Self-Evaluation Forms

Nov 11, 2009 10:55

Here they are. Fill them out, return them to me, I'll file them ( Read more... )

rube likes paperwork, self-evaluation time!

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Comments 35

swing never misses an opportunity to bitch, so he's not fussed about 'confidential' pleasesmirk November 11 2009, 12:08:15 UTC
Name: Captain Findthee Swing
Warden’s Name: The Doctor (the-one-with-the-scarf)

1. How long have you been here? Nearly three months.
2. Do you believe you belong here? No.
3. If you were a color, what color would you be, and why? Orange.
4. How many wardens have you had? Two.
5. Describe your average day aboard the Barge. It mainly involves either reading or writing, as there’s some fascinating books in the library, the occasional game of Risk, and I normally end up seeing The Doctor or Sirrus . That is, of course, when this place isn’t falling into ruin ( ... )


1/2 centermusthold November 11 2009, 15:26:33 UTC
Warden Self-Evaluation Form

Name: Dr. Temperance Brennan of the Jeffersonian Institute
Inmate's Name: Dr. Regalia Mason (former)

1. How long have you been here? 1 month, tomorrow.

2. What skills do you bring to your organization? If "organization" refers to the Jeffersonian, I have a doctorate in forensic anthropology, a genius-level I.Q., extensive training and years of experience both in the lab and in the field, firearms training, and a good working relationship with the FBI. If, on the other hand, "organization" refers to this establishment, I can't say I have any qualifications to work here.

3. If you were a color, what color would you be, and why? I'm not a color.

4. How many inmates have you had? One.

5. Describe your average day aboard the Barge. I usually wake up at 6:30am - 7am on Saturdays - and have coffee and eggs for breakfast. I spend a few hours in the library reading or doing research, and sometimes I work on the book I'm supposed to be writing. I most often have lunch at approximately 12:30, after which I'll ( ... )


2/2 centermusthold November 11 2009, 15:27:35 UTC
Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Your inmate has created a weapon. Do you:
a. Allow them to keep it.
b. Confiscate the weapon without comment.
c. Confiscate the weapon and assign punishment.

That would depend on the weapon, who the inmate was, how the weapon was created, and various other factors.

2. Of the choices, which would you prefer for your employment?
a. Lifeguard
b. Law enforcement
c. Computer Technician
d. Sanitation Worker

I'd prefer to be a forensic anthropologist, but if I had to choose between those I'd pick law enforcement.

3. If you could have one of the following historical figures for an inmate, which would you choose, based on their likelihood for redemption? Please research your answer.
a. John Wilkes Booth
b. Rasputin
c. Jeffrey Dahmer
d. Judas

Rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being “Poor” and 10 being “Excellent”.

1. Your inmate’s behavior. 9, when she was speaking with me. I don't know what she did when I wasn't around.
2. Your effectiveness as a warden. 5 or 6 5.5
3. Your inmate’s hygiene ( ... )


Confidential -- Viewable by Rube and Henry West Only gimmethemap November 11 2009, 15:26:46 UTC
Warden Self-Evaluation Form ( ... )


Private to Rube only i_hate_posses November 11 2009, 16:34:08 UTC
Inmate Self-Evaluation Form

Name: Charlie Prince
Warden’s Name: Don't much matter; ain't gonna stick around

1. How long have you been here? How long you figure?
2. Do you believe you belong here? Well, I sure as hell don't belong in no church or anywhere with decent men, now do I?
3. If you were a color, what color would you be, and why? What the hell kind of question is this? It ain't worth shit.
4. How many wardens have you had?Besides you? Depends how long they have to stay for me to count 'em.
5. Describe your average day aboard the Barge. What's it to you?
6. What job has your warden assigned to you? I don't need no damn job from a warden.
7. What was your initial reaction upon meeting your warden? This one? After all the others, I don't much care anymore.
8. What are your hobbies?
9. In one word, how would you describe your warden? Stupid as shit.
10. What is the most important rule to follow, as an inmate? Don't answer stupid questions with honest answers.
11. What is your ideal holiday destination? Nowhere 'round here.
12. ( ... )


Probably didn't even stick it in an envelope, just left it out soundof_drums November 11 2009, 16:50:18 UTC
Inmate Self-Evaluation Form

Name: The Master
Warden’s Name: Tom Jackman

1. How long have you been here? Two years and two months.
2. Do you believe you belong here? I am here to tend to my flock.
3. If you were a color, what color would you be, and why? White-- because it is unblemished.
4. How many wardens have you had? Eight. I wonder why that is.
5. Describe your average day aboard the Barge. None of your business.
6. What job has your warden assigned to you? None. I am busy enough rewarding the faith of others.
7. What was your initial reaction upon meeting your warden? He had terrible hair.
8. What are your hobbies? Feeding the poor. Charity.
9. In one word, how would you describe your warden? Careless.
10. What is the most important rule to follow, as an inmate? That's a secret.
11. What is your ideal holiday destination? Tokyo.
12. What is the worst moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge? Bearing witness to the persecution my dear friend Judas is facing for merely having faith in me.
13. What is the best moment you’ve ( ... )


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