
Feb 04, 2010 15:09

☪ Premise!

Paradise Lost, the game is set in a world that is ever growing and expanding. First this world was nothing but darkness, then light shed lines between the shadows, and from those shadows grew grass and from that grass rose flowers, trees and people became here. They became from many other worlds, to fill this adaptation of Genesis - they became here from other paradises that were lost. Lost in a sense that they became unbalanced by the dark and light of each respected world. Too much corruption, too much good, neither world can have too much of either without the scale of their balance of light and darkness tipping.

When the balance is off, those worlds begin to look within themselves, perhaps it was the nature's fault, or perhaps the stormy weather? Such is sent Paradise's way. Plants, animals, even people. They became into Paradise for reasons unexplained to them, and whence their home-world filters through the unbalanced, they will be sent home again within a vanishing unexplained yet again. They will not recall their time spent in Paradise, once they go home, however if they are to return again - they might recall their brief visit (this is depending if the same dropped character's mun returns with them some time later, even then it is optional to have your character recall their last visit here.) or they will see Paradise anew.

As your character might find out through other characters of the same fandom, they would be told that they had never left their home world. This is true, for it is not completely themselves as they are here, but a completion of what you might say a mirror of themselves. Feelings, physical features, past, history, and all that makes the character is the same from where they come from. But simply, how can it be explained how one can be both in Paradise and in their home world? It is because Paradise is sent this character, in a mirror image of what remains in the home world. This way it is easy to understand that one will not truly ever depart from where they are created. That, if any, might give the character a sense of relief do to their importance of stature within their own world. If they are a king - they remained to continue to rule their kingdom, if they are a servant, they have remained to serve, and thus. For Paradise does not just accept from one's timeline, but from many.

Your character has come to Paradise to both right whatever unbalance was in their world and to the balance disturbed within Paradise. As it is clear to the eye, this world is highly unbalanced. With each right, accomplishment and successful turn brings about "world changing" statuses on Paradise. Which means, cleaner air, better water, perhaps better food, plentiful crops, even better means for entertainment. But each world change only comes after events. Events within the game that the characters have option (and are encouraged) to participate. These events might even have some relation with the character's home world, as stated, the people are not the only ones that come in mirror image but rules, troubles, fiends and principles as well.

What does this mean, Paradise channels other world's attributes and takes what those other worlds send its way. Paradise's purpose is to help the conflicted and balance the unbalanced. Things that need to be resolved, things that need to be stopped, or even things that need to be started. For an example, think of a natural disaster from your character's world, that disaster might show up as an event for Paradise so that your character, as well as other characters, can work together to defeat this tyrant of chaos. Be it fiend, disease, ailments even can come - thus the Clinic will come with antidotes for such diseases and ailments, but they will provide it quicker with the knowledge of these problems. Can your character provide a suggestion for the ailment of sleep, blindness, mute, and so on? With the more your character can share with the Clinic, or NPC that will be requesting information, the quicker Paradise's Clinic can provide help. The same with fiends that might appear in Paradise, if the monster is from your character's home world, then they might know best how to defeat it and spread the news.

What is the purpose, Paradise hoards that which is Lost, it obtains - it finds, and it protects. If lost, all is disarray and Paradise will suffer. This will be left as it is, for saying anymore will surely spoil what you will eventually come to know.

The city of Paradise is ruled by the Regent and looked over by Lady Heather whom has a mysterious connection to all the worlds.

The Darkness and the Light are heavy elements within this game which will come to play in between the events and further into the game's story. So far there is mention of a "dark flicker" that comes to the corner of your character's eye that will move shadows, play with the imagination, might even have your characters seeing something or someone of some familiarity to them, however, when they turn to look at it fully it will vanish. Leaving them to believe they must have been seeing things, but a weird since of Déjà vu will often accompany this flicker. Something felt, seen, done - perhaps - already.

The Light has yet come to manifest in such a way, that is terrible noticeable.

☪ Nagivation

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