Round 8

Apr 06, 2012 02:06


Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that ( Read more... )

round 08, prompt post

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[FILL] Fake Empire (2/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 21:34:04 UTC

He watches Thor for days. Weeks. Then longer, even, only interrupted by the times Thor leaves without him. Whenever Thor licks his lips, a shock is sent through his body like the lightning earthlings must see.

At night, he feels his skin crawl with want and his sheets end up suffocating him. Loki feels forced to take matters into his own hands, so his fingers move frantically over his swollen flesh in the hope of some relief. It comes, but only briefly. The next day he’ll see Thor again and feel just as flustered as before.

Thor does not look at him. He looks at women, of course, at the voluptuous curves of a lewd dancer who swings her hips in his brother’s direction.

Loki isn’t sure if he has ever liked a woman with large breasts and broad hips. Sometimes he thinks that he doesn’t like women at all. That thought makes his head pound right in time with his heartbeat, just to imagine what Odin and Frigg would say if he refused to marry at some point. It’s in his destiny, they say.

Loki has never believed in destiny.

Not, at least, until he is talking to Sigyn in private and notices that she’s blushing. She never used to, not when she was a child-and it’s then that it dawns on him she’s a young woman. Her body looks like that of a boy’s, unspoilt by pregnancy or battle scars.

That’s when he encircles her wrist with three fingers, his thumb pressing against the other two digits like it’s a bracelet, and he can feel the flutter of her pulse when he pulls at her arm. Loki leads her outside.

“Once,” he starts to to tell, “I climbed Yggdrasil. I stayed with her for two months, and then Thor came to look for me-“

He hasn’t ever told anyone else, not even Thor. Not the tender details like how he watched leaves grow, how he watched the small green buds unfold to flowers that on their turn attracted swarms of bees.

Sigyn smiles at him afterwards, and the following warm press of her lips doesn’t surprise Loki. They stare up at the stars and, like that, it’s decided, as through a mutual agreement.

Odin and Frigg cheer loudly on the day they get married, but Thor’s shouts are the loudest. Loki turns to Sigyn and pretends that his heart does not ache for someone else.


Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (2/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 21:53:18 UTC


Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (2/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 22:01:55 UTC
SORRY!!!! *Gives big anon hug*

There'll be more tomorrow and hopefully you'll think it's happier :) But it's Loki so I cannot avoid angst


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