and I've been playing interdemensional hopscotch ever sense.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “Interdemensional hopscotch?”

He shrugged. “A different version of you explained it to me.”

Her look switched from worried to curios. “There are different versions of me?”

“More than I can count, darlin'. I even met a version of you that was a specialized vampire hunter.” He shuddered at that. “And I don't even want to get into all the kids.”

Her other eyebrow rose to join the first. “We had kids?”

“You'd think we were trying to re-populate the world with Winchesters. That's part of what I was doin' here. I wanted to check to make sure we didn't have the fridge stocked with those skinny canned drinks that teens like. That way if I was in the wrong universe, I could get outa' the house before I met myself and got shot at because some other me thought I was a shapeshifter.” He paused to wince. “Again.”

Chloe smiled at that. “Well, you're home now, so you can relax.” Then her expression brightened. “Oh, by the way, you forgot your sword again.”

Dean recoiled at the unfamiliar words. “Sword?”

With that, she pointed over her shoulder to their coffee table. On it, surrounded by disassembled guns, cleaning solvents and a whetstone, sat a long sword that Dean was certain that he'd never owned in his life.

Dean felt his eyes widen as he looked from the sword back to Chloe. In response, she rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Dean. There are people who are going to be coming after your head. You can't shoot them all.”

“Wrong reality,” Dean said as he headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” Chloe yelled back at him.

“I've got to do the Sam Beckett thing again,” Dean said. “I'm not sticking around a world where people are coming after me with swords. Demons are bad enough.”

spawnfic_tues, special proejcts, chloe and the immortals

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