Round 8

Apr 06, 2012 02:06


Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that ( Read more... )

round 08, prompt post

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Comments 7407

Five/One anonymous April 6 2012, 10:53:06 UTC
Okay, I'm writing one myself but I take too long and my Muse likes to kidnap my Will too much so I'm putting this up here.

I want five one-sided!Loki/Thor drables/fics/whatevers and one Thor/Loki. In effect, five times Loki succeeded in saving his broken/hurting heart by eventually/somehow falling in love with someone other than Thor and the one time he got the chance to have his loved reciprocated.

Whoever tops/bottoms is your choice. Extra points for rare/interesting pairs that have never been seen. Bonus if Loki's comforted by his new squeeze after discovering that he's Jotunn during their relationship.


Re: Five/One anonymous May 14 2012, 19:19:19 UTC
On it bb


[FILL] Fake Empire (1/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 21:31:49 UTC
A/N: Not all drabbles are sexy and they deal with different kinds of love, but alas, if you really want some porn just tell me and I'll chuck some into a ~certain later part. Hope you like, there is at least one pairing I'm fairly sure hasn't been seen before and I'm kicking off with it. Unbeta'd.


Loki doesn’t know it’s love, when he first comes to know about the feeling. He thinks it’s happiness instead, and curiosity-a strange mix of feelings unfamiliar to him, numb as he usually feels.

He follows Thor around-in hindsight, he sees the likeliness of himself to a puppy. Even though they’re young, he does hope that Thor will pay some attention to him. He hopes that Thor will turn around and speaks to him, rather than to fight with him. Loki never asks for it, though. Maybe that is his mistake ( ... )


[FILL] Fake Empire (2/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 21:34:04 UTC
#2 ( ... )


Thor/Loki anonymous April 6 2012, 13:25:05 UTC
I'm dying to see something in which Thor is just starving for Loki, who is completely aware of how badly his brother wants him and uses it mercilessly to tease and torment him (despite wanting him just as much.) Bonus points for borderline-creepy Thor watching Loki sleep/touching him in his sleep, until neither of them can stand it anymore and the lust boils over. A fluffy aftermath would be the cherry on top!


Re: Thor/Loki x_eevie April 6 2012, 19:07:44 UTC
mmmmmm :)


Fill: Feed the flame 1/2 anonymous April 22 2012, 01:29:01 UTC
god, the prompt is so delicious and hot, i couldn't resist trying to fill it *Д* this is set in a modern day-AU tho, i hope you're ok with it? ;c;

oh, and... smut. just smut. please don't expect anything deep orzHe can hear his brother trying to not make any noise in their shared quarters of the cabin their father had booked for their fishing tour in Norway - a present for Thor's 21th birthday -, as Thor turns in his bed with a half-suppressed grunt, the unmistakle rustling of clothes and blankets only broken by intervals of guilty silence ( ... )


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1b/2 anonymous April 22 2012, 01:30:58 UTC
Loki should have known of course that something like this would happen sooner or later. Thor has been watching him like a hawk, hungry and burning out of the corner of his eyes for what must be almost two years by now. It started just with little touches that lingered longer than necessary and by the time Thor had made a habit out of ruffling Loki's hair whenever convenient and amiably scuffling with him when he felt his younger brother got a bit too cheeky and self-satisfied, Loki he had figured out Thor's real intentions - even though he doubted the dimwit knew it himself. He'd made a habit out of goading him, then, when he had gotten over the initial panic of realizing his own brother was attracted to him. It wasn't so bad, he noticed after a while. In fact, it was fucking hilarious, how easy it suddenly became to win Thor over for his plans and schemes. He was more agreeable, too, though his temper was just as quickly roused as before. And it was fun, walking along the edge, a game, really, and the control over it was practically ( ... )


Avengers/Big Chill, Tony/Loki anonymous April 6 2012, 14:22:31 UTC
When they were in college, the Avengers team were all good friends, but slowly drifted apart. Ten years later, they've all met up to stay in a cabin for a week, following the funeral of a mutual friend.

Spoiled, rich socialites Tony Stark and Thor Odinson are there. All round good guys Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner are there. Old flames Clint and Natalia are there.

Also there is Thor's troubled brother Loki who has never really got on with Thor's friends. He mostly turns up because the deceased was also a friend of his. Also, he's always found Tony Stark funny and interesting, much to Thor's annoyance (because big bro thinks these are two people who would be bad for each other).

So a week of getting to know each other again, bitchy comments, old issues, passions re-igniting, a squabble during a football game in the snow (complete with their silly college names like Hulk, Cap, Iron Man...).

And Loki/Tony :D


Re: Avengers/Big Chill, Tony/Loki anonymous April 11 2012, 14:42:53 UTC
Why does this make me think of Dreamcatcher?
In any way, seconded!


Young Thor/Loki - Cold Skin anonymous April 6 2012, 14:35:00 UTC
Loki is a Frost Giant, so his skin is always colder than others'. On one rainy night, Thor thinks that his brother is even colder than usual and attempts to warm him up.

*Bonus point if you can make it into a Dark-Fic!


Deep Freeze (1/3) anonymous April 6 2012, 21:45:22 UTC
It's not a dark one, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

•Thor had always belonged to the sun. His warm, vibrantly attractive masculine beauty was a clear indication of this, but it was accompanied by his instinctive preference for hot, bright weather even as a child. Cold, dreary days always left him listless and drowsy, even now. His skin, hair and eyes always seemed to glow with a faint shade of the sunlight he'd always craved, but his brother was different ( ... )


Re: Deep Freeze (2/3) anonymous April 6 2012, 21:46:16 UTC
"But you're freezing."

"This is hardly a deviation from the norm."

"It's worse than usual."

"Worse?" Loki was clearly offended, but Thor was too worried to console him at the moment.

"Shhh, let me look at you." He pressed his palm against Loki's forehead, alarmed to find it icy-cold as well, then the sides of his neck, the hollow of his throat, his hands and ears. He touched him all over the exposed parts of his flesh, increasingly concerned. "Here, take my robe." Thor was dressed in his standard evening attire, which included a heavy, knee-length duster robe woven from fine silk and cotton, in a deep wine-red. Now, he tugged it off and attempted to drape it over Loki's slender shoulders, but he moved away.

"Thor. I am fine. I only feel cold to your touch - as far as I am concerned, personally, I feel completely fine ( ... )


Deep Freeze (3/3) anonymous April 6 2012, 21:47:08 UTC
"Shhh, shhh," he murmured nonsensically, as Loki's head tipped forward, his face pressing against Thor's shoulder. "I've got you, my Loki...ah!" He jerked when Loki sank his teeth into the soft mouthful of skin at the crook of his neck and shoulder, his eyes sinking closed as Loki latched on and began to suck insistently. He worried at the flesh with his teeth, his tongue swirling over the round bruise he was nibbling to the surface of his skin. Thor's head fell back to allow him more room, and Loki's hands slid up the broad expanse of his back. Clever fingers kneaded the thick muscles there, and Thor's hips jerked against Loki's to grind their cocks together ( ... )


[crossover] Loki/Tony, Xover with A Town Called Eureka anonymous April 6 2012, 15:10:29 UTC
Both Tony and Loki get hit with the same spell/energy blast that gives them retrograde amnesia. When the SHIELD scientist can't work out a way to get back their memories they're given new identities and shipped off to Eureka for their own protection. In the new town they stick together because it's nice not being the only one who doesn't know who they are, but then they meet new people who are just as clever and crazy as them and start to settle in. Still, they can't help feeling especially close to each other.

I can see Tony being the handyman who goes round and fixes cars and then improves them with rocket fuel etc. Loki could be an astrophysicist (or maybe they don't trust him near the top-secret research stuff so he opens a bookstore or a dress-shop?).


Re: [crossover] Loki/Tony, Xover with A Town Called Eureka mirai_gohan April 7 2012, 00:22:17 UTC
Oh my god. XD I love Eureka, and I have this headcanon where Nathan Stark is Tony's older brother...I'm just gonna sit back and second this one, though, since Loki/Tony is not one of my ships. I am in so much favour of this prompt, all the same.


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