comment fic meme

Aug 01, 2012 23:53

It's that time again!

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&comment-fic meme

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cherry916 August 4 2012, 01:17:36 UTC
Filled: Heavy Hitter 1/2

“Are you sure you're alright Mr. Bonham?Gracious, I feel so guilty!”

“I'm fine ma’am just a little scrape.” Sam hissed as he pressed the towel against his forehead. Blood quickly soaking it up making him grimace.

It was just his luck that Mrs. Fishburn's doors were so low, I mean she was only 4'11 and lived alone.

“Are you sure sweetie? It's bleeding a lot. I could call an ambulance?” The old lady asked, a furrow amidst her numerous wrinkles on her forehead as she stared up at Sam with wide, imploring eyes.

“No!” Sam yelled than sighed at seeing the old lady flinch. “I mean no I'm fine. I've had much worse I assure you. If there's nothing else you remember about the accident than I guess I'll go.”

“If you're sure.” Mrs. Fishburn said uncertainly. “I still feel awful about it though.”

Sam flashed her a soft smile despite the grimace on his face. “It's alright. I'll call you if I have any follow up questions.”

Sam passed her his card and made sure to duck when he went outside. Boy was Dean going to ( ... )


cherry916 August 4 2012, 01:18:42 UTC
Heavy Hitters 2/2

“I just-oh my god-Sammy you whacked yourself with a-a...” Dean couldn't even get the word out between his raucous laughter.

“Tee hee. Now can I please get some Tylenol and a band-aid because I am tired, my head is hurting and I'd like to go to bed if that's ok with you.”

“Alright, Alright.” Dean pushed himself off the bed, wiping the tears that leaked out when he was having his laughing fit. “You have to admit it's pretty funny.”

Sam just glared at his brother's back as he pulled out the first aid kit.

“I mean you are holding a dish towel with ducks on it.” Dean shook his head, smiling much to Sam's irritation as he popped open the first aid kit and settled down next to Sam ( ... )


greeneyes_fan August 4 2012, 02:50:18 UTC
Aw, poor Sammy. It's such a trial being super-tall!


cherry916 August 4 2012, 06:50:48 UTC
Yes! Poor Sammy it doesn't pay to be tall for him!


(The comment has been removed)

cherry916 August 4 2012, 06:49:16 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you think so. I think in this situation I just had to make it something as ridiculous as ducks.


tarotgal August 6 2012, 17:09:05 UTC
Duck. You're so clever. I loved Dean's reaction and Sam's 'teehee, yes it's ironic. Just fix me up so I can sleep, you ass.'

Poor Sam. Now I need to read a story where his height saves the day ;-)


cherry916 August 6 2012, 19:52:37 UTC
Duck is so clever for besting a Sasquath. I commend it.

And Yes! His height will save the day! But right now, it's not his saving grace lol


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