Wee! When I finished the first cycle and started the second, I wondered if I'd lose my streak, especially with all the insanity of school... but it kept going, finished that cycle 2, and have since done cycles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8! Which means it's time for cycle 9, soooo GLEE IS ALMOST BACK!!!
But none of that for now, for now... the cycle 8 round up! :D

On the tenth anniversary of his mother's death, Kurt reflects on the legacy she's left him. [Kurt]

Tina likes to wear her keys, and it's not just for style. It's a family tradition... [Tina]

With three members out sick, Will tasks the remaining members with an assignment. [W, ND]

Summer is over, the girls are reunited... but will they spread sunshine? [R&Q]

New Directions works to reproduce a performance by Will's Glee Club. [W, E, ND]

Brittany participates in some of the Cheerios schemes, but not all... [Sue & Brittany]

Will decides it's time for Brittany to have her first solo, and he guides her through it. [W&B]

On Tina's 14th birthday, she and Mike have an arcade encounter. [Mi&T]

Emma and the club are waiting on the announcement of the Sectionals winner. [E&ND]

Victor comes by with some news for Kurt about their clubs. Over lunch, they share a first. [K/V]

Rachel watches the rest of the club perform at Invitationals, without her. [Rachel]

Standing behind that curtain, waiting to sing, Rachel considers her Glee history. [Rachel]

Will watches the video of the Sectionals performance with the Glee Club. [W&ND]

He could have been one of them, he could have been an outcast. [Mike]

Costumes, the Jazz Ensemble, Choreography, and Finn... he's got the music. [O6]

This is the first time Quinn gets a slushie facial, and Rachel is there to help her clean up. [R&Q]

Will's birthday is coming up, and the club wants to do something for it. [W&ND]

In prep for their team up [see ABCs #3], Finn and Brittany work together. [F&B]

In preparation for their 'Team Mash-up' performance, the girls go shopping. [Me, T, Q]

Sasha has suffered an incident, and Matt wishes nothing more than to be with her. [Ma/Sasha]

The rest of the club, in two groups of five, waits on their cue to enter the Sectionals stage. [ND]