Started my daily ficlets to make the
hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a
2nd cycle, and then a
11th ,
20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 26th and 27th cycle. Now cycle 28!
if you have things you would like to see get written, pleeease drop by the suggestion box. The link is further down!
RED HERRING - A Glee/Castle Crossover - This week-long story is dedicated to a couple of BAMFs who shall remain nameless (for reasons to be made obvious later) until the day of the final chapter, next Wednesday, which so happens to be both their birthdays ;)
Wil, New Directions - Crossover with Castle
The two of them stood by as they waited for the crowd to thin out, though they made sure to scan the faces that went by… one of them could be their killer. One thing did stand out, not necessarily as suspicious, just… peculiar.
“What’s with all those kids?” Beckett could spot three ‘patterns,’ three groups, from their costumes. One group in black and white, another in red and black, and a third in silver and black.
“National Show Choir Competition,” Castle saw the banner posted behind them, over the doors.
“Show choir?” she repeated. He opened his mouth to speak, but she turned back and, as she saw the space was clearing, she moved toward their victim. “I know what it means.” So he shut his mouth and followed her. They were first on the scene, and it was the head of security who greeted them and briefed them on what they presently knew.
“The victim’s name is Marie Bennett. There was a crash on the second floor and then the body came flying off from above to land right here,” he pointed to the body.
“Crash?” Castle asked, looking back to the landing, where a room service cart could be seen, stuck in the rails at an angle that would indicate it had been rammed into the bars. His eyes followed the trajectory, landing on the body on the ground floor, retraced it a couple of times. “Crash,” he agreed.
“Any witnesses?” Beckett asked, making the same journey with her eyes, seeing how their victim had come to land where she had.
“No one saw who… well, I guess you could say the cart was launched. But no one saw a thing,” the guard explained. “Then the cameras…” he spoke just as Beckett’s phone rang.
“That’ll be them,” she guessed as she answered and heard Esposito’s voice.
“Security’s been reviewing the tapes, but as far as they can tell whoever shoved that cart managed to stay hidden. They don’t think this was the idea though, just a fortunate accident that no camera got a look,” he told Beckett as both he and Ryan leaned in to look at the screens, which made the woman sitting at the station glare back at them, and they retreated enough to give her the space they were apparently depriving her of.
“Right, well confirm that?” she asked as she spied Lanie coming through the door. Beckett hung up as she was approaching.
“He’s not touching my body is he?” Lanie asked, indicating the victim on the ground. Castle was crouched beside her, staring sideways at something. The women walked up and, without looking up…
“I think she works for the competition,” he pointed and, hearing no words he looked up to find the two of them staring down at him. “Hands off, see?” he held out his hands, one side and the other. “Since you’re the one with the gloves, by all means,” he stepped back and let Lanie step in. She retrieved the badge and once it had been slipped into the evidence bag, she handed it to Beckett.
“Who’s in charge of the competition?” she looked to the head of security.
“That would be Mr. Matheson,” she pointed to the man who was sitting on a nearby chair, with a guard by his side and a paper bag in his hand. Every few seconds he would try and breathe in the bag, so deep they thought the bag might burst. While Lanie got to work examining the body, which would not lay flat, Beckett and Castle crossed the floor to speak with the hyperventilating man. Beckett barely had time to flash her badge before the man unloaded.
“This is my first year! My first year, oh they’re going to fire me, I’m going to have to move back in with my mother. Well, of course, she’ll say she knew it wouldn’t last, I won’t hear the end of it. Oh, what a disappointing son I was, abandoning her…” he shook his head and Castle motioned for him to blow in the bag again, which he did.
“Mr. Matheson…” Beckett tried, and the man removed the bag once again to conclude his outburst.
“I’m thirty-seven!” After a pause, making sure when she started to talk, she would get to go on, Beckett started again.
“Mr. Matheson, what can you tell us about Marie Bennett?” He looked up.
“M-Marie? That was her?” he asked, and Beckett showed him the badge. Suddenly it looked like a weight had been lifted from him. “I thought it was one of the kids, I… oh…” he let out a breath and sat back like he wasn’t worried for his job anymore. It took a few more seconds for him to realize how it might have sounded like he didn’t care now that he knew it was one of his employees, and he sat up. “It’s absolutely terrible,” he told them.
“What can you tell us about her?” Beckett brought him back to the subject.
“Right, sorry,” he shook his head. “I, uh… She was in charge of looking after the different choirs, making sure they got to where they needed to be. She was a new hire too, there are a few of us,” he explained, and now his face looked downright mischievous. “Big scandal last year,” he revealed.
“How big a scandal?” Castle asked, his face almost matching the man’s.
“Well, I only know what the official story is… and what the others said,” he added after a beat. “My predecessor,” he started, then paused abruptly, realizing. “Oh, I probably shouldn’t say, or I might…”
“You know, it’s not so bad, living with your mother,” Castle told the man, casually.
“You haven’t met mine,” Matheson shook his head. “If you want to know the whole story, I can give you the names of the people who were fired. Do you think it’s one of them?” he asked, back to conspiracy.
“It’s worth looking into,” was all Beckett would say before signalling for Castle to follow her back to Lanie’s side. She had made some progress, though they’d yet to move the body. “Was she dead before she landed here?” Beckett asked.
“Fortunately for her, yes. I’ll have to get her back to the morgue before I can give you a cause of death, but I did find something that might get you started,” she reached for an evidence bag by her side and handed it to Beckett, who observed the content. “It was stuck in the cables,” she indicated where the limbs were tied up.
“What is it?” Castle asked.
“Piece of fabric. Must have gotten caught in there when she was being tied up,” she held out the bag to him and he looked at the fabric.
“Call me crazy, but didn’t we just see a whole bunch of those kids in that same red material?” he asked. She looked back at him, and even if she said nothing, he could track exactly where her mind went in the next few seconds: first she remembered the choir with the red and black costumes, then she remembered how many of them there were, and then she realized they’d have to interrogate not just that group but all three of them, probably, along with any others who could have had something to do with this competition. He gave her a comprehending nod, just as Ryan and Esposito returned.
“Whoever tossed her got real lucky. They managed to get her out there without being seen or filmed at all,” Ryan revealed, but then paused when they saw the looks on Beckett and Castle’s faces.
“Well, boys, it’s going to be a long one.”

[Cycle 01] [Cycle 02] [Cycle 03] [Cycle 04] [Cycle 05] [Cycle 06] [Cycle 07] [Cycle 08] [Cycle 09] [Cycle 10] [Cycle 11] [Cycle 12] [Cycle 13] [Cycle 14] [Cycle 15] [Cycle 16] [Cycle 17] [Cycle 18] [Cycle 19] [Cycle 20][Cycle 21] [Cycle 22] [Cycle 23] [Cycle 24] [Cycle 25]
[Cycle 26] [Cycle 27]
[Cycle 28]
[568] Suggestion Drop Off
Title: "Red Herring: 2. Crimson Tear"
Pairing: Glee, Castle
Rating: G
Summary: New Directions is in New York for Nationals, when a murder brings in Det. Beckett and Richard Castle themselves.
Spoilers: None really; current seasons on Glee and Castle