SUP selling rights to read locked posts?

Jul 31, 2007 21:45

evil_lack_shoe -:I will try.

Just now deleted some of my friends. Friends, 1000 friend owners. Who's decided to warn us about SUP (russian part of LJ), trying to sell right to read our locked posts.
I hate that cheap PR. And now they decided, by using circle link, hided beyond hot fake news, make me click most of 1000 friend owners LJ users.

I'm quite weak in english, so ask if something is unreadable =)
From a comment made in the most recent paidmembers post; I suspect that it's something innocent like contextual content-based ads surrounding F-only posts, which is pretty much what sponsored users sign up for anyway, but it could be something worse.

Can one of our Russian speaking contingent either give a better translation and/or reassure me and steve_savicki who brought it to my attention?


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