Title: like a brick from above 'Verse/characters: Swallow's Tail; Helena, Sascha, Petrovich, Taarstad Prompt: 66A "drifting" Word Count: 396 Notes: 2/3, follows heartbeats in the dark
hee. if it's really driving you batshit y'can try layering your own context over it? 'cause i could see "horse = boat," but it could be a dinghy or a great huge steamship/oceanliner. it's just translating it to a different metaphor set?
Technically neither; 'Stas' the nickname is a permissible short name for 'Stanislav', which in this context is a surname.
Helena's once-Stas and Sergeivich's Stas aren't the same man, but they're second or third cousins. Lev Petrovich (Helena's) gave up the nickname when he was declared a casualty of war. Itzaak Nicolaievich (the general's Stas) is still actively using it, because he's never had a reason to stop.
Same system--Helena's even slept with the Stas who's not her commanding officer--same army, different paths, different men.
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Helena's once-Stas and Sergeivich's Stas aren't the same man, but they're second or third cousins. Lev Petrovich (Helena's) gave up the nickname when he was declared a casualty of war. Itzaak Nicolaievich (the general's Stas) is still actively using it, because he's never had a reason to stop.
Same system--Helena's even slept with the Stas who's not her commanding officer--same army, different paths, different men.
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