Round 8

Apr 06, 2012 02:06


Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that ( Read more... )

round 08, prompt post

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Re: Deep Freeze (2/3) anonymous April 6 2012, 21:46:16 UTC
"But you're freezing."

"This is hardly a deviation from the norm."

"It's worse than usual."

"Worse?" Loki was clearly offended, but Thor was too worried to console him at the moment.

"Shhh, let me look at you." He pressed his palm against Loki's forehead, alarmed to find it icy-cold as well, then the sides of his neck, the hollow of his throat, his hands and ears. He touched him all over the exposed parts of his flesh, increasingly concerned. "Here, take my robe." Thor was dressed in his standard evening attire, which included a heavy, knee-length duster robe woven from fine silk and cotton, in a deep wine-red. Now, he tugged it off and attempted to drape it over Loki's slender shoulders, but he moved away.

"Thor. I am fine. I only feel cold to your touch - as far as I am concerned, personally, I feel completely fine."

"Nonsense, into bed with you."

"Did you honestly just try to give me an order?"

"I am your king, brother."

Loki stared at Thor for a long moment, expressionless. Then, his head tipped back and he erupted into laughter, genuine laughter which was rare to hear from him, his shoulders shaking. "Oh. Oh, you really did," he gasped, wiping tears from his eyes. "You are so funny. Get out of my chambers before I destroy you."

Thor's shoulders slumped in defeat before he looked up at Loki from under his downy lashes and tried, "...Please?"

And it was so absurd, to see this giant of a golden king pouting hopefully, that Loki sighed. "I despise you," he muttered, before rising from his chair to shed his green robes, sliding under his thick covers with no particular regard for his nudity. Thor watched however, his stare heating up along with his blood as Loki's pale, lithe form was exposed to him.

"You do not," he finally murmured, rising as well, pulling off his own clothes to slip under the covers beside Loki. "You love me."

Loki did not respond, but he did roll over onto his side to face Thor, allowing himself to be tugged closer. He even curled into him a little, resting his dark head against a broad shoulder. Thor grinned, but knew better than to comment, and instead wrapped both arms around him, cradling him close against his chest. "Still so cold," he said softly, nuzzling tenderly into Loki's hair, enjoying the way he mussed it up a little. It always looked so damn sleek and perfect. "My Loki, why are you so cold?"

Loki only shrugged, but he allowed Thor's hand to slip under the covers, tracing nonsense patterns against the flat expanse of his vulnerable belly. When he pressed his palm against the angle of his slim hip, it was like a searing-hot stone melting a dent into a block of ice, sinking deeply into it. Loki sighed through his nose, unwilling to admit how Thor's gentle touch warmed him. He did arch into it slightly though, silently encouraging more.

"Perhaps this will help," Thor said thoughtfully, curling thick, rough fingers around the base of Loki's stirring cock. Loki made a soft sound in the back of his throat, rolling his hips toward Thor and pushing his thick, fuzzy thighs apart with one of his own slender legs, sliding it in between them to bring their erections flush together. Thor was already stiff and leaking, always so eager and ready for this ever since they'd been young, panting and heaving under their sheets together as curious fledglings. Together, they'd taught each other how to touch, taste, what felt good and how to make each other come. Now, Thor knew that pressing his fingertips against Loki's balls would make his hips twitch, that rolling them in his palm would elicit a deliciously unrestrained moan from his normally-reticent brother.


Deep Freeze (3/3) anonymous April 6 2012, 21:47:08 UTC
"Shhh, shhh," he murmured nonsensically, as Loki's head tipped forward, his face pressing against Thor's shoulder. "I've got you, my Loki...ah!" He jerked when Loki sank his teeth into the soft mouthful of skin at the crook of his neck and shoulder, his eyes sinking closed as Loki latched on and began to suck insistently. He worried at the flesh with his teeth, his tongue swirling over the round bruise he was nibbling to the surface of his skin. Thor's head fell back to allow him more room, and Loki's hands slid up the broad expanse of his back. Clever fingers kneaded the thick muscles there, and Thor's hips jerked against Loki's to grind their cocks together.

Hot, slick flesh made for little friction, but Loki's pale eyes rolled back in his head when Thor tongued the soft, hot bit of skin behind his ear, cupping the heated weight of Loki's cock in his palm and thumbing the thick vein running down the underside of it. He moved in for a long, deep kiss, dipping his tongue into Loki's cold mouth for a taste, sucking on his tongue and twisting his wrist as he stroked him. He wrapped his fingers around both of their cocks, pressing them together in his callused grip.

Loki could do little else but hook an arm around Thor's neck, helpless and dizzy with greedy lust. The pressure of his brother's thick erection against his own was more than he could handle, the leaking heads of their cocks catching and rubbing together and creating a sizzling spike of pleasure that shot down his spine and straight to his balls. He made a choked sound, the rolling rhythm of his hips stuttering as he went taut and silent, his breath hitching in his throat a split second before he came. He spilled over Thor's fingers, hot come spurting out of him in several long, hard pulses.

Thor paused to watch, his eyes narrowing as he stared down at Loki's orgasm. "Ah, Loki, please," he mumbled nonsensically, and once he'd recovered, Loki rolled over to push Thor onto his back. He knelt between his thick thighs as they spread open for him obligingly, lowering his head to lap delicately at the head of his cock. He'd planned on teasing him until he came all over his face, but Thor reach down to palm the back of his head. He pulled him down when he came, but Loki was willing, and opened his mouth to accept the first blistering pulse of come that spilled into it.

Thor held him in place until he'd finished, and per usual, he came so much that a bit of it dripped from the corners of Loki's mouth, spilling down his chin. Thor's hand lowered, pressed against Loki's mouth gently, keeping it closed. "Swallow it for me," he said quietly, his voice the low and rumbling threat of a summer storm in the air, as he met his eyes directly.

Loki smiled through Thor's fingers, and tipped his head back, exposing the long, pale expanse of his slender throat in an instinctive gesture of trust, gulping down his mouthful of come. Thor watched his adam's apple work it down, Loki sighing and closing his eyes once he'd swallowed. Thor watched him as he came down, the desire in his eyes melting back into tenderness. "Come here," he said simply, holding out both arms, and Loki collapsed against him, laying on his chest and yawning.

"Warm now?" he went on, a little teasingly.

"I'll destroy you in the morning," Loki decided out loud, closing his eyes.

"You're never awake in the mornings," Thor reminded him, triumphantly.

"You test my patience, brother."

"But I remain clever enough to do so when you're too tired to retaliate. Don't I deserve some credit for that?"

But Loki was already asleep. Which, Thor considered in retrospect, was probably a fortunate thing.



forgot to say, the above is NC-17! anonymous April 6 2012, 21:48:13 UTC


Re: Deep Freeze (3/3) anonymous April 6 2012, 22:32:07 UTC
Oh my *fans self* Very hot, no pun intended. I love their interaction!


(OP) anonymous April 7 2012, 00:55:16 UTC
Thank you thank you so much for filling this. ^^


Re: Deep Freeze (3/3) anonymous April 7 2012, 03:57:40 UTC
This is perfect, gorgeous porn.


Re: Deep Freeze (3/3) milky_haven April 7 2012, 11:38:11 UTC



Re: Deep Freeze (3/3) pokestine April 9 2012, 23:28:12 UTC
mmmm, very nice!


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