☪ Questions & answers
• Where are we? You're stuck in the city of Paradise. Might be good ol' Earth, might not, but definitely not anyplace pleasant.
• Can we leave? You're allowed to leave the city whenever you please. At your own danger, of course. There are all sorts of things outside the wall that would just love to have you for supper. But as for the world itself, no, tough luck.
• How did we get here? Well, it's best that you don't know right now. Your brain might not be able to handle it. Just "take it on faith" for now.
• Where can we live? Check the
map. But you're responsible for your own care, it's every pup for himself around here.
• Can we buy things at the stores? Sure, provided you have something to trade. Paradise isn't that far along to have a money system yet - that may come in time - so for now, it's whatever you can scrounge or have already that will suffice to barter with.
• Okay, how does that work? The shopkeepers will post advertisements every now and then about stuff they have for sale. If you want it, let them know and they'll ask what you have to trade for it. You're welcome to find stuff inside the city as well and take it to see what you can trade for it, if you want. Larger items, like furniture, are extremely rare and a bit expensive, so pay close watch to what's in the shops.
• Can we buy food? Yes. The
Hydroponics Hamlet provides monthly rationing to the citizens. They also have seeds, if you'd rather grow your own. It just depends on what's available.
→ Questions about the store can be placed
• Can we hunt on our own for meat? If you're brave enough to venture outside the wall, sure. There are a few edible animals wandering here and there, but most of them have teeth and claws and really aren't keen on parting with their skin, so use caution.
• Can we bring pets with us? Unfortunately, no. The one bringing you here has no use for pets, but there will be pets available every so often. Like all goods, they must be bartered for, and Georgie is quite stingy about who his babies go home with. Also, think carefully before you take one, because the city will be watching how you care for it, and if you neglect it, it'll be taken from you. All life is precious here in Paradise.
• Well, then can we find baby pets outside and bring them in? It only comes inside the wall - with someone from the city - if it is dead.
• Can we reserve and app child characters? We won't disallow it, but please be mindful of the environment in which you're putting said character. This isn't a friendly place for someone who can't take care of him/herself, so think it through before you decide to reserve one.
• Can my female character get pregnant? Nope, sorry. There's something in the cocktail of immunizations that the doctors administer that prevents pregnancy. No one is born here. Everyone has been brought from another world to this one. And really, this isn't a great world to bring newborn babies, anyway.
• We can have OC's. What about AU's? That's a bit more touchy than an OC. Best case scenario, talk it over with a mod. But we will say that as long as the personality of the character remains within reason to the canon, that's acceptable, and the history can change as it likes. Example: Don't bring an AU Cloud Strife and give him the exact same personality as Zack Fair.
• How can I contact a moderator? The email address for the Moderators of Paradise is paradiselostmods [at] gmail [dot] com. Feel free to email any questions or concerns you might have.
• So, these little NOC things are pretty important, right? Very. It's your lifeline, so keep it with you and make sure it's in pretty good shape. You'll get fresh batteries for it every month at the "
Hamlet Hand-Out", so be sure to be there during the appointed time.
• Can our characters get jobs? Sure! Jobs will be advertised as they are available, or your character can apply as they like. If a position is needed, the shopkeeper will evaluate it and let your character know. You may also apply for "government" positions, like the Paradise Force Division or to work at the Water Treatment Plant.
• So, what about that "little dark flicker" thing? A shadow watching you for that Darkness that dare not fully invade Paradise City for the protection that is over it due to the Regent and Lady Heather's ever important statuses.
Have a question not listed? Leave a comment and ask it! Or you may email the mods at
paradiselostmods@gmail.com. We'll get it answered and posted as soon as possible!
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