Glee | THANH: Marie Noble at Rest | Kurt & Co [5 of 5]

Dec 30, 2010 17:16

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a 2nd cycle, and then a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th , 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th cycle. Now cycle 21!

if you have things you would like to see get written, pleeease drop by the suggestion box. The link is further down!

THE HAUNTING AT NOBLE HOUSE - This is my second murder mystery dinner story, the first one being The Case of Lady Lark. This one will be done over the course of five days, not one per cycle!

Kurt, Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, Artie, Tina, Santana, and Brittany
Chapter 5 of 5
Artie as Geoffrey Noble
Rachel as Genevieve Noble
Tina as June Crowley [previously Evelyn Noble]
Finn as Henry Eddison
Santana as Sue Blackwell [previously Isabel Eddison]
Mercedes as Ella Everly
Kurt as Bradley Stanwick
Brittany as Marie Noble

After witnessing Ella’s end, at Marie’s possessing ‘hand,’ along with the warning of the impending revelation, no one dared to move. They stared at the pale image of the dead girl, to each other, no one knowing what to do. The maids remained, quietly fretting side by side, and Bradley remained by Marie’s side, almost perpetually bowed forward with respect to his mistress. Henry had stood back from Ella’s body and now on one of the chairs, staring at his hands. Across from him, there was Genevieve Noble, almost afraid to look at the form of her daughter while at the same time she had to wonder about the fact that, according to her, there was a killer amongst them. Geoffrey seemed to have the same thought on his mind, though he was facing it with much less fear…

Finally, after a beat of suspense, Marie had taken a step forward, bringing everyone to attention at once, afraid that they might be next to suffer poor Ella’s fate. And after a very short walk forward, the ghostly finger came to be pointed at the quietly avoiding ‘double-widower-without-a-wedding.’ Henry looked up when he realized she’d stopped in front of him. He didn’t seem to want to stand, like he knew what would happen to him if he did.

“Marie, I didn’t…” he started, but with one move she had him quiet again.

“I know it was you. I didn’t want to believe it at first, but…”

“It wasn’t me,” he finally stood. “Mr. & Mrs. Noble, you have to believe me, I…”

“Stop!” Marie raised her voice, which did surprise those people present, though in no way because of the game itself. “It was always a mystery, but then I remembered, I was with you. And now today… You’ve never been so quiet… because you knew you shouldn’t have been here, that… someone would figure it out…” Henry couldn’t meet anyone’s eye… especially Marie’s… or Geoffrey’s. “Of all people, how could you do this to me? I loved you; I always did. We shared… so much…”

“Stop…” he now shook his head, begging.

“But we did. Didn’t you love me, too?” she took a step, pleading. “Didn’t you?”

“Yes… N… Yes, I…” he frowned, like he was trying to keep something in.

“Then why did you? How could you?” Her need to know coupled with her anger as she advanced, and that did it.

“Because you’re my sister!” Henry exploded, bringing the room to a stop.

“What?” Marie blinked, confused.

“What?” Geoffrey and Genevieve looked to one another - who did he mean?

“What?” the maids briefly looked primed for good gossip.

“What?” Bradley chimed in last, for good measure. Henry didn’t have a choice now; he’d said too much not to say the rest. So he stood.

“I didn’t know, at the beginning, you have to believe me, I didn’t know!” he showed the fears he’d been holding. “I didn’t know, but then when I went looking for this book in our library, I found these letters… I asked my mother, and she told me… John Eddison wasn’t my father…” He looked to Geoffrey, who sat up.

“I didn’t…” he looked to his wife.

“My mother is Jane Wells,” Henry spoke up, and Geoffrey looked back.

“Jane…” he blinked, all but confirming.

“She married soon enough that no one knew… Not even me. I thought… She would have said something, when we began to see each other, but…” There was a pause. “We don’t speak anymore.”

“My son…” Geoffrey gasped, catching up, as he looked to his daughter’s ghost… He knew just as well as anyone what they’d been up to.

“I tried to break it off, but you wouldn’t listen. And then that day, up there… It all happened so fast…” he almost looked like he was going to cry. “Go on and do what you have to do, you’ll do us both a favor.” There was a pause, and the ghost looked to her friend the butler for guidance.

“Let him live with his torment,” he pointed his finger one more time, and then… the game was done.

“I should have fallen on a carpet,” Mercedes stretched as she sat up, still clutching the ‘knife.’

“You were excellent,” Rachel went up to Finn with a smile. He almost reddened.

“Thanks… So were you,” he nodded.

“What about her?” Santana went up to Brittany. “Best ghost, Casper’s got nothing on her,” she looked to her friend. The blonde laughed, beaming with pride.

“I would have tripped on the sheet,” she nodded. They had no idea what that meant, except for Kurt, of course.

“Will you do another?” Tina asked, a question which seemed to interest all those present. Kurt gave a smile.

“In a little while,” he confirmed. “I think I already know which one…” They waited, but… “You’ll have to wait and see.”



[Cycle 01] [Cycle 02] [Cycle 03] [Cycle 04]
[Cycle 05] [Cycle 06] [Cycle 07] [Cycle 08]
[Cycle 09] [Cycle 10] [Cycle 11] [Cycle 12]
[Cycle 13] [Cycle 14] [Cycle 15] [Cycle 16]
[Cycle 17] [Cycle 18] [Cycle 19] [Cycle 20]
[Cycle 21]
[421] [422] [423] [424] [425]
[426] [427] [428] [429] [430]
[431] [432] [433] [434]

Suggestion Drop Off

Title: "The Haunting at Noble House: Marie Noble at Rest"
Pairing: None; Kurt, Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, Artie, Tina, Santana, and Brittany
Rating: G
Summary: [5 of 5] The night has come for another murder mystery dinner... with an angry ghost.
Spoilers: None

character: kurt hummel, character: finn hudson, gleekathon: mmd: marie noble, character: tina cohen-chang, grouping: gleekathon cycle 21, character: santana lopez, character: brittany, show: glee, character: mercedes jones, character: artie abrams, gleekathon, character: rachel berry

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