Glee/Castle | Red Herring: 3. Rose Petals | Glee, Castle (3 of 7)

May 14, 2011 11:56

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a 2nd cycle, and then a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th , 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 26th and 27th cycle. Now cycle 28!

if you have things you would like to see get written, pleeease drop by the suggestion box. The link is further down!

RED HERRING - A Glee/Castle Crossover - This week-long story is dedicated to a couple of BAMFs who shall remain nameless (for reasons to be made obvious later) until the day of the final chapter, next Wednesday, which so happens to be both their birthdays ;)

Wil, New Directions - Crossover with Castle

Once they had gone upstairs, Will had kept his group gathered in the suite they were sharing. Part of it was that he figured they had to be traumatized about all this, seeing as the girl who died hadn’t been a complete stranger to them, which couldn’t be helping matters. But then the more pressing matter was that he didn’t want them wandering around on their own right then. Not only were there cops going around, but with how the whole thing had happened he had to guess there was someone out there who’d gone and performed this killing… he wasn’t going to put his kids in any more danger.

“What’s going to happen now?” Rachel broke the silence, asking the question in a calm voice that told him she wasn’t so much worried about winning or losing at the moment which, of all things, anchored the seriousness of the situation.

“I wish I knew,” he shook his head. “They might want to talk to us, they… they might cancel or postpone Nationals. We’re not packing up our bags just yet though, so let’s… let’s wait and see what happens.”

“She was nice to us,” Tina spoke up softly, smiling as she recalled. The others silently nodded in agreement. Heads rested on shoulders, hands were held… What else could they do?

Then came the knock at their door. A few of them jumped, startled, and a few of them sat up almost with determination to protect the others if danger was coming.

“Killers don’t knock,” Puck frowned, reminding them.

“They do if they want to lull you in a sense of false hope before they come in and cut you open,” Rachel pointed out, wound up, which only got more whimpers out of a few of them.

“Let’s not do that,” Quinn sighed, though even she looked a little frazzled. But then Will returned, with an odd look on his face, which got thirteen faces turned to him.

“We’ve been asked to go down to the station for interrogation,” he informed them. “Now you’re all minors and your parents aren’t here, but I’ll be with you, I promise. The bus is pulling up out front, we should get going.”

“Should we change?” Mike asked, looking around at all of them in their costumes.

“Actually they’ve asked that we keep them on,” Will told him, which they now saw must have been why he had that look on his face as he re-entered the room. So they were off.

Down at the 12th precinct, everyone was attempting to get things done before their ‘gleeful invasion.’ It was impossible to manage all the clubs involved, on top of other possible persons of interest, all on their floor at the precinct. Their priority had been directed toward the club from McKinley High, from the piece of red fabric, but even then they couldn’t restrict themselves. So the McKinley group would be brought in, along with key members of the competition’s organization and their victim’s family once they were located. The other two clubs would be fielded right at the hotel, a task which had fallen to Ryan and Esposito. They’d decided amongst themselves, Ryan would take one group, Esposito would take the other. Almost wishing each other good luck, they’d headed to their respective groups. But for Beckett and Castle the task was to gather what information they could on Marie Bennett.

What they got, courtesy of her employee file, and her mother and brother once they came down to see them, was this: Marie, aged twenty-nine, had just moved back home to New York after calling off her engagement to long-time boyfriend Phillip. The mother explained her daughter was truly heartbroken, and had it not been for all the rush of preparation for this competition, she might not have found her way back on her feet the way she had. ‘A blessing,’ her mother had called it, immediately breaking down as she remembered this blessing had only lead to her death. Beckett had turned to the brother to ask about the state of the break-up. He assured them it was completely understood between them. Phillip had been offered a job overseas and, as Marie wouldn’t follow him, the outcome had been inevitable. The ex would soon be ruled out, as he was in Vienna as he had been for the last few weeks. Asked if they knew of any problems she may have had with anyone more local, or if she had begun dating again, they were given a no in both cases. They had no more than a vague picture of who this woman was when the elevator doors opened to deposit seven girls, six boys, a teacher and an accompanist.

“Listen, I’ll take care of the girls, you get the boys,” Beckett told Castle as they looked up to see them standing just outside the elevator. He looked back at her, either shocked or excited.

“Solo interrogations, really?” he asked. She looked back at him, and even before she spoke he knew that wasn’t the case.

“Check their costumes for any tears or missing pieces,” she clarified before moving off to greet the group. After a beat, Castle hurried his step to catch up with her. “If I can have everyone’s attention, please?” she addressed the new arrivals. “I’m Detective Kate Beckett, and this is…”

“That’s Richard Castle,” Sam was the first to speak, though not the first to react.

“Wow, this trip just improved,” Santana chuckled in amazement, but Rachel took the prize when she gasped and pointed at Beckett before whispering to the others.

“It’s Nikki Heat!” Beckett waited a beat or two before talking, making sure to maintain herself courteous. She had to make sure not to look to Castle on her right or she would have failed. She scanned the faces and quickly identified…

“Will Schuester?” she asked, and he nodded, stepping forward. “We need to examine your kids’ costumes, now I’ll take care of the girls myself, and Mr. Castle will look after the boys. You and your accompanist are welcome to stand by the whole time.”

“Right,” he nodded, not made confident in any way by the fact that they had to take a look at all of them like this. “Brad, will you go with the girls?” he asked, and the man nodded.

“This way, please,” Beckett led the seven girls and Brad to one room while Castle looked to Will and the boys, remembering after a moment that he was on his own.

“And, if you’ll follow me,” he spoke, taking them to another room. The way he saw it, his job was pretty straight forward. Checking six shirts would be easy; Beckett had skirts and ruffles to deal with. So within a couple of minutes he had already established that there was nothing missing from any of the boys’ clothes. Now there they were, with nothing to do, and… Well, no point in wasting time. “So you spent any time with Miss Bennett?”

“She showed us to our suite when we first arrived,” Kurt spoke up.

“She told us what the best things were to order off the room service menu,” Mike added.

“She made sure we got to rehearsal on time,” Finn pitched in.

“Especially if we got lost,” Puck continued this.

“She liked my guitar,” Sam recalled. “She could play, too.”

“She was really looking forward to seeing us compete,” Artie added in the end.

“Any of you saw her today?” Castle asked them.

“The last time I saw her was when she brought a few of them back from the gift shop, before our rehearsal,” Will told him, and the boys nodded.

In the other room, just as Castle had predicted, her job was a bit more complicated. At the very least she could guess that the piece, if it came from one of them, would have been near the bottom or at least part of the dress itself, not the layers underneath. One by one the girls had to present themselves, turning as Beckett instructed while she checked for… nothing. None of their dresses were compromised in any way. She stepped back with a sigh.

“Right, so I’ll just need to go and verify something and then…” she started, heading toward the door, but then she thought of something and she turned back to them. “Did you bring any back-up costumes?” The girls nodded. “And they’re the same as these?” she asked, and again they nodded. “Excuse me.” She stepped out of the room and took out her phone, dialling. “Hey, Ryan, I need you to check something.” It was ten minutes before she got a call back.

“Hey, you were right. We found the one missing a piece. We also know who it belonged to.”



[Cycle 01] [Cycle 02] [Cycle 03] [Cycle 04] [Cycle 05]
[Cycle 06] [Cycle 07] [Cycle 08] [Cycle 09] [Cycle 10]
[Cycle 11] [Cycle 12] [Cycle 13] [Cycle 14] [Cycle 15]
[Cycle 16] [Cycle 17] [Cycle 18] [Cycle 19] [Cycle 20]
[Cycle 21] [Cycle 22] [Cycle 23] [Cycle 24] [Cycle 25]
[Cycle 26] [Cycle 27]
[Cycle 28]
[568] [569]

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Title: "Red Herring: 3. Rose Petals"
Pairing: Glee, Castle
Rating: G
Summary: New Directions is in New York for Nationals, when a murder brings in Det. Beckett and Richard Castle themselves.
Spoilers: None really; current seasons on Glee and Castle

character: kate beckett, character: richard castle, character: kevin ryan, characters: new directions, character: will schuester, crossover, gleekathon: red herring, character: javier esposito, story: red herring, show: glee, gleekathon, show: castle

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