Timestamp Meme: Fic: Crossfire Plus Three

Sep 06, 2007 11:49

Fic: Crossfire Plus Three
Summary: A couple of weeks back, I posted a timestamp meme in which I promised to write 100 words or more of any fic from any point past or future of the events in the fic. 
Author: pen37
Fandoms: Supernatural/Smallville
Rating: G

A couple of weeks back, I posted a timestamp meme in which I promised to write 100 words or more of any fic from any point past or future of the events in the fic.

sweeteen_200 challenged me to write a story set three minutes after the events in Crossfire.  This is the result. You can find the rest of the fics here.

Also submitting for the Crossovers100 challenge. Prompt #36 smell. The table is here.

What kind of person orders a pineapple, onion, limburger and anchovy pizza? Michael thought. Gross! He didn't even want to deliver the thing. The whole car smelt like dead fish.

This is why I hate my life.

He followed the directions on the card up to the hotel room and knocked on the door. A short girl with vivid blue hair answered.

And the weird just keeps coming.

“Is that the pizza?” She sniffed at it.

No, I'm part of an elaborate fraternity hazing.

“Whew! That's it, alright.” An evil smile crossed her face as she handed him the money, and a generous tip. “It goes to the boys next door. I'll let you in. Just set it on the dresser, and try not to disturb them.”

Michael shrugged. Ordinarily, he might say something, but a hundred dollar tip was a hundred dollar tip.

He wasn't expecting to see a couple of guys locked in an embrace. The shorter one had his head buried in the crook of the taller one's neck.

“Hey man, help us out!” the shorter one called out.

Michael set the stinky pizza on the desk next to the bottle of acetone.

“Dude, I don't swing that way. . . not that there's anything wrong with that. I don't judge.”

He backed out of the room, and quickly shut the door.

“Wait!” he could hear the taller guy's muffled shout as he turned, and ran. Blue-haired chicks. Being hit on. This is why I hate delivering to hotels.

special projects, crossovers_100, dean, smallville, supernatural, chloe, sam

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