Untitled porny thing...

Nov 10, 2007 12:49

So my dark_reaction has 36 stitches, and came up with this idea. One orgasm for each stitch! :D

Here's my contribution:

Title: Untitled Wall!sex
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 544
Notes: For dark_reaction. Unbeta'd so whatever's wrong is all my fault.

Summary: A wall. Handcuffs. Winchesters.

The plaster is firm against Dean's cheek. Cool to the touch.

There was never a better time for him to be where he was. Hands cuffed behind his back, face and chest pressed against the wall, and Sam behind him; huge fucking furnace of a man, flush against him. One giant hand pressed firm on his chest, wrapped around and holding him tight. Sam's other hand snaking around his waist, teasing the hem of his jeans, undoing his fly.

"You." Sam breathes down the nape of his neck. "You, are an idiot."

Dean chuckles. "For almost-"

"For getting caught!" Sam interrupts. His hand wastes no more time pulling at the cloth of Dean's crotch, finally dipping inside and grabbing Dean's cock. Dean is half-hard, and ready for his touch, rolling his eyes back and making small, needy noises deep in his throat.

"Do you know? What I'd have done?" Sam pants, his own arousal making his head spin. To have Dean like this, spread before him, hands bound, his complete mercy to Sam's whimsy.

And Dean's ready for him, moaning just like when he needs him the most. Sam bites down on Dean's neck, and Dean bucks up against him, ass rubbing his erection, cock pulsing and leaking in Sam's hand. Sam tongues and nips at that sensitive cluster of nerves he always knows how to find, driving Dean mad.

"Fu-fucking do it then!" Dean rasps and Sam shoves his jeans and boxers down his waist. He grabs Dean's ass with both hands and squeezes hard. Dean's head lifts and connects with the wall as he groans. His arms tense, wishing he'd listened to Sam and let him cut the cuffs first. Wanting to touch him, spin around and grab his face and kiss him.

Sam reaches into his pocket, there's just enough lube left from the last time they fucked. It was early Monday morning, right before Dean left for the quick salt 'n burn. Right before Dean screwed the hell up and got himself arrested, and almost fucking caught by Hendrickson and-

Enough. Enough of that, Dean's not going anywhere. He's here, in Sam's arms, body moving against his touch. He's stretching for him, moaning for him, whispering his name and crying for more against the wall. He's flushed for Sam, blood rushing and coloring his cheeks, his cock.

He's warm, he's alive, he's real and he's opening for Sam, he's surround his cock and he's rocking against him. Sam's hands are back on Dean's shoulders, trapping him between the wall and his cock. Sam's steadying him, holding him up, and fucking him all at once. Dean's moving and pulling so much Sam's worried he's going to break his wrist trying to get out of the cuffs so he dips his head. He presses his mouth against Dean's neck and kisses. Dean's head turns and captures his mouth, devours it. Plunges his tongue into Sam's mouth and tastes him. And Dean closes his eyes and sees white plaster and sparks and feels Sam come into him…

In the end, Dean's got red wrists, and a pink splotch on his face where the wall rubbed against him.

Sam naps, head pillowed against Dean's chest, listening to the symphony of breath and heartbeat.

Also? MEMFISH THE CAMERA WHORE! Still open for requests! C'mon! I had a ton of fun last night posing in my shoes and playing with all my saturation filters! I love taking pictures! :D

twinchesters, supernatural, ficlet, wincest, rating: nc-17

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