Round 8

Apr 06, 2012 02:06


Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that ( Read more... )

round 08, prompt post

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[FILL] Fake Empire (1/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 21:31:49 UTC
A/N: Not all drabbles are sexy and they deal with different kinds of love, but alas, if you really want some porn just tell me and I'll chuck some into a ~certain later part. Hope you like, there is at least one pairing I'm fairly sure hasn't been seen before and I'm kicking off with it. Unbeta'd.


Loki doesn’t know it’s love, when he first comes to know about the feeling. He thinks it’s happiness instead, and curiosity-a strange mix of feelings unfamiliar to him, numb as he usually feels.

He follows Thor around-in hindsight, he sees the likeliness of himself to a puppy. Even though they’re young, he does hope that Thor will pay some attention to him. He hopes that Thor will turn around and speaks to him, rather than to fight with him. Loki never asks for it, though. Maybe that is his mistake.

Instead of doing any of these things, Thor thinks that he is too clingy and kicks Loki out.
Loki starts to wander-though he always stays on Asgard. Other worlds frighten him and he can’t quite say why, but he would rather avoid them for now. A couple of times he returns to spy on Thor, who is laughing with a couple of girls of their age.

Only to prank them makes him forget about the burning pain in his chest Thor’s ignorance gives him.
No, no, then he decides it’s better not to be near his bigger brother any longer.

There is plenty of undiscovered land on Asgard. Once, he wanders all the way to the edge of the land and sees the stars spread in front of him. It takes away his breath until he notices something far, far greater.

Erupting from the crumbling edge of land, he sees a dark and thick root run all the way up to the stars, with something he’d assumed to be a cloud at its end.

Two weeks later, he has climbed to the top and strokes the rough bark. Yggdrasil he whispers, something warm and lovely growing in his chest.

Close to the wood, he manages to forget about Thor, and it’s blissful as long as it lasts.


[FILL] Fake Empire (2/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 21:34:04 UTC

He watches Thor for days. Weeks. Then longer, even, only interrupted by the times Thor leaves without him. Whenever Thor licks his lips, a shock is sent through his body like the lightning earthlings must see.

At night, he feels his skin crawl with want and his sheets end up suffocating him. Loki feels forced to take matters into his own hands, so his fingers move frantically over his swollen flesh in the hope of some relief. It comes, but only briefly. The next day he’ll see Thor again and feel just as flustered as before.

Thor does not look at him. He looks at women, of course, at the voluptuous curves of a lewd dancer who swings her hips in his brother’s direction.

Loki isn’t sure if he has ever liked a woman with large breasts and broad hips. Sometimes he thinks that he doesn’t like women at all. That thought makes his head pound right in time with his heartbeat, just to imagine what Odin and Frigg would say if he refused to marry at some point. It’s in his destiny, they say.

Loki has never believed in destiny.

Not, at least, until he is talking to Sigyn in private and notices that she’s blushing. She never used to, not when she was a child-and it’s then that it dawns on him she’s a young woman. Her body looks like that of a boy’s, unspoilt by pregnancy or battle scars.

That’s when he encircles her wrist with three fingers, his thumb pressing against the other two digits like it’s a bracelet, and he can feel the flutter of her pulse when he pulls at her arm. Loki leads her outside.

“Once,” he starts to to tell, “I climbed Yggdrasil. I stayed with her for two months, and then Thor came to look for me-“

He hasn’t ever told anyone else, not even Thor. Not the tender details like how he watched leaves grow, how he watched the small green buds unfold to flowers that on their turn attracted swarms of bees.

Sigyn smiles at him afterwards, and the following warm press of her lips doesn’t surprise Loki. They stare up at the stars and, like that, it’s decided, as through a mutual agreement.

Odin and Frigg cheer loudly on the day they get married, but Thor’s shouts are the loudest. Loki turns to Sigyn and pretends that his heart does not ache for someone else.


Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (2/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 21:53:18 UTC


Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (2/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 18 2012, 22:01:55 UTC
SORRY!!!! *Gives big anon hug*

There'll be more tomorrow and hopefully you'll think it's happier :) But it's Loki so I cannot avoid angst


[FILL] Fake Empire (3a/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 19 2012, 19:01:03 UTC

One evening, at a feast, Thor is challenged to a drinking game by no one other than Loki himself. He has disguised himself as one of the fallen heroes that come to Valhalla to feast, wearing a beard and brown eyes. Thor raises an eyebrow as Loki poses the question, but doesn’t let him down.
It is Thor who wins (and Loki who allows him to win). Thor talks to him in private after the celebrations are over, two weeks later.

“Good man,” he tells Loki as he slaps his shoulder, “You are a good drinker. I would like to invite you to fight some Dwarves because someone who can drink as well as you do, should be a great warrior as well.”

Loki nods but does not speak, afraid that his idiom will betray himself. Instead he straightens his beard and flicks away some of the food stuck in it. Thor laughs when he sees it.

“You remind me of someone,” he tells Loki, in return to which he turns his back to Thor.
The next day, when they are leaving, Loki is wearing his disguise again. He follows Thor quietly, thinking of the fighting moves he has studied and memorised over the years. Thor would never have taken him to Svartalfheim if he’d been just Loki.

He’s not only good at lying to others-he’s learnt to lie to himself over the past centuries as well.
The first two fights go down well. Loki doesn’t use his magic and Thor doesn’t seem to notice that his fighting techniques look curiously like the moves his brother has been practicing. Then in the third fight, against a particularly strong dwarf, Loki is pushed into a corner of the fighting area and needs his magic to help himself out.

When Thor notices, he drags Loki away from the battle and leaves the Warriors Three and Sif to it.
“What did you think you were doing, brother?” he screams to Loki. “Didn’t you think I would not notice? That I would not see your magical trickery in battle?”

“I thought you might finally see me as a fully grown man, Thor,” Loki shouts back at him, changing his shape back to his usual self. “That you might finally look at me like I was your equal, and not just your little brother that will always need protection.”


[FILL] Fake Empire (3b/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 19 2012, 19:02:48 UTC
Thor’s mouth is set in a thin line as he studies Loki. “Next time, just ask me. But stay out of the fights, why is it so difficult for you to understand that this is only me protecting you?”
“Why is it so difficult for you to understand that I do not need any protection?” Loki spats back. “Certainly not from you!”

At this, Thor calls for Heimdall. Loki, Thor, the Warriors Three and Sif are back on the Bifrost in no time at all.

When the four other warriors look at Loki with a curious eye, Loki turns around and walks away.

He visits Freyja, who is still crying over her lost husband, and asks her how she copes with her grief. It is a strange question but Loki supposes she must know something for else she would never have been able to stay alive for quite so long without him being near her.

They talk for hours and in the end she gives him a hug.

“I’m sorry, Loki,” she tells him. “Midgardians might see me as the Goddess of Love, but there is nothing I can force him into.”

Loki stays quiet for a while, knowing that while Freyja is not a clairvoyant she does know more than she leads many people to believe. He wonders if she knows the faith of her husband, if that is why she keeps crying-if she knows that he will never return, or perhaps that he stayed behind in a foreign world with someone else.

He hands her a cup of mead and pours another for himself.

Freyja is the first one to who he confesses everything: His confusing thoughts as a young child, how he likes Sigyn but isn’t sure if he loves her anymore even though she is the mother of his son. How Thor looks at him like he is a putrid little child, rather than a grown man who happens to fight with magic.

She holds him throughout the first three nights, patting his hair and telling him it will be alright. Then Loki’s chest fills with a warmth he has only felt a few times before. He doesn’t tell Freyja, because she needn’t know, but for the first time in decades he feels more or less at peace with himself.

When he leaves, he makes sure that she gets his gift: a carefully crafted bust of Odur, made of gold and crystal. It’s not much, he knows the pain she must feel has to be larger than how he feels about Thor, but he hopes it’ll make him feel better. The warmth in his chest makes him care more, and it is not entirely unpleasant, he decides.


[FILL] Fake Empire (4/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 20 2012, 19:36:23 UTC

When Loki discovers that he is Jotunn, he feels disgusted by himself.

When Thor discovers that Loki is Jotunn, he doesn’t speak to him reasonably in three months. All words he says are cut off and a feeling of betrayal is showing in his eyes-it’s not unlike how Loki feels. Loki doesn’t know if it’s because of him, because Thor hates the Jotnar and thus him as well, or if it is because Odin and Frigg raised him together with him, Son of Laufey.

He does try to talk to Thor, that he didn’t know either, that he does not want this, that it will change nothing-but he knows it has. Everything changed.

When he leaves for Jotunheim, he isn’t sure whether he will ever return to Asgard. He isn’t sure whether he will ever be able to face his brother.

He introduces himself to the Jotunn as Loki Laufeyson and as soon as they touch him, possibly to check whether it is real and possibly because they want him out of there because they don’t believe him anyway, he turns to ice.

He retains his Jotunn form for five full years. The first year he spends observing the Jotnar, their customs. He travels between the walls of Utgard, the stronghold, and finds himself at a loss. He misses his brother, his Aesir friends, but at the same time he knows that they will not accept him back.

At the end of his first year in Jotunheim, he meets Angurboda. She shows him around, so to speak, she teaches him the old dialects and learns him how to read the few books ancient Frost Giants have written. He, on his turn, teaches her the beginnings of magic-even though he knows that she might well turn against him. He finally starts to feel comfortable.

He doesn’t expect it, or even necessarily need it-at least not like the previous times-but Angurboda makes something thaw deep inside Loki’s chest. He confesses this to her, and after ten months a bright blue baby is born. They call him Fenrir.

In the fourth year, Angurboda gives birth to Jormungandr, another strong little boy. They are healthy and grow up fast, so by the time Hel is born in the fifth year, Fenrir is a healthy young man who helps his mother to take care of Jormungandr, by then a boy Loki likes for both his keen eye and sharp tongue. They form a little family, cosy by Frost Giant standards.

However, at the end of the fifth year, their happiness is cruelly interrupted. Odin finds out, though Loki never knows why. He suspects someone has betrayed him, perhaps even a fellow Jotnar. Fenrir is turned to a wolf, Jormungandr to a serpent that is forced to live on Midgard and Hel is sent to guard the Niflhel.

After that, Angurboda does not look at him the way she used to. In fact, none of the Jotnar do.
Loki does not really want to return to Asgard after that. There are only two reasons. The first is that the Jotnar do not accept him like one of their own any more. To talk to his old semi-family, Loki changed back to his Aesir shape. The second reason is that he saw Thor. The old, familiar ache is back in his chest and he is not sure if he can live without him for another five years, no matter that it was hardly anything for an almost-immortal God.

(The longing back to Jotunheim makes him feel physically sick-though he mentions that to no one and least of all Thor, now he finally seems to have regained some sense and manages to speak full, comprehensible sentences to Loki).


[FILL] Fake Empire (5/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 20 2012, 19:49:54 UTC
# 5

Loki isn’t usually interested in sex. He supposes it’s one of the perks of being a God (what with all earthlings chasing their unspeakables-he doesn’t want to lower himself to that level).

This time is different. Sigyn started to ignore him years ago, raising their child. Loki has been looking at Thor again and he wonders if she knows. And he-

He was away with Thor, visiting Niflheim. Or rather, the ignorant idiot allowed him to tag along and then decided that Loki was not strong enough to battle with the Vanir they were told to track down. Loki decided to follow Thor after all, disguised as a wolf in honour of Fenrir.

When Thor discovered this, Loki laid his head on his front legs and looked up with the largest eyes he could muster up.

“You must not mistake magic for strength, brother,” Thor spoke to him. “It is not the same thing.”
Turning back to his Aesir form, Loki said, “And you, my brother, must not tell me I am weak.”
“But you are!” Thor laughed at him and Loki sneered at him as he turned around. That’s the idea dawned on him, that Midgard might be the place where he could satisfy his needs.

Truth to be told, he knows that it is not normal to feel aroused when he is around his own brother. Loki can’t help it though, and he knows-especially after he had Sleipnir-that there are many things in all the worlds that seem illogical but work out just fine.

On Midgard, it’s surprisingly easy to find a willing man who looks like Thor. For a moment he entertains he idea of changing himself into a female shape but he decides not to. As a female, he has had sex with males-but as a man he has never-

He found the man in a club where everyone was dancing in same-sex couples. After asking around, everyone pointed him in this direction. Loki doesn’t like to dance, but sees the man and heads for him in a beeline. They briefly speak and that’s enough for the man to say, “Wanna come over to my place?”

The language is different from the Norse that Loki has grown used to over the past centuries, but this new continent does not recognise him. He likes the anonymity.

The man, whose name Loki doesn’t care for, rolls on a Midgardian contraceptive and ten slicks up his fingers with something that comes from a discreet tube. He pushes his fingers into Loki, who does not resist. The feeling is different from anything he has experienced before and a little painful but not bad overall.

With his hands on the man’s torso, he closes his eyes and pretends it’s his own brother.
A flash of lightening brightens up the room and for a moment, Loki’s wish has become reality.


[FILL] Fake Empire (6a/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 20 2012, 21:58:02 UTC
#0 Thor

When Loki gets back to Asgard, several years, a couple of fights with Thor (and his new friends on Midgard) and a mission to find Thor (again, on Midgard), Odin is furious.

“Where is Thor?” he asks Loki, who shrugs.

“He didn’t want to come out to play today, I suppose,” he replies as he studies his hand. A bruise blooms on the back.

Frigg immediately hurries herself to her not-quite-son and Loki has to push away the faint feeling of disgust he feels at seeing her (Liar, he thinks).

“Are you okay?” she asks, “What happened?”

“I-“ Loki starts, but then a door opens, somewhere, and a loud voice booms through the hall.

“Father, I have returned!” Thor says, swaying Mjolnir around in an obvious display of heroism. Loki stares at him and doesn’t know what to say as his father hurries towards his real son.

“Come on, Loki,” Sif whispers from behind him. “Don’t be mad at him now.”

Loki isn’t mad. He isn’t angry. He is furious. At his parents, for lying to him. At Thor, for making him seem like a wuss once again. At Thor, for challenging him again and again. At Thor. Because he still can’t shake his love for him.

He doesn’t sleep that night, nor the night after. In fact, Loki doesn’t sleep for an entire month. Instead he sits in the dark, whispering spells that might help him (and others in his situation). There is no one he can go to because no distraction will help him. Not permanently at least. There is no one he can talk to, because his family can’t know-least of all Thor.

After a month in which he has studied every book on love (love/spells, potions, magic, poultices, teas, herbs, flowers, earth’s chemistry, science, relationship advice and even a woman’s magazine) he thinks he’s got a solution.

This solution explodes with a bang. Literally.

Thor comes to check out Loki in his burning room, madder with the world than he can ever remember being.

“Are you alright, brother?” he asks.

Loki shakes his head. “Am I alright, am I alright? I am always asked if I am alright and you always expect me to answer that yes, I am. But do you know what, brother? I am not. My parents have lied to me, my sons and daughter have been cast to Midgard and beyond, my feelings betray me, and the Midgardians, a puny little folk I should be able to overpower in no time, will not listen to me. Of course I am not alright!”

In his anger, he feels the ice form in his intestines, and then how it slowly creeps up his throat, threatening to take over his head. He refuses to let it, and takes a couple of deep breaths in which he realises Thor didn’t move away from him during his rage. No, in fact, quite the opposite has happened.

Loki closes his eyes and can feel Thor’s warm breath on his face. It still melts the ice. Thor’s warm hands on his shoulders push the cold even further away.

“Have some faith in the future,” he says, sounding a little unsure of himself. “And,” he moves his hands away from Loki, “if it helps, I am insecure about certain things as well.”

“But you don’t know what it is like to despise yourself,” Loki responds, quietly.

“More than you think I do, Loki,” Thor stares straight into his eyes. His voice has grown softer as well, even though Loki is sure that if someone were standing outside the door, they could still hear him.


[FILL] Fake Empire (6b/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 20 2012, 21:59:43 UTC
“You keep running from me,” Loki accuses Thor, “You never want me there. Do you know what I had to do to catch your attention? I had to attack Jotunheim and Midgard.”

“That’s not true.” Thor smiles and shakes his head. “That could never be true.”

“You looked at me like you were disgusted with me after I discovered I am a Jotun. You came with Odin when you cast Fenrir, Jormungandr and Hel off Jotunheim. You forced me to come back to Asgard, because the Jotnar would not look at me like I was one of theirs anymore.”

“There is a reason for that.” Thor is still smiling. “I didn’t want them to look at you like that.”

“No.” Loki knows his voice is so soft Thor might not even hear him, but there is almost no distance between them and Thor is looking at his lips, and what is worse is that he is looking at Thor’s mouth and Thor seems to have realised-

“Yes, brother.”

-and sometimes Thor is smarter than everyone around him takes him for, including Loki, so it appears.

Thor kisses him with cool lips. It’s the perfectly composed movement of lips and tongue mixed with the harsh stubble that sets Loki’s senses off-rather than Thor’s smell, of apples almost like Yggdrasil, rather than his scent, sweat and man and sex and not wholly unlike that Midgardian but so much more addicting. It’s the kiss of a true warrior and he is on the receiving end.

He deepens the kiss and Thor’s large hand is in his neck (Loki remembers Angurboda halting him, her hand on his shoulder) and then around his waist (that was how he was standing in front of the altar, his hand on Sigyn) and then both of his arms around Loki (and Freyja’s hugs were nothing compared to this, this).

And then Loki forgets about his past loves and feels how Thor’s tongue slides past his own, how their armour glides to the floor with a quiet and metallic thunk, how their bodies fit together like a puzzle (though perhaps with a little violence). How Thor’s hand warms on Loki’s skin and how the ice stays quiet, subdued in its own little corner in Loki’s stomach, gently pushed away by the loving tendrils that start to stretch through Loki’s body, finally freed of its restraints.

“Do you not mind that we are brothers?” Loki finally asks when they break apart, still quiet.

“Do you?” Thor retorts.

And really, all Loki can do then is kiss Thor back.



Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (6b/6, Loki/Thor) history13041985 May 21 2012, 11:51:26 UTC
I find that Thor and Odin are not kind with Lokii. He is happy with the Jotun, let's take his happyness and his children ( and transform them in monster). It makes me feel like Loki is like a toy. You play with him and when he is borng you forget him. But when he is happy or not with you you remenber him and think that you want him.


Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (6b/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 21 2012, 23:59:07 UTC
I love this. The ending's lyrical and perfect after all the different phases Loki went through.


Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (6b/6, Loki/Thor) theatervine May 22 2012, 23:00:22 UTC
This is interesting but I have to agree with the poster previously: Thor and Odin are monsters and the fact that they took away Loki's children and then Thor expects Loki to love him is disgusting but typical and the fact that Loki still would is even more disgusting but again typical.
So...well done. Very in character.


Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (6b/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 25 2012, 11:02:27 UTC
ALL OF THIS IS WONDERFUL. But I feel like killing Odin and Thor for what they did with Loki's kids. He's trying to find some happiness in his shitty life and you bastards always ruin it for him! *shakes fist*

Still, love it ;)



Re: [FILL] Fake Empire (6b/6, Loki/Thor) anonymous May 26 2012, 22:41:23 UTC
Aww thank you! I'm SO glad you like it anyhow!!!!

Are you familiar with the myths, by the way? The Aesir actually did this to Loki's kids for real (in-myth), fearing they'd be(come) a threat :( When Ragnarok comes, it's said that Loki will lead a ship that's filled with several of his own creatures, and Thor will battle Jormungandr/the Midgard Serpent... It's so sad, all of it.



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