Oct 01, 2013 05:26

I HAS A STICKY. Updated 03/22/10.

NOTE: A long time ago, I deleted the fic "Delusion". No, it is not coming back anytime soon. Please do not redistribute it, share it, or repost it if you saved it to your harddrives. Thanks.

Supernatural Fic:

Things that happened Once:

A Medical History of Sam and Dean Winchester
Throughout the years, Dean (like any other child) got sick. And Sam didn't.
(Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC mentioned)
2,354 words

Black Mirror
Sam and Dean encounter Sam and Dean.
(Sam/Dean, Dean/Sam)
6,449 words

Little Fish
Short ficlet wherein Sam fever dreams, and there is a prevalence of fish. Also, Dean's pretty easily manipulated.
(Sam/Dean, Finny Swimchester, Sid Fishious)
1,503 words

A Lack of Real Spice (In Your Life)
Dean hates The Smiths, Sam decides to mess with change his mind. Chaos ensues.
(Sam/Dean, Dean/The Smiths, Sam/Good Music)
1,941 words
Podfic made by the wunnerful dodificus here.
And audiobook version by cybel can be found here.

Making Partner (for the Evil!Sam ficathon)
Sam's pretty much the best damn defense attorney ever, and he'll be the first to tell you that. However, all is not well for very long; he's just been asked by his firm to take on one more case before he makes partner--Dean's. Sexy chaos ensues.
(Sam/Dean, Sam/OF, Sam/OMC, past Sam/Jess and Sam/Stanford, Vampires)
9,019 words

Dean isn't afraid of anything but the un-lived life, really. Sam is far too coherent and organized for his own good.
(Sam/Dean, use of MDMA)
1,734 words

Trompe Le Monde (Et Mon Frére)
Dean likes to pretend he doesn't know what's really going on. Sam might be a horny psychic exhibitionist freak. They also hunt a swamp-thing and some fireflies.
(Sam/Dean, Bunyips)
5,020 words

Art Lover
One summer, Jess tricks Sam into taking an art class with the promise of naked people. Sam enjoys drawing naked people. However, there's always a catch.
(Implied Sam/Jess, Sam/Dean, abuse of acrylic gloss)
R to NC-17
2,844 words

Body & Soul
A long, winding story about love, sex, food, archery, and a three-headed puppy who likes to eat cake. Also, something about the immortality of the soul.
(Eros!Dean/Psyche!Sam, John/Mary, various other Olympians, Dean/??)
37,098 words

That Stain Will Never Come Out
Sam may or may not be jealous of the Impala, but that's not really an excuse to throw Dean around in the mud.
NC-17, for spn_remix based on Now Would Be The Time To Throw A Punch by lynne_mitchell
2,271 words

5 Times Dean's Appetite Got Him Into Trouble (And The One Time It Didn't)
Wherein Dean eats his way into trouble, Sam fidgets, and the pixies get a king.
(Dean/Food, Dean/Sam)
3,361 words

And in the end, he'll suffer just like the rest of us do.
(Sam/Dean, Sam/OFCs, Sam/OMCs, spoilers for SPN 3.09)
4,367 words

And you can download a podfic of this by twasadark right here.

In media res
Dean meets Sam, and they fall in love. Sam leaves Dean, and they fall apart. Then Dean meets Sam, and they fall in love...
(Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC, implied Sam/OMC, based on the movie Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind)
7,320 words

Joie de Vivre
for spn_gleeweek's Guess the Author contest
Sam in the South of France. Dean too.
1,906 words

If Sam had his way, we'd all turn from the sun, and worship the night.
729 words

Sam remains as loyal as the ocean runs deep.
3,940 words

That I Would Be Good
Castiel has a little more human in him than he'd care to admit. Sam thinks he could be that human someday.
(Sam/Castiel, implied Sam/Dean)
1,553 words

Melody of a Fallen Tree
Wherein it keeps going like a river that never stops; Sam and Dean just love each other, and are very zen about it.
419 words

The halflight of pre-dawn
Tell me a story, Sam.
1,191 words

The Asphodel and the Acacia, for nobadnews as part of spn_j2_xmas
The plagues have begun, and he has to wake up. No use in sleeping through the apocalypse.
2,906 words

And with her singing, the Lorelei did this
It's a party, and you're all invited. Wear white.
(Sam/Dean, slight implied Sam/OFC)
1,801 words

Doing The Best Things So Conservatively
And they really get down to business.
(Smith/Wesson, Sam/Dean)
1,653 words

The truth is written in the curve of your lips and the bow of your head is a benediction to me
Sam sees what lies beneath his brother's skin and it would consume his every thought if Dean wasn't there to distract him.
3,016 words

Sam tries to piece him together, bring him back to life. And Pygmalion gave life to what was never living.
3,403 words

The Room
Wherein Castiel and Sam find themselves in a room, and proceed to stumble around each other.
(Sam/Castiel, Dean/various people in a hot tub)
2,231 words

Wherein Dean is naked. A lot.
2,632 words

Night Blind
for salt_burn_porn
Sam and Dean Winchester lose sight of each other, and have to feel their way back.
4,463 words

Things that are RPS:

The Seahorse Series:

The Seahorse, for spn_j2_bigbang. MPREG
Everything is going fine for Dr. Jensen Ackles, a successful 3rd-year resident in obstetrics and gynecology at Grace's Heart hospital in San Francisco. But when a 22-year-old art student shows up at claiming he's pregnant, Jensen is completely certain he's crazy. After a bunch of tests, a sonogram and a bizarre story about having invoked the wrath of a ram-headed Egyptian fertility god, it turns out that Jared Padalecki isn't joking: he really did get knocked up! And when Jared insists on having an OB-GYN of his own gender, Jensen's long stretch of successfully not falling for one of his patients is finally at an end.
(Jensen/Jared, Jared/Chad, Jensen/Tom)
36,211 words
Master Art Post for ignited's amazing story art.

The Fertile Crescent: A Seahorse Interlude
Prelude to Palace of the Brine
894 words

Palace of the Brine, for spn_j2_bigbang. MPREG AGAIN.
It's been five years since Jared Padalecki had his daughter, Eve thanks to a little miracle from an Egyptian fertility god. Now he and his partner, Jensen Ackles are raising her together in San Francisco, along with her other father, Chad Michael Murray; and everything seems to be moving along fine. Jared's working as a college art professor, and Jensen is still at Grace's Heart hospital, a resident OB-GYN. But when Jared decides to try for miracle number two, it seems to stir up some rough waters for everyone around him. Is this a blessing in disguise, or has Jared really set off a curse this time?
41,559 words
Master Art Post for ignited's amazing story art, AGAIN! :D

Wherein Jared nests himself into Jensen's life. And Jensen learns about the other side of the story
5,693 words

The Boy Meets World/J-Squared Universe:

Boy, You'll Be A Woman Soon, co-authored with rosekay
Jensen feels pretty, Jared's a gigantic freak who needs to get a clue.
(Jared/Jensen, and implied Jared/Sandy, Jensen/OFCs, sorta Jensen/OMC)
3,320 words

Five Kisses Jared and Jensen Never Talked About Before
If Jensen pushes himself, to really think of when and how and why he fell in love, then this is the story. This is how they come together.
(Jared/Jensen along with: Jared/Sandy, Jensen/Danneel, Jensen/Joanna, Jensen/OFCs, Jensen/OMCs. Chad, Mike and Tom.)
4,220 words

Five Times Jared Hugged Jensen (and let go too soon)
Jared knows he's always been there for Jensen. Though sometimes, he thinks he's come up a little short.
(Jared/Jensen along with implied past Jared/Sandy & Jensen/Joanna)
3,919 words


Bless My Soul
Sex! Monsters! Science! More sex! Men in corsets! Starring Jared Padalecki as a sexually confused young man, and Jensen Ackles as the creature he loves. Featuring guest appearances by Sandy McCoy as Jared's secretly slutty fiancée, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan as their college professor.
(Jared/Jensen, Jared/OMC, Sandy/OMC, Jensen/Jared/Sandy)
NC-17, AU fusion with RHPS
~2,900 words

You're The Whip In My Valise
for reel_spn based on Secretary
Jared Padalecki just wanted a nice, boring, normal secretarial job. What he gets, is something entirely different. Along the way, he finds himself.
(Jensen/Jared, BDSM, spankings, boys in corsets, kinks.)
~9,650 words

A Surfeit of Tarts
Jared schemes and keeps a recipe journal. Jensen begrudgingly eats the flan.
(Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Food)
3,489 words

Satiate: A Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, there were two boys who were desperately in love. They consumed one another until there was nothing left.
4,580 words

Plumbing Made Easy
for fluffandfold
Jensen loves it when a plan comes together.
3,834 words

Wasted on the Young, co-authored with katjad
Once upon a time when Jared was five and dinosaurs roamed the earth, rubber duckies appeared out of thin air and submarines surfaced in Jensen's bathtub. Also, two very pretty boys got stuck in very sexy situations.
15,000 words

Because food tastes better off his plate.
2,550 words

When Jensen Found Out What Jared Does On Tuesdays
In an AU world where Jensen was a runner-up on Top Chef, and Jared made it to Fashion Week on Project Runway-this is how they spend their Tuesday nights.
2,857 words

Mad World for j2_everafter based on Disney's Alice in Wonderland
Wherein Jared falls through a rabbit hole, and everything changes.
13,072 words

No Exit for mini_moue
Hell is other people - Sartre
1,075 words

Things that are Gen:

Winchesters don't always feel pain right away.
(Dean, Coda to 2.21 with unspoiled speculation on 2.22)
693 words

[Supernatural] Things with Parts and/or Pieces:

The Rose Venom Series:

A Rose (In Another Man's Garden)
Sam only wants to eat green things, and Dean wants to eat cake. There's a curse, and letters are written but never sent.
2,412 words

The Edible Man
Dean's going through a rough patch. Sam still has issues with green things. There's a few more letters, and a lot more sex.
(Sam/Dean, Dean/Cake)
4,418 words

Rose-verse soundtrack

anasuede reading A Rose (In Another Man's Garden) aloud!!

And the audiobook version of anasuede's reading made by cybel here!

sadcypress reads both A Rose and The Edible Man for motelwincest here!

The A Priori Schema*
He wakes up half-blind, not able to remember anything. Then Dean Winchester shows up to complicate things.
Divided into 3 parts:
17,672 words overall
[1] [2] [3] [Epilogue]




Podfic read by dodificus
and the audiobook version with cover art by cybel

*This is in the series section because there will be another story, (hopefully) by summer's end. WHENEVER. D:

Things that are Short (ficlets, drabbles)

Eight Cozy Nights 2008!
  • Eight Cozy Nights #1: Working In Pairs [Sam/Dean]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #2: Oi To The World [Jared/Jensen/Misha]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #3: Love, War, and Snowball Fights [Sam/Dean]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #4: Hot Stuff [Jared/Jensen]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #5: In The Glow [Jensen/Jared]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #6: Angels We Have Heard On High [Sam/Dean, Castiel]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #7: Blades of Chad [Jared/Jensen]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #8: Aurora [Sam/Dean]

  • Quote Ficlets

    8 Drabbles for 2008
    Stuff from my 1-year LJ-versary!

    Eight Cozy Nights (of Schmoop and Porn)
    Various pairings from a Hanukkah drabble challenge

    5 prompt ficlets

    Untitled Wall!Sex
    A wall. Handcuffs. Winchesters.
    544 words

    Based on this drabble by smidgy06.
    271 words

    Spin It
    Jared is so not "eh"
    (Jared/Jensen, Jared/Macadamia nuts and booze, implied Jared/Sandy and Jensen/Danneel)
    505 words

    Cold Turkey Sandwiches
    Post-Thanksgiving J2 fluff wherein Jared is a holiday gourmet and Jensen likes cranberry sauce from a can. From the same universe as A Surfeit of Tarts
    (Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Cranberry sauce)
    940 words

    Cocktoberfest Drabbles/Ficlets:

    fic, supernatural

    Previous post