Fic: Inked (1/1)

Apr 14, 2008 08:23

I know that most of you guys are waiting for the next part of the Aztec Cult storyline, but I felt like I needed to get this out of the way first.   I'll start posting Bad Company tomorrow.

I'm probably also not going to crosspost this, because this is one of those fics that it seems like everyone is doing.

Fic: Inked (1/1)
Series: Special Projects
Summary:  Dean and Sam make a very practical, tactical decision.  Takes place between Chapters 1 and 2 of Coyotie, Wolf and Hound.  (Oh Come on!  You know that once Kripke, Sera, et. al. did this, that I would have to follow suit.  It's a good idea!) 
Author: pen37
Beta: Clarksmuse
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural
Characters: Chloe, Sam, Dean
Rating: g

This is a part of the Special Projects series. You can find the rest of the series here.

When Sam walked down the gang plank of the Queen Mary with his bags, he hadn't expected to see his brother leaning against the hood of the Impala. Yet there he stood, sleeve rolled up, staring at his forearm with an expression of deep thought on his face.

Sam walked around to the trunk of the car and placed his duffel and laptop case on the false bottom without comment.

He didn't need to see what Dean was staring at to know that it was a scar leftover from a brand in the shape of a broken circle. He had one of his own: a souvenir from the time that a demon known as Meg had tried to lock herself into his body.

Sam repressed a sigh. He supposed it was only natural that Dean would get introspective at a time like this. He had just gotten married, so his first thoughts naturally turned toward finding ways to protect his family.

It didn't exactly help that he carried around that scar as a physical reminder of the time that he and Chloe had been most vulnerable, thanks to a demon attack.

When he closed the trunk and looked up, Dean was standing there with an unusually serious expression on his face. The kind of look that said that he'd been doing some thinking.

Sam responded with a lifting of his own eyebrows in question.

Dean looked down at his bared forearm, where the silvery-white burn stood out prominently against his tan skin.

“Meg got up in me way to easy,” he said.

Sam thought about his own experience the first time he'd been possessed by the same demon. He wasn't even sure how it happened. “Me too,” he finally decided on saying.

“Was just thinking we should do something about it,” Dean said.

Sam tilted his head sideways, pursed his lips, and lifted an eyebrow. “Okay. What?”

“She tried to lock herself in,” Dean shrugged. He dropped his arm and let his sleeve cover the scar. “Thought maybe we could find some way to lock them all out. Something more permanent than just Bobby's amulet.”

Sam nodded at that. Considering Dean had been wearing a charm when he'd been attacked, and that Meg had simply overwhelmed his defenses and pulled the charm off, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some kind of fail safe in place that couldn't be removed from their bodies.


“Dunno, dude.” Dean looked at Sam with hopeful eyes. “Was hoping you'd think of something.”

Sam knew what the obvious solution was: head down to the local tattoo parlor with the amulets and just get the design inked into their skin.

Hell, Dean had probably come up with that on his own. But he'd never liked the idea of getting tattoos. Dad had had gotten a couple from 'Nam, and had told both him and Dean over and over how stupid the whole thing was.

Plus, no tattoos meant no identifying marks for the cops to list on a wanted poster. And even if they weren't one of America's Most Wanted anymore, a tattoo like that would be a hell of a memorable identifying mark. He was probably asking Sam to find a solution because he didn't want that.

So until he could either find a way to talk Dean into the simplest, most obvious solution, he'd go along with the game of looking for a better idea. “I'll think about it.”

* * *

By the time the three of them had all climbed into the Impala to head out, Sam still hadn't come up with an alternative plan.

He'd gotten into his customary spot in the passenger seat with Chloe between them, and watched his brother out of the corner of his eye.

“What, dude?” Dean glared irritably over Chloe's head at Sam.

In response, Sam shifted his gaze away. “Nothing.”

“Okay guys, what's going on?” Chloe looked from Sam to Dean curiously.

In response, Dean held up the anti-possession charm that Bobby had given him. “I was thinking we needed something better than this. Asked Geek Boy to think of something.”

Chloe nodded thoughtfully and then looked at Sam with a curious expression that mirrored Dean's.

Sam cleared his throat. “Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.”

Dean sighed in response, and looked at Sam with a reluctant expression on his face. “Seriously?”

Sam nodded in response. He held his own arm out so that they could see the raised brand that Meg had made in his own skin. “The Demon's daughter tried to lock herself in by putting this in our skin. We've got to lock them out the same way.”

“He has a point, you know.” Chloe turned serious eyes to Dean. “If you want to lock out a demon, you don't get much more permanent than inking yourself. Besides,” She looked at him through lowered lashes. “I think a little ink is sexy.”

“Really?” Dean leered at her. “What about you, Darlin'? You going to get inked too?”

“Wouldn't do any good,” Chloe said. “With the way I heal, it would fade away in under a month.”

“Guess we'll just have to keep you safe,” Dean said as he put his arm around her and pulled her closer.

“So that means you're going to do it?” Chloe asked.

“Yeah,” Dean said with a grimace. “Okay. Sure.”

“Good,” Sam said. “I called Bobby and his contacts helped me to find a Maori Shaman who specializes in tahua.”

“We can't just find a tattoo parlor?” Dean asked in askance.

Sam rolled his eyes. “You want this done right, don't you?”

“Yeah,” Dean sighed. “Let's just get this over with.”

“It's not so bad,” Chloe said. “Sooner or later, you guys will be glad you got it done.”

Sam looked over at Dean nervously. He hoped that Chloe's words didn't end up being self-fulfilling.

“Hope not,” Dean said in an echo of Sam's thoughts.

special projects, dean, smallville, supernatural, chloe, chloe/dean, sam

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