comment fic meme

Aug 01, 2012 23:53

It's that time again!



→ Leave a comment here with your fic and/or art prompt. This is a Sam-focused hurt/comfort community, so Sam should be the one in the hurt/comforted role. Your prompts may involve sick!Sam, hurt!Sam, angsty!Sam, basically anything that results in Sam being on the receiving end of hurt/comfort. (No rules against whumping other characters as well, of course, but you have to whump Sam first. ;) )
→ In your prompt, please state your desired characters or pairings and medium (fic or art). All genres/pairings welcome, but no real-person (RPF) prompts.

Example A: “Sam, Dean, gen, set in season 2. Sam has a vision and passes out. Cue caring!Dean and limp!Sam.”
Example B: “Sam/Dean, trauma. Sam is injured on a hunt, Dean freaks out when he thinks Sam might be dead.”
→ Post as many prompts as you like - but one prompt per comment. If you've got a couple, comment with each separately.
→ Prompts can be as short or detailed as you like. Remember though - more detail means less wriggle room for the writer, which might lower the chances of someone picking up your prompt.
→ Go through the prompts! If you find one you like, write a fic or create some art for it. There's no limit to how many users can reply to a prompt, or how many prompts someone can create for.
→ When replying to a prompt with your comment-fic or art, put ‘filled’ in your subject line and then anything else you want, like a title if you have one/part numbers. It’s not a big deal if you forget this step, but it will make it easier for people to find your fic. As subject lines are no more, please begin your fills with the word FILLED and a TITLE in BOLD - the first box on this page shows you how to position the bold tag for proper results.
→ If you notice that your submission is not on the master list after a decent amount of time (say, two days), please poke me in a PM. I might have missed it.
→ Please remember, if your fic/art includes potential triggers (non/dub-con, abuse, self-harm, etc.) please grey out your text using the following code and put a warning before.


→ Anon posting enabled.
→ Play nice - no flaming and no character bashing, period. Any comments that break this rule will be deleted without warning.
→ Feedback is catnip for creators. Leave some love!
→ No spam comments.
→ Contact one of the mods if you have a question.
→ Spread the Sam love - pimp this meme!
→ Have fun!

NEW NOTE: Please feed the artists! Many members of this community are fantastic artists! Leave an art prompt to tickle their muses!

As always feel free to poke me or the wonderful ratherastory if you have any questions.

Master List

Untitled by electricmonk333
Sam's depressed after he finds out he's Lucifer vessel. During Dean's time in the future. Sam decides to test Lucifer's theory and see if he really will bring him back, but the angels find him first and refuse for the 'tainted one' to complete such a sinful action. Once Dean comes back and tries to call Sam, Sam doesn't answer.

Humpty Dumpty by cherry916
Wincest. Sam doesn't like to be touched after the Wall comes down. He's flinchy and wary and much more comfortable not around people than he is with them. Dean is the obvious exception.

Untitled by jasmineisland
Dean and Castiel have a bond, no question and they're becoming good friends and Dean is coming to depend more and more and Castiel on hunts. Sam however, is feeling more and more isolated and lonely because all of a sudden, Dean doesn't seem to trust him or his opinion. No matter what, Dean wants to check things with Castiel and Sam's becoming more and more depressed that an angel has replaced him as Dean's hunting partner and and he begins to drink. He tries to keep it hidden but Dean figures it out.

Happy Birthday, Baby by verucasalt123
Birthday's weren't an occasion for celebration in the Winchester house, and neither boy complained. But for Dean's 16th birthday, he got the Impala. For Dean's 17th, he got a really nice rifle he'd been looking at, again off hunting with John. [...] And when Sam does something stupid, crazy, (again, author's choice- trouble with cops, maybe hurt) that requires John's attention, this person reminds John that it is Sam's birthday, and since John has chosen to celebrate Dean's and not Sam's he's lucky whatever Sam did is all he did.

A Big Deal by verucasalt123
Sam is hunting with John and Dean when he gets scratched. It's nothing serious and Sam doesn't even bother telling his brother and father that it even happened, he just ignores it and drives on, but he picks up a nasty case of MRSA from his scratch and he doesn't realize how sick he is until Dean notices how feverish he is.

Alive by purple-carpets
An early hunt, Sam's 15 or 16, Sam gets the brunt of a slashing attack. (No one did anything wrong or stupid, but the critter got the jump on all of them.) Back at the motel, Sam needs to be stitched up but John's right hand has been injured - Dean has to do the stitches. It's the first time Dean has to stitch Sam up. It's okay if Sam passes out, but he should be awake for at least the beginning of the procedure.

Nothing Like a Handful of Dean to Make the Hurt Go Away by cherry916
Sam gets choked. A lot. What's the best homemade remedy he or Dean has devised to deal with those abrasions?

Square Knots by sweatyadonis
John and Dean wake up from their latest hunt in their motel room's to find their various injuries patched up after collapsing/passing out after a hard hunt. They discover Sam in the bathroom, where he got halfway through patching himself up before passing out.

Prayer Bundles by quickreaver
Sam and Dean settled, damaged but living a life, and I want Sam to suffer a completely normal loss: the (ordinary, not supernatural, non-violent) death of a loved pet. And it affects Sam a lot more than you might expect, maybe because there have been so many other losses that he never really had time to process. Dean is awesome and comforting in his own prickly, Dean way; some of the isolation from each other they've undergone in earlier, larger losses gets healed.

tonight i'll be staying here with you by 27-jaredjensen
Sam doesn't like to be touched after the Wall comes down. He's flinchy and wary and much more comfortable not around people than he is with them. Dean is the obvious exception.

Across the Threshold by weesta
Okay, so I'd love to see a teenage!Sam (like, sixteen or seventeen) passing out at school - particularly if it's something that requires hospitalisation OR if he's delirious and keeps asking for Dean but the nurse/admin people are having trouble contacting both Dean and John.

Lay This Body Anywhere by monicawoe
Post S7/Pre-S8: Sam finds out he can use his powers to bust Dean and Cas out of purgatory. He falls off the demon blood wagon. He tries to break them out, but it's a huuuuuge strain and he can only manage to grab Dean, and maybe the effort scrambles Sam's eggs a little, and he wasn't doing so hot with his magic mental health cure locked in Purgatory anyway. So basically, Dean comes back from Purgatory (in whatever state of wear you see fit) to a twitchy, hallucinating, migraine-plagued, babbling mess of a reluctant demon blood junkie.

Do These Pants Make Me Look Fat by verucasalt123
A curse of a different kind. As we know Dean shooting his mouth off can get them both in trouble. This time Sam cops it instead of Dean. Dean gets his Sam(antha) with full blown PMS. She feels like utter crap, cramps, aches, pains, the whole nine yards. So Dean being the awesome brother that he is, even if it squicks him, chick flicks, girly supply run; I'll leave that up to the author, every sweet she could want, all the while trying to either hunt down the witch or find a spell to rectify Sam's condition.

Bother by jacyevans
Ruby may be plotting to bring on the apocalypse, but she still has to look after her Champion, Sam. A tender moment when she helps him stitch or clean a hard-to-reach spot. Is she faking it or not?

Untitled by skylinehorizon
"Hello, Cruel World" missing scene: It takes A LOT for the Winchesters to cave and call an ambulance for themselves. With his leg shattered and Sam unresponsive and bleeding from his ears, Dean didn't hesitate to make the call. But it still took a few minutes for the ambulance to get there and in that few minutes, Dean didn't have much to do but panic and keep trying to get through to his barely-with-it, seizing little brother.

At the Beep by annonwrite
So remember mercury thermometers? They may have been filled with evil mercury, but they actually worked reliably until and unless the glass broke. The new digital ones, not so much! And even if they work right when new, they can go off after just a few months. So Sam feels really crummy. Like, can barely make it to the bathroom without collapsing. Checks his temperature. 99.1. Dean says or he says to himself something like: "Come on, that's a wimp fever. Suck it up." Finally Dean thinks to check the thermometer against himself, and it's actually reading pretty damned low. Guess Sam's not just a wimp.

Heavy Hitter by cherry916
Sam gets hurt during one of the "easy" parts of hunting. Dean makes fun of him a little, because really, Sam? But then he takes awesome care of him.

Teething by weesta
Sam's teething and the only thing that makes him stop wailing is to suck on his big brother's fingers. At first Dean is grossed out, I mean ewww baby slobber but than Dean is happy to oblige, if only to make Sammy stop crying.

Breaking the Cycle by jennytork
Suppose, when Dean prayed for help while Sam was detoxing in 5.14, he got Michael. And, in his despair, he said Yes. Suppose Michael put Bobby and pretty-much-human-at-that-point Cas away somewhere safe, because he's willing to be generous to his vessel. That generosity doesn't exactly extend to Lucifer's true vessel, of course. So Sam's in the panic room and no one knows he's there. For as long as it takes Michael to end the apocalypse. As long as Lucifer's alive, he'll bring Sam back if he dies. If he dies of the detox. And wakes up in the panic room. Or dies of thirst and starvation. And wakes up in the panic room. Or finds a way to kill himself. And wakes up in the panic room. Eventually Michael kills Nickifer and lets Dean go, intact, as he promised. Luckily Dean finds Sam mid-cycle, before he has time to die with no Lucifer to revive him. Or maybe not so luckily, given what Sam might be like by then.

Time is Relative by summerholt
[prompt same as above]

Pulse by tattooeddevil
Alternative to 2X21. Sam doesn't die, at least not right away (or preferably not at all). Dean in the backseat, holding Sam and begging him to hold on.

Untitled by tarotgal
The Impala breaks down one night, and Sam and Dean get caught out in the rain trying to fix it on the side of the road, which really sucks when Sam’s been coming down sick.

Point Blank by tarotgal
TW: non-con (possibly), child abuse Sam's been acting jittery the last few times the boys have visited Bobby. He shuns from touches instead of embracing them like he did a few years earlier, and Bobby can't help but notice how quickly Sam's ten-year-old shoulders tense the fuck up whenever John is in the room. Bobby ends up gently confronting Sam about it, and after much prodding, Sam admits to John abusing him in the worst ways possible. Cue Bobby with a shotgun and a threat that if John ever comes within eyesight of him or Sam ever again, he won't hesitate to put a bullet into his head. Bonus points for guilty-Dean for not knowing what was going on, but staying with Sam and Bobby instead of following his father out the door.
Untitled by mentholpixie
Apocalyptic curtain!fic AU (is that a thing? If it's not, it is now). Sam and Dean survive whatever apocalypse you feel like throwing at them. [...] And then Sam gets sick. Really sick. And sure, there's a doctor or nurse or someone who was some kind of medical professional back before everything went to hell, but there's only so much he or she can do without proper facilities and equipment. Whatever the problem is, it's in Sam's heart or lungs. The doctor has a few theories, but none of them bode well in this new world without hospitals, x-rays, ORs and endless antibiotics. He's weak, prone to dizziness and shortness of breath. Maybe later there's a terrible cough. Whatever it is, it's more than just the flu or a chest cold. It takes hold and lingers for months and Sam ends up bedridden. Despite being in pretty amazing denial about the whole thing, Dean takes care of Sam, tries to keep his spirits up, maybe bundles him up and takes him outside when they're feeling adventurous but mostly, Dean helplessly watches him deteriorate due to something that was probably perfectly fixable back before the world ended.

Ashes, Ashes by ladybastet92
[prompt same as above]

Grace Period by rokhal
Sam get's turned into a dog sometime during or post season 7. He gets separated from Dean somehow, and like all stray dogs, is put in a kennel. And with memories of Hell already rattling around in his brain? Being literally collared and chained probably doesn't do him any favors.

Web MD by verucasalt123
Sam is sick. Cas really wants to take care of him, but he's a little confused about the whole thing and doesn't quite understand that Sam would just like to curl up in bed and cuddle with Cas and sleep for ten years, and not take medicine every x hours/get him temperature taken/breathe in steam/whatever else Cas found on the internet that's supposed to help.

follow me down the streams of sweat on your body by 27-jaredjensen
(Sam/Dean) Worried!Dean wants to figure out how high ill!Sammy's fever is, but all they have is a strip thermometer. Dean holds it to Sam's forehead but misreads the instructions and thinks he has to hold it there for 15 minutes instead of 15 seconds. So he sits there, soooooo close to Sammy. And, well, stuff happens. Maybe Sam knows it's supposed to be 15 seconds and doesn't bother setting Dean straight. Bonus points for Dean actually making it through the full 15 minutes.

Dangerous Game by leah-elisabeth
An ardent fan of the Supernatural books just loves to write fanfiction and she loves whumping Sam the most. Unfortunately, she's a terrible writer and no one reads her stuff so she makes a wish ( or casts a spell, or sees a hoodoo priestess .... whatever) that she could be a better writer and make her stories 'come to life'. Suddenly she starts writing the best hurt!Sam stories ever and she's got him sick and severely injured all of the time. She finally starts to get some readers that love her stories, so she writes more and more. In the mean time, the real Sam has no idea how or why he's getting sick and injured so much the last few weeks [...]

Knocking on Death's Door by dark-shadow85
Sam's depressed after he finds out he's Lucifer vessel. During Dean's time in the future. Sam decides to test Lucifer's theory and see if he really will bring him back, but the angels find him first and refuse for the 'tainted one' to complete such a sinful action. Once Dean comes back and tries to call Sam, Sam doesn't answer.

The Hours by kettle-o-fish
I had the pleasure of working on a musical called Floyd Collins this summer, and it's about a man who gets caught in - and dies in - a cave alone in 1920's Kentucky. It's a true story, which makes it worse when you learn that the man's brother crawled down under to him and stayed with him all night at first, and even though he couldn't get all the way through to him, he kept his hand on his brother's shoulder to keep him calm and got him through the night. I'd really love to see a modern rendition of this with Sam and Dean, especially since Sam wouldn't be doing okay in a small, enclosed space nowadays. With Dean climbing in there despite the authorities, distracting Sam by reminding him of happier memories, and staying with him through the night. I'd prefer if, unlike Floyd, Sam actually survives, but go where the wind takes you!

Hay Fever by anonymous
[art fill] Sam and Dean have to go undercover as farmhands. Sam has terrible hay fever.

i won't let you give up on a miracle by theangel-ahead
[read warnings at post] Due to some prior injury, Sam's left with disfiguring scar. He stays mostly secluded and is more or less content with that, content to let Dean do the socializing necessary to keep them fed and housed. But, Dean's come down with a nasty fever and there's nothing in the house to help - Sam's packed him in ice, cold baths, alcohol rubs, everything. He has to brave town to get meds for Dean.

Absence of Consent by jasmineisland
[warning for non-con] Under the influence of the love potion, Sam DID have sex with Becky. When he remembers, he blurts it out to Dean... who, being the insensitive, chauvanistic, dick of a brother he can be, mocks him. How does Sam deal with his brother's reaction? What about the emotional fallout of realizing he's a rape victim? Does Dean come to realize what a complete asshat he was, or does he remain ignorant? Of course, if you want to take this in a different direction, go wherever the muse takes you. You can even use another POV. All I want is a look at Sam's thoughts and emotions.

Stuck by leah-elisabeth
Sam wakes up to find himself locked up and sealed inside a very small chamber (what kind of chamber and how he got there is up to the author) He has no idea how he got there, where Dean is, or how he's going to get out. All he does know is that is getting hotter and hotter in there and he's quickly running out of air.

This Train Carries Lost Souls by madame-naan
gen, most likely a curtain-fic but it doesn't have to be. sam's having a hell thing and he needs to be left alone and untouched for a while, which is normally fine, he gets like this sometimes, except right now he has this hideous chest cold that's probably turning into something worse and it's scaring the shit out of both of them, but sam CAN'T be touched or moved or pretty much anything-ed right now.

What Comes Is Better (than what came before) by downjune
Always a Girl!Sam/Dean -- Sex to relieve cramps. Seriously, the messier the better.

Artemis by 27-jaredjensen
Sam/Dean: Sam and Dean settled, damaged but living a life, and I want Sam to suffer a completely normal loss: the (ordinary, not supernatural, non-violent) death of a loved pet. And it affects Sam a lot more than you might expect, maybe because there have been so many other losses that he never really had time to process. Dean is awesome and comforting in his own prickly, Dean way; some of the isolation from each other they've undergone in earlier, larger losses gets healed.

Bond of Brothers by ephiny1163
Early Season 5. Gen. Everyone knows about the Winchester boys co-dependent bond. Especially hunters. Sam has been sent to do pick up duty for food and supplies. Sam knows that it's because Dean can't really trust him anymore, with letting Lucifer out an all, despite how much it breaks his heart he understands so when Cas shows up to discuss business, Sam knows where he has to be. Except a pair of hunters have been watching the Winchesters for weeks, waiting for the time that they can get Sam alone. They know he's involved in something but they never imagined that Sam's bond with Dean, even when taken can prove useful for Dean getting him back. Basically I'd like to explore the idea that Sam and Dean are bonded so much that Dean can sense when Sam is hurt or where he is, to get to Sam.

to soothe the pain of wasted years by nblaque-impala
From Season 1, Missy Bender spent a long, long, long time in mental hospital after mental hospital and it's been almost 8/10 years since Dean took her family away from her. When she finally gets out she goes looking for revenge on Dean's only remaining family, Sam. Gen preferred but will take slash as well.

The nuanced approach to giving Sammy shit; or, The things Dean does to make his brother happy. by badbastion [with NSWF art!)
Sam/Dean. Sam has a cold and he is the most miserable person in the world. They still have a job to do and Dean can’t do much to make him feel better except, you know, shower!fever!sex

The Man With No Name by madame-naan
Any season or AU, Gen.
I was watching an old clip from ER. Cue obvious prompt about a traumatized, unresponsive Sam being wheeled in / carried in and Compassionate Yet Somewhat Jaded Medical Staff Members trying to work out what's wrong with him. Except on this occasion, the problem is not so much physical (or not just physical). Could be PTSD, Post-Wall, a case-related breakdown, shock... Either way, Sam is alone, no ID, not communicating, something is very wrong, and they try to figure it out. Or, you know, they just hold his giant hand and comfort him, that works, too. Doesn't need to be an actual crossover, of course; any ER/clinic will do. Just give me broken Sam being treated nicely for once and I'm a happy camper.

Rolling the Dice by snarkymuch
How many times does someone have to hear that they're worthless before they start to believe it? Perhaps there's some suicidal ideation there, or Sam simply throws himself in front of his father/brother when a monster attacks because he thinks he's worth less. What I would like was an injured Sam, with his father and brother slowly realizing how little he thinks of himself.

Closed Curtains by mollrach13
I would love to see a fic where Sam/Dean/Cas are in a threesome relationship, but lately Sam starts to feel left out. Dean and Cas are oblivious to Sam's loneliness. Sam tries to get the attention he craves from the two people he loves, but to no avail. The final straw comes when Dean and Cas do something really inconsiderate, like forget Sam's birthday, or exclude him completely from intimacy. Its when Sam is at his lowest that something bad happens. ANGST and GUILTY!Dean and Cas are the absolute must, just put Sam through emotional turmoil!

It's Just You and I, My Friend by madame-naan
Every time I watch "Dream a Little Dream of Me" I want Dean to yell at dopplegangerDean that he doesn't just take care of Sam because he has to, but because he loves his sam, damn it. So can I maybe have something shortly after John died where Sam tries to gently let Dean know that he's no longer obligated to take care of him, that now that John's dead he's released from that burden, and Dean going wait WHAT? and probably sam gets sick soon after and they both kind of realize that it's not just habit and it's not just duty that has him watching after sam, it's that he genuinely likes the kid's company and wants him to be okay.

I'll Huff, and I'll Puff, and I'll Blow Your House Down by 27-jaredjensen
7.17 prompt. Gen, please. Did you notice the scene where Lucifer's reading Sam a bedtime story? Between Cas' first attempt to heal Sam and the transfer of crazy? That happened in the cage too. At unpredictable times, cruelty would turn to kindness and Lucifer would comfort Sam like Dean used to when they were kids. At first Sam resisted, but when you've no hope, you take what you can get.

(Art) Gimme Shelter by badbastion
Sam is recovering from a bad hunting injury that landed him in the hospital for two -almost three- weeks. He just got released a few days ago and it would great if he could recover like a normal person, bed bound and doped up on as many happy pills as Dean can get him to take. But they're not normal, so Sam doesn't get to rest up in a comfy warm solace. The boys are forced to keep moving, away from the hospital, away from the police and away from every monster trying to get them on a daily basis. They hit a snow storm, and Dean has no choice but to drag dopey, sleepy (grumpy, lazy, bashful...) Sam out of the car and get them to the nearest motel/any-semi-warm shelter available before his vulnerable little brother can catch pneumonia on top of everything else his body is trying to recover from. Dean is sweet, gentle, and doesn't even make fun of Sam and the ugly ass scarf Dean makes him wear while they head out into the blizzard.

waiting and fading and floating away by 27-jaredjensen
[prompt as above]

R is for Reassurance by tarotgal
So, canonically, Sam has been called OCD (at least I think he has) but he isn't particularly. But. Prompt: he is. As in, full-blown panic attack if things aren't perfect, rituals he MUST follow, all that. Either AU, or it gets triggered by one of the many traumatic things* that have happened to him, unlocking his dormant OCD... Protective, caring Dean please.

Under Pressure by disasterifickaz
Post season 7 with Dean still in purgatory. Sam is working himself into exhaustion. He hasn't had any major injuries, just scratches and bruises, but he hasn't been sleeping very well because of the nightmares and he most certainly hasn't been eating. He stops in at Jody Mills place to see if he could find something in Bobby's books and she is absolutely horrified by the state he is in. Of course, she tries to mother him, but he will have none of it. Finally, she has had enough of his extreme stoicism and either slaps him, or pinches him or snaps him with an elastic band, something completely minor and barely painful at all. It proves to be the final straw for Sam and he collapses, sobbing and cries himself to sleep. Then he wakes up majorly sick. Jody nurses him back to health and even manages to find a few leads on how to get Dean back. If they then work together to get Dean out of purgatory, you would make my life.

&comment-fic meme

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