A run down on sponsored mood themes

Jul 25, 2007 20:42

The Diet Pepsi Max sponsored theme has been up and running along with the the sponsored mood theme. The mood theme image is served from stat.livejournal.com, like other mood themes ( Read more... )

sponsored mood themes, ad blocking techniques

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foxfirefey July 26 2007, 04:07:10 UTC
If you use Firefox, Adblock Plus can solve it without you losing the mood themes of others that you want to see.


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tallblue July 26 2007, 04:41:02 UTC
That has happened to me a few times, I export my bookmarks and uninstall it, the del the folder and then reinstall and import the bookmarks plus add the extensions. It is a pain, but I cannot go back to IE.


foxfirefey July 26 2007, 04:52:29 UTC
If you are interested in Opera, it can run many Greasemonkey scripts, and I can also tell you how to block the sponsored mood themes in it.


squall87 July 26 2007, 22:28:08 UTC
Do you happen to know how to block it in Safari, if that's at all possible? If not, bleh, life goes on...


foxfirefey July 26 2007, 22:35:15 UTC
squall87 July 26 2007, 23:13:38 UTC
Thanks. :)


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