Round 8

Apr 06, 2012 02:06


Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that ( Read more... )

round 08, prompt post

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Thor/Loki anonymous April 6 2012, 13:25:05 UTC
I'm dying to see something in which Thor is just starving for Loki, who is completely aware of how badly his brother wants him and uses it mercilessly to tease and torment him (despite wanting him just as much.) Bonus points for borderline-creepy Thor watching Loki sleep/touching him in his sleep, until neither of them can stand it anymore and the lust boils over. A fluffy aftermath would be the cherry on top!


Re: Thor/Loki x_eevie April 6 2012, 19:07:44 UTC
mmmmmm :)


Fill: Feed the flame 1/2 anonymous April 22 2012, 01:29:01 UTC
god, the prompt is so delicious and hot, i couldn't resist trying to fill it *Д* this is set in a modern day-AU tho, i hope you're ok with it? ;c;

oh, and... smut. just smut. please don't expect anything deep orzHe can hear his brother trying to not make any noise in their shared quarters of the cabin their father had booked for their fishing tour in Norway - a present for Thor's 21th birthday -, as Thor turns in his bed with a half-suppressed grunt, the unmistakle rustling of clothes and blankets only broken by intervals of guilty silence ( ... )


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1b/2 anonymous April 22 2012, 01:30:58 UTC
Loki should have known of course that something like this would happen sooner or later. Thor has been watching him like a hawk, hungry and burning out of the corner of his eyes for what must be almost two years by now. It started just with little touches that lingered longer than necessary and by the time Thor had made a habit out of ruffling Loki's hair whenever convenient and amiably scuffling with him when he felt his younger brother got a bit too cheeky and self-satisfied, Loki he had figured out Thor's real intentions - even though he doubted the dimwit knew it himself. He'd made a habit out of goading him, then, when he had gotten over the initial panic of realizing his own brother was attracted to him. It wasn't so bad, he noticed after a while. In fact, it was fucking hilarious, how easy it suddenly became to win Thor over for his plans and schemes. He was more agreeable, too, though his temper was just as quickly roused as before. And it was fun, walking along the edge, a game, really, and the control over it was practically ( ... )


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1c/2 anonymous April 22 2012, 01:33:15 UTC
Goes ahead and runs the broad of his hand over Loki's hip, slowly, greedily, arranging him as he sees fit in such an inconspicuous way, that Loki is sure that no one truly asleep would ever notice. He should ban Thor back to his bed, call the bluff off and be done with it. But all he manages is a choked groan, the tongue against his left nipple comes as a shock, even through the fabric of his t-shirt he can feel the heat of it, the suction leaving him breathless and he is not sure, not sure at all if he even remotely manages to still appear deep in slumber ( ... )


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1d/2 anonymous April 30 2012, 23:30:42 UTC
And just when he's accepted the fact that he's out of his element here, that he's teased and denied Thor probably long enough with all the suggestive positions and innuendos over the last year or so that it's no wonder Thor snaps and takes whatever he wants - and Loki is strangely, amazingly okay with this - his brother squeezes his cock one last time. That's it. Thor lets go of him completely, no mouth and no warm, broad span of hands stroking and working the moans out of him anymore. It's merely the idea of a body hovering above him, watching and keeping him on the edge, enough to turn him close to desperateThere's an unexpected lump in his throat which makes it hard to speak, and it's a near impossible thing when Thor leans back in suddenly to breathe straight into his ear. The bastard must know what this is doing to him, but it's difficult to stay calm and collected when he's reduced to the point where he has to knead himself through his boxers because Thor wouldn't ( ... )


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 1 2012, 01:58:08 UTC
There are a few things Loki could add to this. Like how Thor had girlfriends after the other over the last few months and thus isn't really in any position to talk about sexual deprivation. Or how it's the only way for Loki to gain and keep Thor's attention for longer than a few minutes. How Loki knows that once he gives into all of this, Thor will just take and take and take without a second thought to Loki. Thor, who only thinks in labels like "brother" or "next best lay". How Thor's never really looked at Loki like he does when he's all flirt and potential game. It makes him feel like a dog chasing after its master and he's so become so sick of it, sick of his own incestuous longing and the feelings of being cheap and depraved and never good enough ( ... )


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 1 2012, 02:33:38 UTC
This is amazingly hot. I love all the background you've fit into their foreplay. Well done, anon, and post more soon!


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:20:09 UTC
:> eeeh i am glad you enjoyed it so far. in retrospect i should have taken the time to add more background story, but when i started on it i couldn't be arsed. *had only dirty things on her mind /o\*

i just

i just love to write drawn out smut. so yeah, there's more to come fufufufu


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 theatervine May 1 2012, 13:29:59 UTC
More please!


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:20:50 UTC
yes sir! :D


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 teetersslow May 1 2012, 20:10:38 UTC
Wonderfully written, I love what you've gone with it.


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:24:37 UTC
thank you! *v* even tho it's just silly smut, i am still glad you like it c:


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 x_eevie May 2 2012, 00:45:51 UTC
ohhh my god. There needs to be more. And soon!


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 anonymous May 9 2012, 03:25:23 UTC
next part is up c:
we'll see when i have time to finish the next one, hihihi


Re: Fill: Feed the flame 1e/2 x_eevie May 9 2012, 04:41:43 UTC


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