A run down on sponsored mood themes

Jul 25, 2007 20:42

The Diet Pepsi Max sponsored theme has been up and running along with the the sponsored mood theme. The mood theme image is served from stat.livejournal.com, like other mood themes ( Read more... )

sponsored mood themes, ad blocking techniques

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Comments 113

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foxfirefey July 26 2007, 04:07:10 UTC
If you use Firefox, Adblock Plus can solve it without you losing the mood themes of others that you want to see.


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tallblue July 26 2007, 04:41:02 UTC
That has happened to me a few times, I export my bookmarks and uninstall it, the del the folder and then reinstall and import the bookmarks plus add the extensions. It is a pain, but I cannot go back to IE.


ex_uniquewo July 26 2007, 04:09:32 UTC
Well, for what it's worth, wrote to feedback about Paid users seeing those.


ex_uniquewo July 26 2007, 12:32:15 UTC
So far, not good and even a bit scary. The first sentence of the answer I've gotten is
"Paid users do not see banner or textual ads while logged-in."

Okaaaay. So other ads are fine? Are we going to have more? I'm waiting for them to answer back.


foxfirefey July 26 2007, 16:22:17 UTC
Another policy, RIP. Ads are getting put into things that weren't designed to differentiate user levels, and it's easy to use that as a reason to not bother. And it conveniently gets paid eyeballs to increase the worth of the advertising at the same time.


ex_uniquewo July 26 2007, 17:46:05 UTC
*nods* Another thing I was said was: "Because of this, a sponsored theme will display in the same fashion to anyone who chooses to visit a user's journal; it's based on our principle that your journal is your journal, and you choose how to display it and what it contains ( ... )


havocthecat July 26 2007, 04:10:14 UTC
thank god I have adblock plus up.


ex_uniquewo July 26 2007, 04:14:04 UTC
About the filter, what do you do when you had to add http://stat.livejournal.com/* to your white list? Remember that?


foxfirefey July 26 2007, 04:15:04 UTC
Hrm, if you added that already, then I don't think it should show...is it?


ex_uniquewo July 26 2007, 04:16:33 UTC
White list, fey. Not black list.


ex_uniquewo July 26 2007, 04:20:54 UTC
Forget it. I deleted the other filter. I'll see if that prevents me from seeing stuff I actually wanna see.


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foxfirefey July 26 2007, 05:02:27 UTC
It's sort of disparate with the brand--diet Pepsi MAX! And all.


soph July 26 2007, 09:52:48 UTC
The thing that I don't think is understood here is that what is understood as "quality" differs between groups of people. Take a look here: http://www.livejournal.com/moodlist.bml?page=2 . The big difference between the Diet Pepsi MAX moods and the others are that the others aren't anti-aliased. Of course, there's a good reason for this - as you said, it's because it looks rubbish on non-white backgrounds, since GIFs don't support alpha channels.

But remember, we're talking about *marketers* here. DP's marketing department probably wanted the mood themes to look as good as possible. Unfortunately, they probably don't view their images on anything other than a white background. I wouldn't be surprised if LJ tried to use non-antialiased stuff at first, but then Pepsi rejected it saying they didn't want it to look blocky. Hence, anti-aliasing on a transsparent animated GIF.

That's my guess, anbyway.


foxfirefey July 26 2007, 10:03:15 UTC
Oh. Oooooh. I hadn't seen it on non-white. Now I totally understand where the fug accusations are coming from.

It's a pity IE doesn't properly support PNGs, oh woe. Although I guess it would not have made much of a difference, since they wanted to animate it.


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