Round 8

Apr 06, 2012 02:06


Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that ( Read more... )

round 08, prompt post

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Fill: Feed the flame 1/2 anonymous April 22 2012, 01:29:01 UTC
god, the prompt is so delicious and hot, i couldn't resist trying to fill it *Д* this is set in a modern day-AU tho, i hope you're ok with it? ;c;

oh, and... smut. just smut. please don't expect anything deep orz

He can hear his brother trying to not make any noise in their shared quarters of the cabin their father had booked for their fishing tour in Norway - a present for Thor's 21th birthday -, as Thor turns in his bed with a half-suppressed grunt, the unmistakle rustling of clothes and blankets only broken by intervals of guilty silence.

For a while, Loki just listens. He is not exactly sure what roused him from sleep, perhaps a change in the air or the broken rhythm of deep, even breathing, but he's never been a deep sleeper to begin with, so he's not exactly concerned with the cause.

He cracks one eye open when, after a long pause, Thor moves again, naked feet hitting the floor and he watches the dark, bulky shape of his brother across from him, sitting there and watching Loki as if he knew he was awake. It makes his heart fail a beat or two in his chest, and he has to struggle against to urge to shut his eyes, to change his position. Instead, he stares right back at Thor's face, though he cannot possibly see anything in this darkness for Thor had effectively shut out almost all light when he had drawn the curtains.

So he just breathes and wonders if Thor is sleep-walking, what he is doing, sitting there, looking at him all contemplatively, when Thor gets up suddenly to walk stealthily over to where Loki lies. He closes his eyes on a reflex, not sure what to expect, though he has an inkling.

He can feel Thor looming above him, his presence almost tangible with his body heat coming off in waves. But nothing happens in what feels like an eternity and Loki is irked by this to the point where he's on the verge of speaking up - but then Thor leans in close, hot breath washing over Loki's neck and cheek and he cannot move a muscle, is frozen to the spot by the closeness, the intimacy of it, trapped and intrigued at the same time. Curious.

"Loki," Thor's voice is so quiet, it's almost a buzz in his ear and the mattress dips with Thor's weight as he holds his weight above him with hands right next to both of Loki's shoulders.

"Loki," he says again as if testing him. "Are you asleep?" A pause, and Loki thinks he must know, because Loki has never had to play asleep before, not like that, not with someone up so close to judge his very reaction. He's unsure of how to react. Should he stir, should he make a sleepy noise? He had been able to fool his mother back in their childhood years, and even Odin had fallen for it, when he had checked on them both to see if they were properly in bed. But he had never had reason to fool Thor before.

"Hmm?", Thor's voice floods him, rolls over him like a wave, a deep rumble that resonates in his chest and his own breath stutters as stubble scratches over the vulnerable side of his jaw, lips brushing the shell of his ear. And then the lips wander and he can feel the cool tip of his brother's nose against his throat, and there's just the barest hint of tongue and moist, warm breath, enough to rose goosebumps. It's hard not to swallow, not to give himself away and he suppresses a shudder as Thor shifts his weight to the side in order to lay a burning, calloused hand on his naked knee, splaying his legs so gently he almost doesn't notice.


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1b/2 anonymous April 22 2012, 01:30:58 UTC
Loki should have known of course that something like this would happen sooner or later. Thor has been watching him like a hawk, hungry and burning out of the corner of his eyes for what must be almost two years by now. It started just with little touches that lingered longer than necessary and by the time Thor had made a habit out of ruffling Loki's hair whenever convenient and amiably scuffling with him when he felt his younger brother got a bit too cheeky and self-satisfied, Loki he had figured out Thor's real intentions - even though he doubted the dimwit knew it himself. He'd made a habit out of goading him, then, when he had gotten over the initial panic of realizing his own brother was attracted to him. It wasn't so bad, he noticed after a while. In fact, it was fucking hilarious, how easy it suddenly became to win Thor over for his plans and schemes. He was more agreeable, too, though his temper was just as quickly roused as before. And it was fun, walking along the edge, a game, really, and the control over it was practically handed to him on a silver platter. Why should he not use that? See how far his brother was willing to go, if he would dare - and his brother had taken to Loki's flirtations like a thirsting man to water.

Leaning in to murmur private thoughts into Thor's ear or touching his taut stomach when he was just wearing a thin shirt was the fastest way to get whatever he wanted, and it was always so titillating to see his brother's blue eyes become almost black with sudden desire. Naturally, there had been quite a few close calls, because Thor was still Thor and it had been easy for him to corner Loki after one too many innuendos and lewd suggestions. But there had never been a situation where his quick tongue hadn't saved him from quite a messy end.

(Like that one time where Thor had him pressed against the nearest wall, his arms effectively trapping him to both sides, forcing him to focus on Thor alone. It had been equally terrifying as stimulating, to be so close, the smell of earth and ozone and leather filling him as much as the deep baritone of his bother's voice. The fun had ended the moment Thor pressed his thigh between Loki's legs though, and he'd become aware of his own moan. It had taken everything to get back in control over the situation. Or that other time, when Loki had joined Thor for his football training, just to see what would happen. Of course he had ended up with Thor tackling him from behind, holding him in a death grip, one warm palm splayed across his abdomen, the other holding his neck, the pad of his thumb pressed against the corner of Loki's mouth. Thor's breath was like that of a war horse's, harsh and excited with the hint of a moan just lingering at it's edge as it ghosted over the back of his neck. Only Sif's sudden interruption had saved him then.)

After all, Loki couldn't allow himself to get caught up in this. Thor was still his brother, and should anything ever happen, it would in all certainty fall back on Loki - for Loki was the wicked one, the one that ensnared and convinced people the sky was actually green. The weirdo in school with his special interests. Someone like him was not to be trusted, he knew what they all were thinking, and he couldn't fully trust himself either. Not with this.

And as he lies there with Thor breathing him in, blanket pushed to the side and one warm hand up the inside of his thigh, he suddenly thinks this was the worst idea he has ever had. Because the moment the control falls into Thor's hands, Loki is powerless and vulnerable. It's not that he's lied to himself, because he understands his own desires well enough to realize what they really are and he likes the attention Thor bestows upon him; he just cannot act on it, for if it comes down to it, he is utterly terrified what it implies. What it means. What it would do to him if he ever let down his guard. Being found out is only on the bottom of the list of what will hypothetically happen if he allows his own brother to do what he cannot - and that's just typical, really, while he lies there scared on too many levels, Thor just goes ahead without any regard for the consequences.


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1c/2 anonymous April 22 2012, 01:33:15 UTC
Goes ahead and runs the broad of his hand over Loki's hip, slowly, greedily, arranging him as he sees fit in such an inconspicuous way, that Loki is sure that no one truly asleep would ever notice. He should ban Thor back to his bed, call the bluff off and be done with it. But all he manages is a choked groan, the tongue against his left nipple comes as a shock, even through the fabric of his t-shirt he can feel the heat of it, the suction leaving him breathless and he is not sure, not sure at all if he even remotely manages to still appear deep in slumber.

That not what he wanted, it was supposed to be about fun and a bit of mind-fuckery, not this, but it's what he gets and when Thor cups him through his boxer shorts, he moans hoarsely, hands reaching for Thor's shoulders to push him away, or pull him closer, maybe both at the same time.

"Thor," he says throatily, as if he had been asleep until now and Thor lets go of his nipple with his teeth, just says "Yeah," as if he knew the whole time, the fucker, and kisses him. No, kissing would imply something mutual, a gentle press of lips. It's nothing like that, it's bruising and demanding and Thor's tongue pushes into his mouth abrasively, unable to wait any longer for Loki to finally come around. His beard scratches along his chin, Thor's nose nudging Loki's this way and that, signalling him to angle his head differently. Even pulls at his hair with the hand that isn't squeezing Loki's cock, stroking fingers down his balls to press just behind them, to rub circles even lower as the fabric of his boxers stretches with the motion.

"You like that," Thor eventually breathes into his mouth, biting just below his bottom lip and wraps his hand firmly around Loki's cock. He cannot deny that he's aroused anymore, as hard as he is, cannot even keep himself from bucking into Thor's measured strokes or from breathing harshly through his nose. "Don't you?" It sounds obscene and wrong in the darkness of their otherwise quiet room.

Thor rucks up his t-shirt to his armpits a bit awkwardly, going more by touch than by sight and leans down to kiss the place just below his last rips. Licks along the tight muscle there, and tight, coiled heat is settling down heavily in the pit of Loki's stomach with the action, spreading right into his groin.

"Ah, shit," the curse escapes him unbidden and he grabs Thor's hair, runs his fingers through it and pulls, because, fuck, he needs this and maybe he's waited for this. Waited to not be the one in control for once, to not being the one to make the decisions.


i will continue this tomorrow after i slept /o\ eeeeh


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1d/2 anonymous April 30 2012, 23:30:42 UTC
And just when he's accepted the fact that he's out of his element here, that he's teased and denied Thor probably long enough with all the suggestive positions and innuendos over the last year or so that it's no wonder Thor snaps and takes whatever he wants - and Loki is strangely, amazingly okay with this - his brother squeezes his cock one last time. That's it. Thor lets go of him completely, no mouth and no warm, broad span of hands stroking and working the moans out of him anymore. It's merely the idea of a body hovering above him, watching and keeping him on the edge, enough to turn him close to desperate.

There's an unexpected lump in his throat which makes it hard to speak, and it's a near impossible thing when Thor leans back in suddenly to breathe straight into his ear. The bastard must know what this is doing to him, but it's difficult to stay calm and collected when he's reduced to the point where he has to knead himself through his boxers because Thor wouldn't.

"You - fucking cock-tease," he manages most ineloquently, choking on indignation and arousal. Thor simply chuckles, a deep rumble of a half-laugh, throaty and alluring and so very telling. He means to shove off Thor hard in retaliation just then, but the sudden nip to his chin stays his hands, for all that it's angry teeth chafing at his skin with only the barest hint of soft lips. It's something he has not anticipated, no chance of fighting and he fists the wife beater Thor's wearing to bed on a reflex, pulling him inadvertently closer.

"Am I now?" Thor murmurs next to his ear, the long hair tickling his temple and cheek and Loki can feel himself getting red in the face. "I'll tell you about cock-teases. You lazing in the boat without a shirt on, complaining about the heat, driving away all the fish, that's cock-teasing. Using my goddamn shirt as a sponge to cool yourself off with lake water, that's cock-teasing."

While he speaks, Thor places his hand on his lower abdomen and keeps it there, unmoving and just applying the barest hint of pressure. The proximity and heat of it are near unbearable, but Loki is unwilling to give Thor the particular satisfaction of a moan (though it's lurking at the back of his throat). It's all mind games now, he figures, Thor trying to prove a point and he's not willing to lose to that, too, as stimulating as it might be (and maybe, just maybe that's some kind of sick kink he has, which buttons Thor is unknowingly pressing).

"But wait, there's more. How about you putting your feet in my lap, just to check if I already got a boner from your little show. Making that come-on face you have when you think no-one's looking. How'd you like that, hm? Dad almost caught that, he's not stupid. Just like when he caught you with your hand oh so causally placed between my thighs the other day - that pretty much saved your ass or I would have-"

Thor makes an unhappy noise, something between a grunt and a groan, like a tired bull, and his hand twitches, moves a little up and down Loki's naked stomach, drawing circles and Loki swallows. His focus has narrowed down to three things: Thor's voice, the hand on his stomach and the pulse in his own cock - with every word his brother utters straight into his ear, there comes a new wave of nervous arousal that runs down his body like electricity.
"Don't think I haven't noticed your little tricks, Loki. Or the looks you give me. This here? This is nothing compared to what you have put me through. So don't you talk to me about cock-teasing."


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 1 2012, 01:58:08 UTC
There are a few things Loki could add to this. Like how Thor had girlfriends after the other over the last few months and thus isn't really in any position to talk about sexual deprivation. Or how it's the only way for Loki to gain and keep Thor's attention for longer than a few minutes. How Loki knows that once he gives into all of this, Thor will just take and take and take without a second thought to Loki. Thor, who only thinks in labels like "brother" or "next best lay". How Thor's never really looked at Loki like he does when he's all flirt and potential game. It makes him feel like a dog chasing after its master and he's so become so sick of it, sick of his own incestuous longing and the feelings of being cheap and depraved and never good enough.

But all of that says more about him than it does about Thor, and he's not willing to openly admit to any of his motives like that. So he falls back onto the only thing he knows will work in such a situation - by twisting Thor's own words and feeding them back to him and painting Thor the culprit.

So he forces a fake grin, shifts a bit and says "If that's how you interpret my actions, I really can't help you with your little problem. Now, let me go. This has gone far enough," but the words come out wrong, far too shaky and tense and Loki knows he blew it when Thor laughs again, the sound of it so close he can feel the stretch of lips against his cheek.

"Oh no, you don't. Not this time, brother." Loki barely manages a confused, fake half-snort before Thor moves with sudden agility onto his bed, grabs for Loki's legs and pulls them up and forward, until his ass is pressed right against Thor's crotch. It's like a punch to the stomach -leaving him disoriented and sick and horribly, horribly aroused from the press of his brother's hard, unyielding length against his crack. Before he figures out how to get out of this mess of a situation, his legs are around Thor's narrow hips, boxing him into the tight confines of his thighs - and Thor's broad hands on his naked knees keep his legs exactly where they are.

It's a bit overwhelming and too intimate, this position, where Thor has just to lean forward on his lower arms to leave Loki no room for escape, no room for hiding. He can feel Thor's stomach muscles working against his own with each intake of breath.

Although it's pitch dark in the room with only the curve of Thor's strong shoulder visible, the crown of his head against the black of the room, Loki can feel his piercing gaze trained on him. Unsure whether he is giving anything away or not, if he has lost the game, he cannot fathom what Thor is thinking, and that's terrifying in its own right, because he could always tell what's on Thor's mind most of the time.

"I'm not-" His denial falls on deaf ears for Thor efficiently silences him by brushing his lips lightly against Loki's. There's a hint of scratchy stubble, reminding Loki that yeah, this is his brother, alright - his brother; big, bulky, loud Thor. Not some cute snarky girl, just Thor with his beard and muscles and hard, unyielding body that smells of sun and leather. Loki wants to blame him for being the most infuriating, stubborn, self-satisfied idiot that ever existed, but it's really his fault for letting his guard down around Thor like that, for trying to reclaim his mouth with tongue and teeth when his brother pulls away from the chaste kiss.

Thor chuckles again, and Loki should have known, he's taught him how to be a royal prick after all. His own betrayal of want makes Loki grunt in frustration, to master his own desires with Thor in possession of Loki's personal space like that never used to be a problem before. But then Thor gets up on his hands and rolls his hips just so, and the thin fabric of both their boxer shorts does nothing, absolutely nothing to obstruct any of the sensations and Loki forgets why he's been so upset in the first place.


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 1 2012, 02:33:38 UTC
This is amazingly hot. I love all the background you've fit into their foreplay. Well done, anon, and post more soon!


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:20:09 UTC
:> eeeh i am glad you enjoyed it so far. in retrospect i should have taken the time to add more background story, but when i started on it i couldn't be arsed. *had only dirty things on her mind /o\*

i just

i just love to write drawn out smut. so yeah, there's more to come fufufufu


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 theatervine May 1 2012, 13:29:59 UTC
More please!


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:20:50 UTC
yes sir! :D


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 teetersslow May 1 2012, 20:10:38 UTC
Wonderfully written, I love what you've gone with it.


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:24:37 UTC
thank you! *v* even tho it's just silly smut, i am still glad you like it c:


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 x_eevie May 2 2012, 00:45:51 UTC
ohhh my god. There needs to be more. And soon!


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:25:23 UTC
next part is up c:
we'll see when i have time to finish the next one, hihihi


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 x_eevie May 9 2012, 04:41:43 UTC


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 2 2012, 03:55:06 UTC
asksdfjkd so hot :3 need more!


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:25:50 UTC
there will be!


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