Fic: Well Maybe What You Want is Right Here 19/?

May 05, 2015 19:25

Title: Well Maybe What You Want is Right Here 19/?
Pairing: Arizona/Callie
Rating: M
Summary: Sometimes we don't realize what we want until we just know. And sometimes we realize that certain things are worth fighting for. Starts a day or two after the scene in 11x08. Timeline may not be perfectly canon.

Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

A/N: This chapter was a lot easier to picture in my head than it was to get down in words -- but I hope it lives up to expectations, because I had a lot of fun with it :)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18


It's Friday morning, and it's early, and I'm standing outside the jewelry store waiting for it to open so I can pick up our rings and hurry back to the hospital to remove a very big hernia from a very tiny baby. I glance at the hours posted on the window and then down at my watch for the third time, watching the second hand move as I bounce a little anxiously.

Callie doesn't actually know I picked out new rings for us. We hadn't talked about it, but I took it upon myself to make the decision for both our sakes. I know she would never say it, but she saw my wedding ring pinned to Lauren Boswell and I know that image has to be burned into her mind; it would be for me. That moment was the beginning of our unraveling and she doesn't deserve to have that memory forced upon her every time she looks at my hand. And I think we just need new rings for a new start, too. We deserve them. It's symbolic of everything we've come through to get to this point.

The rings I'd picked out yesterday were simple bands; white gold with a small diamond adorning each. They're similar to our original pair in style, but different enough to be noticeable to at least ourselves. I'd had them both engraved on the inside this time with one simple word.


Because what Callie had said yesterday was true. From the minute I'd fallen in love with her, she had been my home. The times we were broken up, when we were divorced -- it never changed that feeling for me. It's always been her. Sofia is my heart, but Calliope is my home.

My whole life, I never felt like I belonged anywhere. As a kid we moved around so much that all I had was my family and a small scattering of friends across the country; never a home town, never a childhood home I could truly call my own. My brother used to be the closest thing that felt like home, but when I lost him it felt like I was adrift again. For a long time I had work, and research, and relationships that I could never fully commit to...until I met her. And never had I experienced such a strong feeling of finally belonging somewhere.

Belonging with someone. It was a feeling I treasured with every fibre of my being.

My thoughts are suddenly broken by the woman opening the door to the shop, and she greets me with a smile as she motions me in.

"You look like you're thinking about someone special. You were in yesterday, right? I had a custom order for you."

Smiling over the fact that she remembers me so well, I follow her to the counter at the back of the store.

"You're right, on both counts. I'm here to pick up the wedding bands for my fiancée and I."

"Well, that certainly is something to be smiling about."

She finds the order and pulls the rings out, opening the small box to reveal the sparkling metal. The rings are perfect, so I pay the second half left after the deposit I gave yesterday and tuck them safely into my bag, heading back out and down to my car. I glance at my watch, knowing Calliope will be on her way to preschool right now with Sofia. She's picking the girl back up at two o'clock, then they’ll go home to get ready and come meet me when I'm done at three.

I cannot wait.


The day passes quickly enough, all considering. My two surgeries go well, and my patients on the Peds floor are all stable and doing well when I round on them after lunch. Alex lets it slip about the wedding happening later, and I start getting enthusiastic squeals from all the little girls on the floor, and well wishes from all the parents. I'm pretty sure I walk around all day with a giant, stupid grin on my face - but I don’t even care, because that’s how I feel.

Right on time at three o'clock, Callie meets me in the lobby with an equally goofy grin on her face, and a bouncing little girl by her side.


She breathes out the word as I turn around, and her eyes light up as she sweeps them up the length of my body, bringing a faint blush to my cheeks. The dress I'd chosen was a rich, royal blue; a silky material that started in a halter top, and flowed out to a modest a-line skirt just below my knees. It was classy, but not terribly fancy, and it was one of Calliope’s favourite colours on me. I had been nervous about it all morning.

"You look..."

"Mama is so pretty!"

I grin at Callie as she’s interrupted and redirect my eyes down to the little girl now between us.

"Sof, you stole my line,” Callie laughs and takes a step closer, cupping my cheek to tilt my face back up to her.

"You are stunning."

She captures my lips softly and I sigh into her kiss, sliding a hand along the side of her neck as I deepen it for a brief moment. Pulling back, I let my own eyes sweep over her again. She looks incredible in the emerald green colour she'd chosen.

"So are you. You look beautiful, Calliope."

I look down again then, grinning widely at our daughter all made up in a fancy little dress of her own, a sparkly bow adorning the braided crown I'd done this morning.

"And so do you, my little princess!"

I take her hand and twirl her like a ballerina, soft purple tulle swishing around her small form as she giggles happily.

"My girls are the prettiest girls in the world."

"Mommy and I left school yesterday to go shoppin'," she beams up at me, swishing her skirt around some more.


I look up with a raised eyebrow as the other woman laughs.

"Secret shopping, remember?"

Sofia gives her an adorable sheepish look.


The look on both their faces just makes me giggle, and I take Sofia's hand, wrapping my other arm loosely around Callie's waist as we head outside.

"It's okay. That's sanctioned skipping of school. It's a special occasion."

I look down as Sofia happily hums in agreement.

"We’re getting married, Mama."

I help her into the car and glance up to catch Callie giving me an adoring look.

"Yes we are."


Half an hour later we're standing in a small, simple room at the courthouse, Sofia between us attentively watching the justice of the peace as she goes through the lines she's obviously recited many times before.

"Do you, Calliope Torres, take Arizona Robbins to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

Callie's reply is immediate and confident, her eyes meeting mine as she smiles warmly. I twine my fingers tighter around hers and I feel my own smile broaden.

"And do you, Arizona Robbins, take Calliope Torres to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

The female justice smiles, turning two sets of papers around to face us on the large oak desk.

"If you'd like to exchange any tokens you can do so now, and then you can each sign here."

Callie starts to turn toward the desk, but I stop her with a hand on her forearm, reaching down into my purse on the chair to retrieve the small ring box I'd picked up earlier this morning.

She's visibly surprised, and when I open it, her eyes widen even more as she looks at me.

"I didn't know you..."

I pull out her ring, carefully taking her left hand and sliding it on.

"I did. I love you, Calliope."

The still stunned look on her face is enough to make my heart flutter, and she smiles with delight as she takes the second ring from the box, lifting my hand and gently slipping it over my finger.

"I love you, Arizona. So much."

We take the pens offered in front of us and sign the official paperwork, the justice swapping the copies between us and then turning them to herself and signing both with a hasty scrawl. The court-appointed witness steps over and signs as well, and then the justice takes them back to stamp them with a firm hand.

"With the power invested in me by the State of Washington, I now pronounce you wife and wife."

She smiles widely at us and hands me our copy of the papers.


Unable to keep the grin from my face, I step forward and curl my hand around Calliope's neck, kissing her softly. Her lips curl into a smile against mine as she kisses me back, and then I hear a small voice speak up from below.

"What about me?"

Sofia is peering over the desk at the justice, her bouquet of irises clutched tightly in one hand, peeping up after being perfectly behaved and quiet for the last fifteen minutes. The justice smiles a little and leans down, pulling over a piece of letterhead and quickly writing a few sentences across the top. I look over as she draws three lines underneath, turning it to face Sofia and handing her the pen.

"For you, the cutest flower girl to ever enter my court room. Sign your name right here and I declare you and your mommies officially married."

She catches my eye and grins good-naturedly before lowering her voice and directing it at Sofia again.

"This is the really important part."

She points to the top line, and Callie and I both watch as our daughter sets her flowers down, gripping the pen and very carefully printing her name somewhat crookedly on the paper. The justice nods seriously, then offers the pen in turn to me and Callie, who both sign our names below hers. My wife scoops up the little girl, kissing her cheek and settling her on her hip as the justice stamps the final paper, offering it up to a little grabby hand.

Sofia looks it over studiously and then beams, clutching the paper in both hands.


Chuckling softly, the older woman shakes our hands before leaving the room, and the assistant ushers us out as she takes the paperwork to be filed. I tuck our copy carefully into my purse as we make our way out into the expansive lobby, and hear Callie's voice beside me filled with absolute happiness.

"We're married again. This, so right."

I smile up at her, stopping to wrap my arms around both her and Sofia for a moment, basking in the newfound knowledge that this woman is now one hundred percent, legally mine. A broad smile spreads across her face as she looks at me, and her dark eyes express a myriad of emotions. It may not be the most romantic setting, it may not be glamorous or exciting or fairy tale worthy to some -- but to me? This moment could not be more perfect. This is how the rest of my life begins.

"This is exactly where we're meant to be."


Since it's still early in the day, and we didn't tell people to start coming to Joe's til around seven, we take the rest of the afternoon to simply spend as a family celebrating our re-marriage. We go out to eat at one of our favourite restaurants, and then take Sofia down to the waterfront to get ice cream from the best little mom and pop shop in Seattle before spending the rest of the afternoon relaxing in the park.

It's funny, how life can change a person. How someone -- or two someones -- can change a person in the best way possible. Six years ago if you'd asked me how I pictured my life, this certainly wouldn't have been it; this wouldn't even have been close. Spending my wedding day in the park watching my child on the swings was not something I would have chosen for myself then.

But today, I can't imagine anything I want more.

We'd taken the blanket from the car to spread out on the grass, and Callie and I are relaxing back, legs stretched out and resting against each others'. I turn my head to look at her and I can't help but let out a soft sigh. The sun is catching her hair at just the right angle, and it shines off the dark, silky strands as they fall gently over her shoulder. Her tanned skin is radiant against the green of her dress, and a content, peaceful smile graces her face as she watches the little girl on the swings in front of us.

"You take my breath away."

The words leave me in a whisper and she looks over, her eyes smiling as they meet mine.

"You are," I lean in, kissing her lightly, "breathtakingly beautiful. I am so in love with you, Mrs. Torres."

She captures my lips in a kiss again, lightly running her tongue along my bottom lip before deepening it for a moment.

"And I am completely in love with you, Mrs. Robbins. My beautiful wife."

I bring my hand up to cup her cheek, resting our foreheads together lightly, and I glance into her eyes before I speak again quietly.

"What about...Mrs. Robbins-Torres?"

Surprise flashes across the brunette's eyes, and she leans up with a slightly curious smile.


"For me," I clarify, glancing forward to watch Sofia for a minute, "I feel like it would just complicate things having a second Dr.'s confusing enough now with two Shepherds...but," I look back to her, "I want to share a last name with my daughter. And with you."

"I...had no idea you were even thinking about that."

I glance down, tracing my finger along the belt at the waist of her dress.

"I started thinking about it when we were pregnant. I hadn't told you yet, but I was planning on changing it then. So I'd have the same name as my kids."

"I didn't know that baby was going to be a Torres,” she replies softly, “I just thought...I guess I assumed you would want to give it your name."

My eyes meet hers again, and she looks genuinely pleased, if still surprised, at the revelation. I thread my fingers through hers where her hand rests on the blanket and bite my lip a little.

"Of course she was going to be a Torres. And..." I hesitate only briefly, carefully watching for her reaction, "if we have another will be too. And I want to have another one."

Her smile grows then, if that's even possible, and I match it with my own as she leans in to kiss me again.

"Arizona Robbins-Torres, I love the sound of that. All of that."

"I do too."

I murmur as I capture her lips again, trailing the tip of my tongue along hers when she silently grants me entrance. She still tastes vaguely of chocolate ice cream, and combined with the heady taste and scent that is all her, the kiss floods my senses and sets my heart racing in my chest as my fingers slip through silky hair.

I pull back for a breath, my eyes glancing toward Sofia again, and my gaze slowly trails up the length of the other woman's body, taking in every perfect curve that I adore so much. She is so exceptionally beautiful. My wife is stunningly perfect in every way.

"I kind of wish we were alone right now."

The words slip out unexpectedly, and I pause, clearing my throat a little sheepishly as she chuckles.

"Don't worry, we'll be alone tonight with plenty of time to honeymoon. Amelia said she'd take Sofia back to casa Shepherd after the party tonight, for a weekend long sleepover."

"She did?" I grin a little wolfishly, kissing the soft spot just under her jaw, unable to resist, "I must thank her."

"Mmhm, she offered," the other woman tilts her head a bit, "said she hadn't had time to shop for a wedding gift, so this was it."

I laugh softly against her skin, picturing Amelia having that conversation with Callie. It sounds like her. And, I have to admit, giving me some alone time with my new wife is absolutely the perfect present.

"That sounds like the best gift she could give us."


When we get to the Emerald City a little bit later, a large handful of our friends are already populating the pub -- which Joe was nice enough to privately book for us, knowing the Grey-Sloan crowd would more than bring in a full night of business for him. Someone -- Alex, I'm suspecting -- has brought a small bouquet of balloons that float over the bar with a "JUST MARRIED" sign, and as we walk in we're greeted with a rousing chorus of congratulations and well wishes.

"Look, Sofia, Joe even has a special table just for you and Zola!"

I crouch down next to her, pointing to the large booth in the corner with a sign perched on top, "Reserved for Sofia and Zola", and what appears to be a small stack of crayons and colouring books, bowls of snacks, and some glasses of a bright pink drink with little umbrellas perched on top. I smile as she races over, spotting her friend already there, and I know that has to be my mother's doing as I see her and dad settled at the table just beside.

"Did your dad make it in?"

I turn back to Callie just as the door to the bar opens, and the elder Torres in question makes his way in with a broad smile.

"Calliope! Arizona!"

He swiftly makes his way over and envelopes us each in a warm hug, kissing his daughter's cheek affectionately.

"My flight was a little delayed but I made it," he takes a step back, grasping each of our hands, "you two look absolutely radiant."

I glance sideways to see Callie beaming proudly, her love for her father showing clearly in her eyes. I'm glad he could make it on such late notice too -- I know how much it means to her to have him with us.

"Thanks, daddy. And thank you for coming."

The older man gives her a patented no-nonsense look and slowly arches an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else, mi amor. I'm just pleased to see you so happy again."

He turns to me and I give him a little smile, despite my reservations that he would still be upset about everything I'd put Callie through the last few years, he doesn’t seem to be angry with me.

"Arizona," he clasps my hands between both of his and his eyes look upon me warmly, "I'm happy to have you back in the family."

Callie slides her arm around my waist and she presses a soft kiss to my cheek as her dad looks on, genuine happiness evident on his face before he looks away to scan the crowd.

"Now, where's my little Sofia?"



Alex and Amelia both start off the night by buying us rounds of celebratory shots -- although Amelia's shot glass is filled with water -- and a steady stream of friends continues to fill the pub with the sound of laughter and conversation, voices mingling above the sound of the music that's playing out onto the dance floor. Our parents seem to be settled happily together at a table near the kids, their conversation interspersed with laughter every time I glance over, and as I look around the room from my seat at the bar, all I can see are people having a good time.

It's exactly what we wanted for tonight.

I spot Meredith making her way over to the bar, and I shoot her a grin when she catches my eye and sidles over, motioning to Joe for a refill.

"Congratulations, Callie. You two look really happy tonight."

She perches on the stool next to me and smiles, holding her glass up in salute.

"So cheers to that, right? It's about time."

A laugh makes its way out of my throat and I lift my glass to clink it with hers before taking another sip.

"Seriously. It's nice that neither of us needs to drink and bitch about our partners anymore. We have got it together. For good, this time."

The smaller woman takes another drink, surveying the bar, her eyes drifting over to where Derek and Owen are talking and laughing with Amelia over something.

"You guys are us now, you realize that?"

I draw my attention back to her and glance sideways, raising my eyebrow curiously.


"You and Arizona. You're just like me and Derek. Screw it up enough times, and you finally get it right because you're meant to be."

She waves her hand a little, and I consider the fact that she might already be a little tipsy.

"Because you are, you know. You and George were never meant to be. And Hahn was kind of a bitch, but Arizona?" she points her glass in the blonde's direction across the floor, "she's the right one. She's your McDreamy. Except even better cause she's also your person."

My eyes travel across the crowd to find the blonde as well, and I watch as she laughs about something with April, her loose curls bouncing around her face as she picks up her drink from the table. She is my McDreamy, and my person. She's the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.

"She really is."

"Cristina says congrats, by the way."

I smile at that, taking another sip of my drink as I look sideways again.

"She couldn't have called me herself?"

Meredith just shrugs, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"It's Cristina. I'm lucky she even calls me."

I look up again, laughing softly, and I catch Arizona gazing across the room at me. The blue of her eyes is exceptionally bright tonight, a beautiful contrast to her blonde hair, and her pink lips curve into a smile when she sees me looking back. I think back over Meredith’s words, and remember all the ways over the last six years that we have fought to be together - the ways we’ve both fought for each other, and stood up for each other, and been there for each other even when it seemed like nothing could go right in our lives. I never imagined the woman with the butterflies on her scrub cap would be the love of my life, but she is.


People come and go throughout the remainder of the evening, offering their congratulations and well wishes, but most of our close friends stay late into the night with us. My dad has tuckered out Sofia and Zola on the dance floor, and they’re cuddled in a sleepy pile on the bench of their booth, Arizona’s mom keeping a watchful eye on them even though they’re dead to the world.

April had surprised us with a wedding cake earlier - a gift from her and Jackson, she said - and the remnants of the delicious dessert sit on a table by the bar underneath the balloons from Alex, and a giant arrangement of flowers from Arizona’s parents.

I smile to myself, my eyes scanning the room. We have the most amazing friends. You never really realize - never think about it -- on a daily basis, but seeing everyone who had come out tonight to celebrate with us, and knowing that they’re happy for us, warms me to my very soul.

The opening beats of a familiar song start playing in the half-empty bar, and Joe must turn it up because the music suddenly gets louder as I feel a hand land gently on my arm. Turning, I see Arizona behind me, a grin plastered on her face as she reaches her hand out for mine.

“Don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me.”

She sings a line along with the lyrics and I laugh, letting her take my hand.

“Arizona, what...”

We haven’t danced together since the plane crash, not once. Even after she was comfortable with herself and her mobility again, it was never something she was willing to join me in doing.

“Shut up and dance with me.”

Her eyes twinkle in the dim lights and she grabs my other hand, tugging me backwards onto the dance floor and pulling me in close against her body, her small hands landing on my hips.

“We were victims of the night, the chemical, physical, kryptonite,” she sings softly under her breath, the words only floating between the two of us, and she keeps her gaze trained on mine as we start to dance, “helpless to the bass and the fading light.”

“Oh, we were bound to get together, bound to get together,” I grin, following along with the song as I dip her slightly.

I hear Alex whistle somewhere off to the side, and I’m aware that our friends are watching us now as the beat of the song surrounds us.

“She took my arm, I don’t know how it happened,” she grabs my hand and spins with me, laughing, “we took the floor and she said...”

“Oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me.”

“I said ‘you’re holding back’.”

“She said ‘shut up and dance with me!’”

We both sing the next line as the chorus reaches its peak, happily moving around the floor.

“This woman is my destiny. She said ‘oh, oh, oh, shut up and dance with me!’”

“Deep in her eyes,” I watch her closely, pulling her close again, “I think I see my future.”

“I realize, this is my last chance.”

I grab her arm and dip her slightly, and she smiles at me as I pull her back into my arms.

“She took my arm, I don’t know how it happened, we took the floor and she said...”

“Oh, don’t you dare look back,” her voice is soft, her hands sliding over my shoulders, “just keep your eyes on me.”

“I said ‘you’re holding back’.”

“She said ‘shut up and dance with me’.”

The blonde’s eyes meet mine again and they’re instantly swimming with emotion. She pulls me close, one hand coming up to gently cradle my cheek as she sings.

“This woman is my destiny.”

And as I gaze into blue depths, as I feel the warmth of her body against mine, I know every word is true. She is my destiny - she’s given me everything I ever wanted, and everything I ever will. She’s the woman I’m going to dance with for the rest of my life.

“Shut up and dance with me.”

"Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon

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