003; action

Oct 07, 2011 23:11

[Ever since Sophie's abduction, Hubert's been more quiet than usual. While there had been signs of a struggle, he can't help but think she might've gone with the droids after he'd filled her head with ideas of talking to the Malnosso. He knows the experience is going to be unpleasant for her even if she might get that chance, and that sure ( Read more... )

c: asbel lhant (raizanshou), game: luceti, c: lightning (thestormishere), c: yuri petrov (hear_thanatos), !in character, c: ion (soreplaceable), c: poland (polishrule), c: richard (ledbythewind), c: raine sage (wise_maiden), c: rupert giles (consultmybooks), - action, c: huang pao-lin (lightningcute), c: yuan ka-fai (fortunefail)

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[Action] fortunefail October 8 2011, 08:28:32 UTC
[Yuan normally doesn't visit the barracks, but when he spots a kid with a weapon like that entering the place, he can't help but follow. It isn't often he encounters a fellow swallow-wielder. He'll watch Hubert's training session from the shadows for as long as possible, intrigued by the concept of hiding pistols inside the blades.]


[Action] mistyarc October 8 2011, 16:05:42 UTC
[Hubert doesn't notice Yuan at first, though a growing nagging feeling in the back of his mind soon results in him lowering his weapon and his eyes searching for something -- or someone. He decides to bite.]

Who's there?


[Action] fortunefail October 9 2011, 17:02:03 UTC
[There's no point in continuing to hide himself, and while it'd be incredibly easy for Yuan to just leave, he decides there's no harm in striking up some conversation. He takes a few steps forward to reveal himself.]

You handle that weapon well. [Is that a mild smile on his face? Why yes, yes it is.]


[Action] mistyarc October 10 2011, 01:16:22 UTC
[Hubert can easily brace himself for interaction with a stranger, but he can't really say the same for a sudden, ah, compliment, conceited as he can be.]

. . . I studied the mechanical theory as thoroughly as possible.

[Yes. That. Augh.]


[Action] fortunefail October 10 2011, 05:23:26 UTC
["Studied the mechanical theory"? Yuan's fairly convinced that theory doesn't have too much to do with handling a weapon.]

I'm sure you've been practicing for a long time as well.


[Action] mistyarc October 10 2011, 17:25:35 UTC
["Practice" sounds so amateurish, but that's what it is so he can't argue with that.]

Yes . . . I still am.


[Action] fortunefail October 10 2011, 17:35:44 UTC
Are those sort of weapons common in your world?

[He's vaguely wondering if the smithy might have more multifuctional swallows like that. His own blade has served him well all these years, of course, but he wouldn't be opposed to having some extra firepower hidden up his sleeve.]


[Action] mistyarc October 10 2011, 17:42:10 UTC
Weapons with dual features exist in small quantities, but this exact model is different. Military reasons prohibit that I discuss it in length.

[Taking Pascal and Fourier's weapons into account, although they're pretty different from his in a number ways. Still, the basic ideas behind them are the same.]


[Action] fortunefail October 10 2011, 17:51:00 UTC
[Yuan can't stop a smirk from tugging at his lips. He's just so amused at that remark.]

Military reasons? Surely, those aren't relevant in our current situation.


[Action] mistyarc October 10 2011, 17:56:42 UTC
[ . . . the man has a point, but rules are rules to Hubert. He's not going to budge so easily.]

As an officer of the army, I must adhere to regulations regardless of my location.


[Action] fortunefail October 10 2011, 18:07:31 UTC
[Yuan would claim there's no harm in sharing technology, considering everyone in the village is now technically on the same side and a bit of an army on its own. However, that'd be hypocrisy and he knows it; He wouldn't share information about Exspheres and Cruxis Crystals either.]

Fair enough. ...Then, would you like to spar? [If Hubert won't tell him, he'll just have to see the weapon in action from a shorter distance.]


[Action] mistyarc October 10 2011, 18:16:17 UTC
[Hubert doesn't say anything, surmising from what's been said that this man probably wants to just see it in closer action and figure it out from that -- like the Instructor had. But it would be bad form to turn down a seemingly harmless offer, and there could be other reasons involved.

A moment later, he turns his side to Yuan with squared shoulders. Fine; they can spar.]


[Action] fortunefail October 10 2011, 18:22:09 UTC
[Oh, there are other reasons. Yuan truly does need a spar and he's never fought a swallow-user before. Not properly, that is. Only amateurs who fell after ten seconds. This kid seems far more skilled and if Yuan's not fighting to kill, the battle would last even longer.

After making sure there's some good distance between himself and Hubert, he summons his own weapon to his right hand. Don't ask how he does it, because he'll never tell.]


[Action] mistyarc October 11 2011, 06:28:33 UTC
[ . . . that's a neat ability, and the weapon is a familiar sight. But no questions.

Hubert readjusts his grip on his doubleblade and shifts so that one foot points toward Yuan with the other positioned just behind the first. It's time to begin.]


[Action] fortunefail October 11 2011, 15:40:03 UTC
[Yuan twirls the saber in his hands for a moment, before raising it behind his head in a position that clearly indicates he's ready to begin. However, he'll let Hubert attempt the first strike, just to be a good sport. Whatever the move will be, he'll aim to block it with his own blade.]


[Action] mistyarc October 11 2011, 19:15:15 UTC
[So he has to start with the offensive. That's fine with Hubert; it's what he's best at doing.

He breaks into a run straight for Yuan, weapon still grasped in one hand. He quickly closes the distance between them and raises the doubleblade for a diagonal upward slash -- something simple to gauge how the opponent would react in battle.]


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