Title: like a brick from above 'Verse/characters: Swallow's Tail; Helena, Sascha, Petrovich, Taarstad Prompt: 66A "drifting" Word Count: 396 Notes: 2/3, follows heartbeats in the dark
Title: . . hel. 'Verse/characters: Witches' Horses; Sinclair Prompt: 30A "once in a lifetime" Word Count: 189 Notes: two to three weeks before arrest, for context. Because context keeps me from getting stabbed.
Title: tick 'Verse/characters: Witches' Horses; Sinclair, la Grammont Prompt: 25C "caution" Word Count: 690 Notes: sketch of the ending piece in the Andreievich arc.
Title: oh, he dances. 'Verse/characters: Swallow's Tail; Petrovich, Helena Prompt: 32B "odd" Word Count: 223 Notes: "And . . that doesn't strike you as the tiniest bit odd?"
Title: surname 'Verse/characters: Witches' Horses; Sergeievich, Stanislav Prompt: 28B "battle" Word Count: 317 Notes: after new arrival. Prompted by a poll response.
Title: gleep? 'Verse/characters: Swallow' Tail; Taarsad Prompt: 35A "a place where no one goes" Word Count: 116 Notes: prompted by a poll response. After you gonna dance, or you just gonna watch?
Title: I don't want to know. 'Verse/characters: Witches' Horses; Sinclair, Ilya, la Grammont Prompt: 92C "silver" Word Count: 174 Notes: Third time sez boo.
Title: it'll end. 'well', on the other hand . . . 'Verse/characters: Witches' Horses; Sinclair, Andrei Andreievich Prompt: 27C "mania" Word Count: 312 Notes: Prompted by a poll response. Same sequence as hammers and wrenches and plans, plans, plans.
Title: Well. Tha's a problem. 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh Prompt: 76C "nameless" Word Count: 171 Notes: Uncharted waters. They're in uncharted waters, half a day from home. Prompted by a poll response.