A run down on sponsored mood themes

Jul 25, 2007 20:42

The Diet Pepsi Max sponsored theme has been up and running along with the the sponsored mood theme. The mood theme image is served from stat.livejournal.com, like other mood themes.

This particular mood theme, Bubbles, shows a round bluish little face for 10 seconds, and a Diet Pepsi Max logo for two seconds, repeated ad infinitum. Using them is basically like putting a stealth ad logo into your post, and on to the friends pages of your friends if they haven't disabled friends' mood themes. Paid users see the logo flash, too.
Observe: You can see it in action in a post here.

If you want to make sure they do not show up on your friends page, you can have your friends page show your own selected mood theme on all of you friends posts by going here and selecting "View this mood theme on all of your friends' posts". If you're on Firefox and you just want to disable all image animation, the Web Developer toolbar will let you do that. Images->Disable Images->Image Animations.

If you want to filter out ONLY this mood theme and you are on Firefox, you can use Adblock Plus and add "http://stat.livejournal.com/img/mood/dietpepsi/" to your filters.

Pepsi is spending 55 million on their overall marketing efforts, mostly trying to target men between 24 and 35, a market not yet really reached by diet colas. Note: I deleted the original post to this while trying to edit in information, sorry! tallblue, you have your answer with Adblock Plus!

Added: Watch them allllll! Thanks, ciaran_h!

sponsored mood themes, ad blocking techniques

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