Really. Freaking. Late: The Cycle 19 Round-up!

Dec 27, 2010 13:34

Wee! When I finished the first cycle and started the second, I wondered if I'd lose my streak, especially with all the insanity of school... but it kept going, finished that cycle 2, and have since done cycles 3, 4... through 19! Which means it's time for cycle 20 (Well, it was... I'm waaaay late on this ;) Oops!)

But for now... the cycle 19 round up! :D

Matt and Kurt are the last of the dare song teams, and Matt wants to help Kurt vent frustrations. [Ma&K]

Burt has always known who is son was, and it's always been on his mind. [Burt]

There is only so much deception one person can go through before hope is hurt... [Kurt]

Shelby's dealings with her neighbors only become more involved. [Shelby & Beth]

Sitting at that table, pen in hand, ballot before her, Sue Sylvester makes a decision. [Sue]

After deliberating it for a while, Quinn has made up her mind to rejoin the Cheerios. [Quinn]

Sue isn't going to stop Brittany doing what she wants, but there has to be honesty. [Sue & Brittany]

Finn can't find the words to say he's started to miss his friend... [Finn & Puck]

It's hard to imagine sometimes how they used to be those kids in high school. [Older Kurt/Victor]

An afternoon of sweet lady kisses turned sour because of duets... solved in a duet. [Santana/Brittany]

Quinn is looking to an evening with her parents and Finn, and Rachel offers her a deal. [Rachel & Quinn]

Quinn did it to help Rachel... Now though she has to live with the thoughts it's reawakened... [Q/F]

Jacob decides what his lady love needs is a polished new version of him... [Jacob/Suzy]

Tina would never say it in so many words, but she can't help thinking it... [Artie/Tina/Mike]

It takes something truly disturbing to traumatize Brittany... and there it is... [Sue & Brittany]

She knows exactly what to do in order to get Brittany back by her side... [Santana]

The memories she holds are few and far in between, but they could save her. [April]

Jesse has to wait 3 days before Rachel's answer... and McKinley charms him. [J/R, J/AU!Q]

When she was little, she loved no story more than Little Star and the bright place... [Young Rachel]

Emma Pillsbury isn't just gonna let the Glee Club disappear without a fight. [Emma]

Brittany leads Santana away and reveals the biggest secret in her life. [Sue & Brittany/Santana]

[CYCLE 01] [CYCLE 02] [CYCLE 03] [CYCLE 04]
[CYCLE 05] [CYCLE 06] [CYCLE 07] [CYCLE 08]
[CYCLE 09] [CYCLE 10] [CYCLE 11] [CYCLE 12]
[CYCLE 13] [CYCLE 14] [CYCLE 15] [CYCLE 16]
[CYCLE 17] [CYCLE 18]

creation: ficlets, tv show: glee, projects: gleekathon

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