Special Projects

Aug 11, 2007 12:11

The world is a bigger, scarier place than you think it is! Somewhere in between the early edition and the late night creature feature, the lines betwen supernatural and superhuman are blurring and the only three people who realize this are a reporter and two hunters.

Sam and Dean Winchester are a couple of blue-collar brothers who travel the country in a classic Chevy Impala and hunt supernatural evil creatures with an arsenal of Low-tech weapons.

Chloe Sullivan is a Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter and Superman's semi-retired sidekick. She has spent her life working to make the world a better place for "those of the powered persuasion." And she just learned that demons, monsters and things that go bump in the night are real.

Unstrung Hero -- Ellen Harvelle thought she'd seen everything. Until a woman named Chloe Sullivan walked into her roadhouse.
Now Stop me If you've heard this one -- A Psychic, a hunter and a reporter walk into a bar.
The Greatest Hits of Mapquest -- Chloe fiddles with the radio. Dean shuts his cakehole.
Devil's Dance -- Sam, Dean and Chloe investigate a set of strange deaths in Holbrook, Arizona.
Phone Calls From The Edge -- Perry White calls Chloe with an assignment.
Didn't AC/DC Do a Song About This? -- Strange Weather and a locked room mystery call Sam, Dean and Chloe to Tulsa, Oklahoma.
We Find Ourselves In The Same Old Mess. -- Jo Harvelle openes a bar in Memphis. When all the alcohol mysteriously vanishes, she calls Sam and Dean in to help.
Sam, Chloe and the Naked Teenage Wiccan Newbie Adventure -- Sam and Chloe take a wrong turn on a food run.
Gods and Monsters -- Sam has trust issues.
Crossfire -- The great Winchester prank war has an unfortunate casualty.

Timestamp Meme: Crossfire Plus Three

And Justice For All (Except for Demonically-Posessed Puppets) -- Hunting a demon brings Sam, Dean and Chloe to Elizabethtown Kentucky.  While there, Chloe sees and old friend and the green eyed monster causes Dean to see red. 
The Language of Waffles -- Chloe is troubled by something. She makes waffles.
Conservation of Pain -- Sam, Dean and Chloe go to Kansas City to put a spirit to rest on a buried riverboat. Chloe has been vanishing on an unknown errand. Sam wants to know why. 
But Deliver Us From Evil. -- A hunt goes very wrong.
Badlands -- The group heads to South Dakota to recover.  But recovery isn't as relaxing as it should be with Evil Scientists, ghostly Native Americans, and Chloe and Dean fighting the whole way.

Would you look at that!  Clarksmuse, my wonderful beta, wrote a companion piece for chapter 2 of badlands.  Silence speaks volumes.
Head Games -- Sam and Chloe each have their heads examined for very different reasons.
His Girl Friday -- He had to figure out where they stood.  Otherwise, they couldn't go forward.
Gotham City Remix -- Gorden Walker has taken Sam Hostage.  To save him, Dean and Chloe go into the heart of darkness: Gotham City.
Down the Only Road I've Ever Known -- The Impala breaks down in the remote Appalacians, where folks keep to themselves and resent outside intrusion.  Sam, Dean and Chloe discover how hard this makes hunting. 
Don't Go Out Tonight --  The group makes a sudden U turn and goes back to the appalachians to hunt something that might be a headless horseman.  Sam covertly tries to keep Chloe from shutting them out.   
Virus -- A stopover at Ellen's is not as restful as the group hopes it would be, thanks to a computer-literate demon.
Catch Me If I Fall -- The Demon Meg takes her long-promised revenge.  This is a very Dark Fic.
   Meme -- Snazzy_Spazzy requested that I write an Author's Commentary on this fic.  You can find it here. 

Ex Machina-- After their experience with the Demon Meg, Chloe is broken. Dean is shattered. Somehow, they've got to find a way back, while at the same time figuring out how to stop a Demon-made Artificial Intelegence.

Head Trip -- On their way to Metropolis for Christmas, Dean, Sam and Chloe take a detour though Colorado Springs to investigate a series of mysterious deaths, but Dean is still broken, Chloe looks ready to run and Sam is just worried about holding things togeather.  
Tis The Season -- The holidays brings cultists to Metropolis.  Fortunately, it also brings Dean, Sam and Chloe.  While there, Sam runs into an old friend.

Home For The Holidays -- Christmas at the Kents.  A tagfic to Tis The Season.
Thicker Than Water -- Vampires are not nice monsters.  Especially vampires embroiled in a nest war.
Pillow Talk -- When hunters date, the pillow talk is a little outside the norm. 
Grey Ghost --A drowning in a dry swimming pool draw the crew to Long Beach.  Did we mention that the pool was on a haunted cruise ship?
Inked -- Sam and Dean make a very practical tactical decision.  (takes place between chapters 1 and 2 of Coyote, Wolf and Hound. )
Coyote, Wolf and Hound -- The honeymoon is over and the Winchester family settles into family life by doing what they do best: Hunting.  This time they head into the Superstition mountains to look into another beheading case.  Can you say Lost Dutchman Mine?

Love, War and Remembrance -- Sam visits Sarah.  Dean and Chloe figure out what to do with all those tacky gifts that they didn't ask for in the first place.
People are strange -- Dean and Chloe head to Houston to help out an old friend while Sam and Sarah do their own sleuthing.
Bad Company -- Dean and Chloe get into serious trouble.  Will Sam realize this in time to save them?
Soul Sacrifice - Dean and Chloe just fought their way free of a mesoamerican cult in Texas.  Now the Winchester Family and the Justice League are headed to Mexico City to finish the hunt. 
That Old Feminine Mystique -- Just a moment of normalicy for the Winchester Family. 
Sing a Song of Sixpence -- Pirates.  Arrr!

End Game -- The end.

AU! Special Projects Story:  Five Ways in which Special Projects Almost Wasn't -- Change one thing . . . change everything. written for sanadafaye.

Commentary Meme: Snazzy_Spazzy requested an author commentary on Catch me If I Fall.  You can find that here.

A second AU! Special Projects story (crossover with all of my other series verses).  Interdemensional hopscotch.  Dean has been on a long journey, Sliders style.

A bit of explanation/Meta about the firearms in Special Projects.  Lots of pictures.  Not dialup friendly.  A bit technical.

Commissioned Artwork: I commissioned a drawing of Chloe and Dean from Bri-Chan.  The artwork she drew is here.

And a whole lot of Special Projects extras can be found  here.

special projects

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