So excited I forgot the title! Bye 14!

Aug 12, 2010 12:13

Wee! When I finished the first cycle and started the second, I wondered if I'd lose my streak, especially with all the insanity of school... but it kept going, finished that cycle 2, and have since done cycles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14! Which means it's time for cycle 15 ;)

But for now... the cycle 14 round up! :D

Rachel watches her mother perform for the very first time. [Rachel & Shelby]

After the discovery she's made, Rachel has to figure what to do with the information [Rachel & Quinn]

There is one thing to get Artie the power to get back up after his fall. [Artie/Tina]

Will and the rest of the club wait on Quinn to deliver baby Beth. [Will & ND]

Will would have loved to go to the dance with April, but he did something better instead. [W&A]

It's the dare song assignment, and Tina challenges Mercedes to sing... [Tina & Mercedes]

They all need one day to raise their spirits, after back to back losses. [Kurt, Mercedes, Quinn]

Saturday night at the Hummel house... it's murder time. [Kurt & Co]

Sue takes Brittany on her first vacation out of Lima. [Sue & Brittany]

Kurt wakes up the morning after Victor's party, having fallen asleep there. [Kurt/Victor]

And on this vacation Brittany discovered the wonder of the ocean... and strawberries. [Sue&B]

Matt heads up to New York to go check out Sasha's dorm with her. [Matt/Sasha]

On that year, vacation doesn't feel like a vacation, not family vacation. [Sue & Brittany]

Jesse awakens to a world strange and impossible... [Jesse/Rachel, AU!J/Q]

Summer is upon them, but they have time for one last song. [Will & Mercedes]

Now with Beth coming home, Shelby has work to do to welcome her home. [Shelby & Beth]

Quinn reflects on a promise she made herself about Puck. [Quinn/Puck]

After her post-Sectionals humiliation, Sue is looking to get out... [Sue & Brittany]

On their way from changing into costumes, Kurt experiences something with Quinn. [K&Q]

They could all have been her father, but now none of them are. [Will, Puck, Finn]

On a night of spy-like activities, Shelby sees the girl and she knows... [Shelby & Rachel]

[CYCLE 01] [CYCLE 02] [CYCLE 03] [CYCLE 04]
[CYCLE 05] [CYCLE 06] [CYCLE 07] [CYCLE 08]
[CYCLE 09] [CYCLE 10] [CYCLE 11] [CYCLE 12]
[CYCLE 13]

creation: ficlets, tv show: glee, projects: gleekathon

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