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Comments 14

foxfirefey July 31 2007, 20:47:15 UTC
Is that even possible?

I was under the understanding that all friends only stuff is still in the databases of LJ, which SUP has no direct access to.


andy July 31 2007, 20:53:59 UTC
Personally, I believe it's still so, and LJ would violate its own Privacy Policy transmitting such sensitive data out of SF datacenter without my permission. :-)


foxfirefey July 31 2007, 20:56:55 UTC
Agreed--the only way I could think of to get ahold of it was if the counter JavaScript they put on every page was scraping friends only posts and transmitting the content elsewhere. Which is possible, I guess, but feels really far fetched.

People are really skittish when it comes to this kind of thing, and can come up with imagined threats very easily.


andy July 31 2007, 21:05:53 UTC
There is no reason to do it in so complicated way. Anyway, the counters which SUP puts at the pages are reviewed by the core LiveJournal/Six Apart team, and it would be much easier to transmit FOs directly.


andy July 31 2007, 21:02:48 UTC
As a Russian speaker, I assure you that the entry you have referred to does not tell that SUP actually bought our FO posts. The entry was written just to criticize all the rumors about SUP, saying that it's a cheap PR.


foxfirefey July 31 2007, 21:05:48 UTC
Ooooh, curiosity. What rumors about SUP?


andy July 31 2007, 21:11:27 UTC
Oh, that is crap, really:

-- SUP bought all of Russian users, all of us are belong to SUP.
-- Kremlin will suspend all the accounts which are against it.
-- All of our data will be stored in Russia and will be disclosed to the FSS. (Those people even told about LiveJournal clusters, supposing that part of them will be resided in Russia. )
-- Jews bought LJ, so I'm going outta here.

and so on. It's really hard to tell everything in the only comment, but I hope you'll get the idea. :-)


zurafa July 31 2007, 21:22:46 UTC
I'm not exactly a SUP fan, but this particular post refers to a joke on a parallel Russian journal site, http://mylj.ru/ . Nothing to worry about :-)


innerslytherin August 5 2007, 18:21:42 UTC
This is unrelated to your post, but is that icon up for grabs? It's quite timely.


matgb August 5 2007, 18:30:22 UTC
Um, yeah, sure. Um, credit me.

That's quite scary actually, but yeah, censorship has always annoyed, and that advertiser threats has been part of the cause of LJs concern has been a case in point for this comm really.


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