Wee! When I finished the first cycle and started the second, I wondered if I'd lose my streak, especially with all the insanity of school... but it kept going, finished that cycle 2, and have since done cycles 3, 4... through 17! Which means it's time for cycle 18 (well, it WAS time for it over two weeks ago, sorry for the delay! ;))
But for now... the cycle 17 round up! :D

Brittany finds recipes confusing, so she calls on Quinn for a lesson in baking. [Quinn & Brittany]

After attempts to 'funk' each other out, the two clubs need to level the playing field. [ND v. VA]

It's dare song day, and Finn gives Mike cause to sing at one Cheerio [Finn & Mike]

Invited back with their Glee Club to perform at McKinley, Rachel and Quinn share a tune. [Older R&Q]

She's being a good little Cheerio... but that's not right, not all the time. [Sue & Brittany]

Quinn goes to Puck, seeking shelter after having to leave the Hudsons' [Puck/Quinn]

Hoping to sneak into the Glee room, instead Sue meets Donovan Wells. [Sue/Donovan]

Jesse and Rachel unite to discover their situation is shared. [Jesse/Rachel]

Emma thinks of her feelings for Will as they shop for her wedding dress. [Will/Emma]

Now good and healed up, the only thing to do is create a number! [Mike/Brittany]

It's moving day for Shelby and Beth; Shelby meets the neighbor. [Shelby & Beth]

Matt has news for Sasha that will affect their relationship. [Matt/Sasha]

She's not with them but she is nearby... in the Regionals Audience! [Emma]

The work of a Sunshine Girl is never over... even in pre-school [Young Rachel & Quinn]

Finding out their true connection, Will is left to ponder his past with Rachel & Shelby. [Will, R&Sh]

Jacob calls on Finn to help him go ahead and ask out Suzy. [Jacob/Suzy]

In hindsight, Brittany feels bad about certain things. [Sue & Brittany]

Glee Club is a part of his home life just as much as his work life. [Brad & Family]

Kurt and Victor are vying for a spot in a Glee show, as a duet. [Kurt/Victor]

Look out New Directions, Will Schuester has a plan... [Will & New Directions]

After Will walks out, Terri starts seeing a therapist... and a song. [Terri]
[CYCLE 01] [CYCLE 02] [CYCLE 03] [CYCLE 04] [CYCLE 05] [CYCLE 06] [CYCLE 07] [CYCLE 08] [CYCLE 09] [CYCLE 10] [CYCLE 11] [CYCLE 12] [CYCLE 13] [CYCLE 14] [CYCLE 15] [CYCLE 16]