Fic: 5 Times Immortal!Dean met Meta!Chloe. Part 4: Against her Will

Sep 15, 2007 10:58

  Title: 5 Times Immortal!Dean met Meta!Chloe.
Chapter: Against Her Will (4/5)
strangevisitor7 Chapters: 1, 3 & 5 and 
pen37 , Chapters: 2, 3 & 4.
Fandoms:Highlander, Supernatural & Smallville
Characters: Chloe & Methos,mentions of Duncan,Dean & Sam,
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.
Rating: PG

A/N Submitted for Pen37's
crossovers100.  Prompt # 9 Months.  The table is here.
This is also being submitted to the 
firstline_ficCommunity as a part of their weekly prompt. for Week#13

Summary These stories cross the two worlds we created. This collection starts about 1 year after "Waiting on The World to Change" in the Immortal!Dean series and spans time far into the future beyond the last Chloe and the Immortals story, "The One Left behind." The original series can be found here: Immortal!Dean and Chloe and the Immortals
Chapter1: When First We Met
Chapter 2: Never in a Million
Chapter 3: Kids These Days
Chapter 4: Against Her Will

“I swear, Dean, next time you try to cook, warn me so I can call the fire department beforehand.”

Dean made a face at Duncan as the older Immortal scraped what was supposed to have been dinner into the recycler.

“In all fairness,” Dean said, “this is not my fault.  I got distracted by the . . .um,”  he pointed to the holo, where footage of frisky, blonde Asian babes cavorting in lime jello cycled through repeat mode,  “news.”

“I'm assuming you just watch for the information,” Duncan teased.

“I'm really not a bad cook,” Dean argued.  “I cooked for Sammy all through growing up.  The technology is different now.”

“You have to adapt,” Duncan shrugged.  “If I hadn't stayed with the times, I'd still be wearing a kilt.”

“Dress,” Dean coughed.

“You laugh, but even today, I'm told that they're quite attractive to the fairer sex.”

“That your way of saying chicks dig em'?” Dean shook his head.  He glanced up to see the light on the holoprojector flash with an incoming call.  “Hey, Mr. Technology, you want to get that?”

Duncan nodded, and punched up the vidphone.  A young, gaunt man's image appeared.  “Methos?”

“Mac?  So glad I caught you.”  Methos had that I'm in trouble and need your help kind of sound to his voice.  Dean perked up at that.  He'd met Methos a few times.  If the oldest of the Immortals needed help, things were bound to be interesting.

“What's wrong?” Duncan asked with an inquisitive tilt of his head.

“It's a long story, and one I don't want to get into over the phone.  I'm planet side.  Can we arrange a meet?”

“The old bar?”

“Joe's?  It's still around?”

“Of course,” Duncan snorted.  “I'm the primary investor.”

“Then I'll meet you there.”


Methos was already seated in the far corner of the room when they arrived.  Dean thought that the older Immortal reminded him of Sam.  Tall, and lanky.  Probably with deceptive speed.  He shook his head.  After all this time, it was easier to think of Sam in general terms.

The two of them crossed the bar to his table, and seated themselves on either side of him, facing the entrance with their backs to the wall.  He poured them a drink from a bottle of 12 year scotch, and then went back to staring morosely into his drink.

“So what couldn't you get into over the phone?” Duncan asked seriously.

“I need your help, with something less than above-board,” Methos said quietly.

“What kind of illegal are we talking about?” Duncan asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It's causing an inter-galactic incident as we speak.”

“Oh goodie,” Dean grinned.  “It's been a while since I've been on the wrong side of the law.”

Duncan shook his head in faint amusement, and then turned back to Methos.  “What happened?”

“Do you remember metahumans?”

Dean found himself nodding along with Duncan.  Sam had been a meta  -- he shut his eyes, and willed the hurt away by thinking of metas in general.

Metas were people with powers.  For about two generations, everyone had gone apeshit over them.  They were supposed to be the next step in human evolution.  They'd ended up being a genetic anomaly that was reabsorbed back into the gene pool in four generations.

“I have a friend who is a meta,” Methos said.  “She was born sometime in the 1980's.”

Which would have put her around his age, give or take a few years, Dean thought.

“Wouldn't she have lost her powers after her first death?” Duncan asked.

“She isn't an Immortal in the traditional sense,” Methos said with a wry smile.  “Instead, she is an aggressive healer.  Thanks to her powers, she's not so much immortal as she is ageless.”

“So what happened?” Duncan prompted.

“She - grew up with Kal-el of Krypton. He married one of her blood relatives.  And the New Kryptonians are her cousins.”

Despite Duncan's teasing him about watching holos for the babes, Dean did keep abreast of current events.  Kal-el had been the sole survivor of a planetary explosion.  He had been raised on Earth, and had a good long stint as an unaging super-human hero courtesy of Earth's yellow sun.

Eventually, he led his descendants to found a colony on a terraformed planet with a red sun, where he grew old and died.  His funeral had been about six months ago.

“His death hit her hard,” Methos' voice broke through Dean's revere.  Dean turned his attention to the older Immortal so that he could better focus on what was being said.

“It took a while for her to feel ready to go pay her respects.  When she did --” Methos sighed.  “Her cousins took her captive, claiming that since she knew Kal-el, she's a national treasure.”

“A what?” Dean raised an eyebrow.

“A living artifact,” He shrugged.  “Some kind of living history . . . thing.  In short, they're holding her against her will and the Terran embassy is looking the other way.”

“Any reason why?”

“The New Kryptonian's are a bit . . . fanatical.” Methos rolled his eyes.  “My friend's pet name for them is the big, dumb aliens.  They're so hide-bound and invested in their history religion with Kal-el as their king/god, that the Terrans don't know how to extract her without touching off a holy war.  They have told me that they're willing to look the other way if she happens to vanish, which is as close to a go-ahead as we are likely to get for a rescue mission.”

“I hope you have a plan for this,” Dean raised his eyebrow at that. “I've never saved someone from a whole planet before.”

Methos nodded.  “There is a faction of New Kryptonians who are willing to help.”

“Why?” Duncan asked.

“For them, she's a bit of an embarrassment,” Methos gave a dry chuckle.  “They've got Kal-el built up as this god-like figure.  She is proof of his human side, and they don't want to hear that he was an awkward teenager with an obsessive crush on the high-school homecoming queen.

“So as long as we can get onto New Krypton, they're willing to smuggle her out to us,” Methos said.


After all these years, Dean still hated flying.  Although he could deal with space travel, takeoff and landing was a bitch.  Since he wouldn't pilot while drunk, he mostly coped by listening to the classics: AC/DC, Metallica, and Motorhead.

Back in Black was blaring through the craft as he helped Methos guide it down to the planet's surface.  Under the light of the red sun, everything looked strange.   He was still taking in the odd coloring of the sky, when the oldest of the immortals pointed out a group of ornately dressed, extremely tall, statuesque people who had to be the BDA's that they were waiting on.

They walked up to the cargo ramp, bowed once, and then turned over a stack of crates for the three immortals to load into the cargo hold.

They took the goods as if it were a normal shipping run.  Methos argued price with them while Dean and Duncan together lifted the biggest crate onto the ship.  Once they had settled it in place Dean leaned an ear against it, and knocked faintly.  He was answered with a faint knock from the inside.

He nodded to Duncan, and the two of them took extra care to secure the crate.

Methos returned with a considerably lighter wallet, and the three of them lifted back into space to the sounds of Lynard Skynard.  Once they were safe in the anonymity of the shipping lanes, Duncan took a pry-bar to the crate.

“Methos,” came a vaguely annoyed voice from inside the crate.  “Who in the nine rings of Jupiter do you know that listens to mullet rock?”

Dean froze.  He knew that voice.   His suspicions were confirmed when a familiar face poked up from the crate.  She looked almost as shocked to see him as he was to see her.

“You!” They said simultaneously.

“Why am I not surprised,” Methos said with a rueful shake of his head.  “First Kal-el, now these two.  You have this rare talent for knowing people, Chloe.”

Dean shook his head as he found himself smiling at the tiny blonde, remembering the way they argued the first time they met.  “Methos, you have no idea.”


“You could have told me that you were self-healing back when we first met,” Dean said without preamble as Chloe sat down in her co-pilot's seat.  The two of them had taken over navigational duties to give Methos and Duncan a chance to better catch up. “It would have saved me a lot of grief and agony.”

“Please,” Chloe rolled her eyes. “You were behaving like a chest-pounding neanderthal.  The only way I could put up with you was by allowing you to keep throwing yourself in front of me to save my life.” She made little air quotes with her fingers as she said that.

“I was not.”

“Dean?” She raised her eyebrows.  “You weren't just a tool.  You were a fully-stocked tool truck.  With a tool trailer hitched on to the back, and your own tool warehouse supplying extra wrenches.”

“Do you ever shut up?”

“Do you?”

They lapsed into silence as they changed co-ordinates mid-flight to throw off any pursuit.

“I see you've conquered your fear of flying,” Chloe said when they finished.

“Landing is still rough,” Dean said.  “But this feels less like we're going to fall.”

“Technically?  We are falling.  Just at the same rate as everything else.”

“Oh that makes me feel so much better.  Thank you, Chloe Sullivan.”

“Always happy to help,” she grinned.  “So did you ever succeed in setting your brother up with a nice girl?”

“I did,” Dean grinned at her.  “And I have several nieces and nephews running around the 'verse as we speak.”

“Good.  I always liked Sam.”

“Though not enough to date him.”

“Sam was a nice guy,” Chloe shrugged.  “I got nice guys out of my system with Clark.  Besides, if Sam and I had a relationship - we could have ended up married.  And then you would have been stuck with me forever instead of all those Winchester descendants.”

“You can't have kids?”

“My immune system is too aggressive,” she shrugged.  “No aging, no kids.”

“Sorry,” Dean said.

“I cope,” Chloe shrugged.  “But I can imagine that's the reason there aren't many females who live forever.  We tend to be emotional people.  God knows Clark's death was hard.”

“I'm sorry about that,” Dean said sincerely.  “Methos said that you were close to the guy.  It couldn't have been easy.”

“Not with being kidnapped by his great to the nth power grandkids.” She laughed, but there was a slightly bitter edge to it.

“Hey Chlo?”


He hesitated.  Friendship wasn't something that he offered lightly.  Especially not to a chick.  But he could tell that Chloe was one tough chick.  She reminded him a little bit of Ellen -- and Jo once she'd matured.   He respected the hell out of tough chicks.

And it was always nice to have another friend in the I'm not getting any older club.

“I know you've got Methos and all, but if you ever need someone to talk to . . . you know, from that  early twenty-first century perspective . . . you can give me a call.”

Chloe smiled at him, and for a moment, he remembered the pretty blonde reporter that he'd known briefly in the turning of the twenty-first century.  “I'd like that, Dean.”

He grinned at her.  It was a start.

methos, firstline_fic, chloe and the immortals, crossovers_100, chloe, chloe/dean, dean, duncan

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