003; action

Oct 07, 2011 23:11

[Ever since Sophie's abduction, Hubert's been more quiet than usual. While there had been signs of a struggle, he can't help but think she might've gone with the droids after he'd filled her head with ideas of talking to the Malnosso. He knows the experience is going to be unpleasant for her even if she might get that chance, and that sure ( Read more... )

c: asbel lhant (raizanshou), game: luceti, c: lightning (thestormishere), c: yuri petrov (hear_thanatos), !in character, c: ion (soreplaceable), c: poland (polishrule), c: richard (ledbythewind), c: raine sage (wise_maiden), c: rupert giles (consultmybooks), - action, c: huang pao-lin (lightningcute), c: yuan ka-fai (fortunefail)

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Comments 402

lightningcute October 8 2011, 07:07:38 UTC
[In the middle of his practice, Hubert may notice this young lass standing off to the side, watching in awe as he goes through his forms. IS THAT A SWORD THINGY THAT TURNS INTO GUNS, OMG SO COOL SDFLKAJKDAJF WHAAAARGARBL]


mistyarc October 8 2011, 07:19:13 UTC
[Hubert indeed catches sight of the girl when he swerves on his heels with guns in tow, to which he stops and lowers them to his side, breathing slowly and deeply. He doesn't say anything, though the fact that he's gazing in her direction should be indicative of his wonder if she needs something.]


lightningcute October 8 2011, 07:25:16 UTC
[Pao-lin holds up her hands apologetically.] Aah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to distract you! I just wanted to watch what you were doing, but I can leave if you want.

Though...can I ask what kind of weapon you're using? I've never seen anything like that in my world.


mistyarc October 8 2011, 07:47:07 UTC
[A second longer of staring, then he replies.]

It's a doubleblade with interchangeable forms. The rest is classified information, but you're welcome to stay.

[It's not like he owns the barracks, and he really doesn't mind.]


[Action] fortunefail October 8 2011, 08:28:32 UTC
[Yuan normally doesn't visit the barracks, but when he spots a kid with a weapon like that entering the place, he can't help but follow. It isn't often he encounters a fellow swallow-wielder. He'll watch Hubert's training session from the shadows for as long as possible, intrigued by the concept of hiding pistols inside the blades.]


[Action] mistyarc October 8 2011, 16:05:42 UTC
[Hubert doesn't notice Yuan at first, though a growing nagging feeling in the back of his mind soon results in him lowering his weapon and his eyes searching for something -- or someone. He decides to bite.]

Who's there?


[Action] fortunefail October 9 2011, 17:02:03 UTC
[There's no point in continuing to hide himself, and while it'd be incredibly easy for Yuan to just leave, he decides there's no harm in striking up some conversation. He takes a few steps forward to reveal himself.]

You handle that weapon well. [Is that a mild smile on his face? Why yes, yes it is.]


[Action] mistyarc October 10 2011, 01:16:22 UTC
[Hubert can easily brace himself for interaction with a stranger, but he can't really say the same for a sudden, ah, compliment, conceited as he can be.]

. . . I studied the mechanical theory as thoroughly as possible.

[Yes. That. Augh.]


action! consultmybooks October 8 2011, 15:21:42 UTC
Anything I can help with?

[When Hubert looks up from the table, he'll probably notice Giles leaning against the nearest shelf and watching him. He came in a second too late to hear the question, but it's clear that Hubert is very deeply engrossed in something.]


action! mistyarc October 8 2011, 16:01:23 UTC
[Hubert whips his head in Giles' direction, and while he knows he can probably ask the man a thing or two about non-library matters (because he assumes that's what Giles meant), his natural suspicion of people puts down the plan before it's realized.

He turns his head back to the front and crosses his arms.]

No, I was . . . only thinking.


Re: action! consultmybooks October 9 2011, 23:19:27 UTC
I could gather that much. I was just curious as to what you were thinking about.

I can generally point people in the right direction, where books are concerned.


action! mistyarc October 10 2011, 00:52:07 UTC
[Books . . . ]

I understands most records of Luceti's history are in the school library. Is there anything you find to be of particulate note on that subject here?


thestormishere October 8 2011, 17:47:49 UTC
[ Lightning's powers don't really lend themselves well to practicing at the barracks, where she might destroy something that won't repair itself. Regardless, the village is only so big, and a l'Cie like her's attention to routine is only so long. It's only a matter of time before she wanders over there...

It's not really the weapon itself that surprises her, but seeing something like that here in the first place. Curiously enough, after almost a year in Luceti, she hasn't really seen anyone practicing with weapons close to the transforming weapons that were so common back in her home world- something close to the very gunblade she's carrying in its regular holster, hanging off her belt behind her.

Excuse her while she just... watches for a few minutes. ]


mistyarc October 9 2011, 02:45:27 UTC
[ At some point in his practice Hubert notices Lightning but carries on like nothing's changed. After a couple minutes of switching back and forth, he finishes off the brief training session with a back flip, landing with his knees slightly bent and arms crossed and fingers ready to pull the trigger at a nonexistent target.

He lowers the guns to his sides and straightens, breathing deeply to get much needed oxygen through his body. It's at least got some of the stressful thoughts out of his head, and he feels lighter despite a mild bout of perspiration.

Then he turns his head in Lightning's direction. ]


thestormishere October 9 2011, 20:03:11 UTC
[ It isn't really like her to reach out to others much, but even Lightning recognizes it would be odd to stand there all that time and then pretend like she wasn't interested. She inclines her head, smoothly taking a step forward. ]

You have an unusual weapon, there.


mistyarc October 9 2011, 22:23:55 UTC
[ Familiar words he's heard from a certain instructor before. Hubert turns his body to face Lightning the proper way and fixes his glasses. ]

It's a military secret. I'm afraid I can't say much about it.

[ If she was curious. ]


soreplaceable October 9 2011, 00:22:45 UTC
[Sup, Hubert. Ion hasn't really been in the library at all since before the draft, but here he is again, reading a book nearby. Usually he'd make the effort to go and greet Hubert, but seeing as he's figured out what it is that turns him into a cat (but he still has no idea what specifically makes him turn back), he's being a little more cautious today.]

[But Hubert's sudden question does make him look up from his book. It didn't really seem directed at anyone in particular, but...]

..."another village"?


mistyarc October 9 2011, 02:49:12 UTC
[Hubert starts when he hears Ion's voice, knowing full well from the telling voice entry a while back that he'd been taken by the droids. Rising from his seat, he spots the young green-haired boy.]

Sir Ion, when did you . . . ?


1/2 soreplaceable October 9 2011, 02:59:33 UTC
[Oh. Maybe he should just come with a warning sign or something before he tries talking to people. He only has a few seconds to speak before...] A-Ah, Hubert, just a moment, I--



soadoptable October 9 2011, 03:02:03 UTC
[And just like that, Ion is gone.]

[At least, it might seem that way. Since Ion was sitting down, he reappeared down on the chair and isn't quite large enough to be seen over the table. He is, however, tall enough to hit the top of his head on the edge of table, since he was on his way to standing up.]


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