Glee | THANH: The Return to Noble House | Kurt & Co [2 of 5]

Dec 27, 2010 12:08

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a 2nd cycle, and then a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th , 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th cycle. Now cycle 21!

if you have things you would like to see get written, pleeease drop by the suggestion box. The link is further down!

THE HAUNTING AT NOBLE HOUSE - This is my second murder mystery dinner story, the first one being The Case of Lady Lark. This one will be done over the course of five days, not one per cycle!

Kurt, Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, Artie, Tina, Santana, and Brittany
Chapter 2 of 5
Artie as Geoffrey Noble
Rachel as Genevieve Noble
Tina as Evelyn Noble
Finn as Henry Eddison
Santana as Isabel Eddison
Mercedes as Ella Everly
Kurt as Bradley Stanwick
Brittany as Marie Noble

Kurt had spent the better part of the day setting the stage in his basement for that evening’s dinner. There would be eight of them this time. It was still reasonable in the space available to them, but he knew if their numbers kept increasing each time, then maybe they’d need to start seeking larger accommodations.

He was dressed, hair and all, set to play the almost senile butler. He had made sure that the others knew: When they arrived, when they walked through that door and down those stairs, then they were leaving one identity behind and assuming another, the one handed to them in their envelopes. The one possible exception would be Artie, same as last time. His ‘turn’ would be activated once the Hummel and Abrams fathers were done bringing him down and once they left their sons alone to their game.

Although in this case they were already joined by a third player. Seeing as they were playing husband and wife, Rachel had insisted they should arrive together. So Mr. Abrams had picked her up on the way, and when they arrived, the pair melded into their roles as Geoffrey and Genevieve Noble the moment the basement door shut. Rachel had that high society act down to an art, and so did Artie, although Kurt couldn’t help but notice something behind his eyes, something like ‘I can’t believe you put me though that, with her.’ Now he could imagine the kind of car ride he must have had. It didn’t matter now… Kurt, and Artie, and Rachel, they weren’t there now…

“Bradley, it’s good to see you again, after all these years,” she stepped up, offering her hand. The old butler hesitated, but then he took the hand and bowed his head.

“Three years… ma’am,” he lifted his eyes to her and she put on a ‘smile,’ tugging her hand back. “Please, make yourselves comfortable,” he indicated the ‘living room,’ as he could hear noise upstairs… Someone else had arrived. As the couple moved off, the door opened, and in came Evelyn Noble, looking very much ‘high class by little funding.’

“Hello, brother,” she stopped midway down the stairs, her voice loud and lively as she smirked over to Geoffrey. He turned and gave an awkwardly fake smile.

“Evelyn… I wasn’t sure you’d come…” His sister just gave a shrug and carried on down, moving on to serve herself from ‘the bar.’ Soon after, there was noise above again, but the door wasn’t opening. Instead, there was a distant bell, and then more voices, until finally the door opened again, and down came a trio.

The Eddisons, Henry and Isabel, along with their good friend, Ella Everly. The ladies were dressed for the occasion and then some. Henry was dressed for it, too, but in that land where they were still those ‘other people,’ it could be easily assumed that he had not chosen his own clothes, which made them look… misshapen and weird. So not only did he have to manage somehow to get into character, he had to do it in those clothes.

“Henry Eddison,” Geoffrey wheeled up. He’d never liked the guy, even before he had started frequenting his Marie, and after… Well, it only got worse.

“Mr. Noble,” he shook his almost-father-in-law’s hand, with a coldness that matched his. That changed as he moved to greet Mrs. Noble. There were no words, but he kissed her hand - she blushed - and he gave her a nod.

“I’ll have a drink,” Isabel turned to the butler, a pristine lady still. Bradley gave a crooked bow of the head before moving to do as told.

“So will I,” Ella chimed in, with a winning smile. “I know we were going to wait, but… Henry?” she turned to the man, giving him a nod as though to say ‘well, go on, tell them.” Before he could talk, there was a knock at the basement door. Knowing what this meant, Bradley handed the drink to Miss Eddison and went on up.

“Dad?” Kurt was surprised to find him as the knocker.

“I think she’s one of yours?” But pointed and Kurt turned… promptly letting out a small shriek of surprise.

“Hi,” Brittany waved, agitating the sheet that covered her. Kurt couldn’t help but stare at the girl standing there, having only recognized her by the eyes peeking out of the holes she had cut in the white sheet before throwing it over herself… and also because… who else would do this?

“Brittany, I don’t think this… this isn’t the kind of ghost we’re going for, so you sh… You are dressed under there?” he begged more than asked. She nodded, a gesture he barely recognized because of the sheet. “Well… it’s alright. I always have… replacement costumes…” he paused when she’d pulled the sheet off and he saw the dress under. “… just in case.”

“Okay, what should I put on instead?” she asked, looking sorry for her mistake.

“No, this is perfect actually…” he shook his head. He had to assume by some logic she counted this and the sheet as her costume, even if no one would have seen this half of it if he hadn’t told her to lose the sheet… A shame that would have been… She was just what he’d pictured Marie to be. “Okay, come on. Everyone is going to pretend like they can’t see you when you go down there, so you can find where to be, since they’re not supposed to see you yet,” he explained.

“Do I put the sheet back on?” she asked. He turned and carefully took it from her, putting it down nearby.

“No, let’s leave that here. Let’s go,” he guided her into the basement, where they became Bradley and Marie. Though, as he’d said, no one was meant to see her, there was still a notable drop in conversation when the new arrival made her entrance and promptly ducked under the stairs. Once the butler looked back though, it resumed.

“That’s right, Ella and… Ella and I are engaged,” Henry announced to the Nobles, as his new fiancée nodded along, almost to make sure he was actually, finally saying it. Tried as they might, the whole thing came out as awkward, but they used it. They looked like people who didn’t necessarily want this marriage, and yet…

“Well… Congratulations, Henry… Ella…” Genevieve stood, as custom would encourage, though no part of her wanted to. “Though how you could do better than my poor Marie, rest her soul, I honestly can’t say,” the tissue seemed to appear out of nowhere as she gently tended to her ‘tears.’ Ella stood to reply, but Henry pulled her back, guiding her off to the side.

“Well, I have to say, how you could let this house sit here, wasting away... empty… is absolutely beyond me,” Evelyn spoke, in that same almost loudmouth voice.

“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Geoffrey spoke somberly. “My little girl died here,” he raised his chin, reaching for his wife’s hand. “Bad memories, and too many of them.”

“I take care of the house, Miss Evelyn, it’s not empty,” Bradley pointed his crooked finger at the woman, who just shrugged and went to refill her drink.

The lot of them talking and arguing as they had, not one noticed what happened then. The Lady Isabel, standing there, felt a presence, just as… “San… Isabel…” the whisper came, and she knew what it meant, so she followed the sound.

Now obviously, before they had entered the basement, they understood certain things would have to be… assumed. Mainly, they could not literally have one of them take a tumble off the second floor to land below… so a signal was rigged, and then very clearly explained to the one who had to put things in motion.

As the arguments and sniped carried on, the lights went out, all at once, followed by a piercing scream and a crash - books in a pillow case, slamming to the ground - and then the lights came back on… and Evelyn screamed, as they all saw…

“Isabel?” Henry sprang forward to come at his fallen sister’s side. After a quick observation, he sat back in shock. “She’s dead…” he announced, causing a rush of gasps.

“She fell from up there,” Ella pointed.

“Not again…” Geoffrey came forward, looking down. “This is where she died, exactly here… My Marie…” He, too, had a handkerchief out of nowhere. “Bradley, please move her until they can take her away,” he turned away.

The butler did as told, stealing a glance through the risers of the stairs, to the spirit of his master… mistress… the late Marie Noble.



[Cycle 01] [Cycle 02] [Cycle 03] [Cycle 04]
[Cycle 05] [Cycle 06] [Cycle 07] [Cycle 08]
[Cycle 09] [Cycle 10] [Cycle 11] [Cycle 12]
[Cycle 13] [Cycle 14] [Cycle 15] [Cycle 16]
[Cycle 17] [Cycle 18] [Cycle 19] [Cycle 20]
[Cycle 21]
[421] [422] [423] [424] [425]
[426] [427] [428] [429] [430]

Suggestion Drop Off

Title: "The Haunting at Noble House: The Return to Noble House"
Pairing: None; Kurt, Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, Artie, Tina, Santana, and Brittany
Rating: G
Summary: [2 of 5] The night has come for another murder mystery dinner... with an angry ghost.
Spoilers: None

character: kurt hummel, character: finn hudson, gleekathon: mmd: marie noble, character: tina cohen-chang, grouping: gleekathon cycle 21, character: santana lopez, character: brittany, show: glee, character: mercedes jones, character: artie abrams, gleekathon, character: rachel berry

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