Title: play the hand dealt 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh, Aodh Prompt: 89C "wealth" Word Count: 691 Notes: Follows from stacking the deck. First time I've written her in first, sketchy, and I still don't know what on earth she's up to.
Title: go tap the library 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh, Giovanni Prompt: 65C "mergence", coastal_physics being a Navy fan Word Count: 473 Notes: "Are we hosting a war or something?"
Title: stacking the deck 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh, Aodh Prompt: 57B: "flashback" Word Count: 745 Notes: after for the attempt, before the gloating comes later.
Title: knot a rope 'round my temper 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh Manannan Prompt: 23D "distasteful" Word Count: 912 Notes: She's not the smugglers' terror Gideon is, or the sailors' legend Giovanni is. She doesn't need to be.
Title: uncharted waters 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh, Aodh Prompt: 88B "hug" Word Count: 638 Notes: Prompted by a request. Expanded from well. tha's a problem. Still sketched.
Title: Well. Tha's a problem. 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh Prompt: 76C "nameless" Word Count: 171 Notes: Uncharted waters. They're in uncharted waters, half a day from home. Prompted by a poll response.
Title: foreign waters ’Verse/characters: Wild Roses, out-of-context; Commodore Niamh Manannan-Sabaey and crew Prompt: "manannans" - non list request Word Count: 172 Rating: all ages Notes: Technically someone else's playground. Please let me know if this is Obviously Not Right.