Eight Cozy Nights (of Schmoop): First... ish... shush....

Dec 04, 2007 22:43

Man, this is damn schmoopy and wibbly and I must be like, feeling some kind of biological clock tick, or my hormones or SOMETHING. Because my brain is all J2 SUGAR BABIES EVERYWHERE LOOOOOVE!

So, um, I hope you like it.

Title: The First (Noelle)
Characters/Pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 820
Notes: moveablehistory requested: Jared and Jensen and a special holiday dinner! :))

Summary: A whole lot of J2 schmoop with a baby and a slightly burnt roast.

"Jared!" Jensen shouts down the hall, "Jared! Where's the good china?"

"We don't have any!"


"I ate it!"

"Jared!!" Jensen's getting frustrated. The tone of his voice, the panic in his eyes as Jared comes down the stairs, his arms full of squiggling warmth.

"I already took it out, you asked me last night to put it by the table so you wouldn't forget-"

"There's no candles for the damn candlesticks..." Jensen cuts him off, muttering and walking away, wringing his hands and trying not to let the nervous trail of sweat show.

Jared turns the bundle in his arms around, blanketed beautiful baby girl, smelling of baby powder and with a squishy little face set in a curious smile. "Your daddy isn't normally this crazy babygirl, I promise." He kisses the top of her head and she makes a small sound in her mouth, somewhere between a breath and a coo.

Jensen comes storming through the dining room again, furiously shoving on his jacket and scarf. "How do we have candlesticks and no candles! What kind of people go shopping and buy things that are mutually exclusive to one another? What kind of parents-"

"Jensen!" Jared grabs his arm, and he stops.

"My mother always had candles, Jared. Just, random candles in the house, so things like this wouldn't happen. Why didn't I get that from her? The having candles-gene?"

"Jensen, calm down."

"Good parents have candles for their candlesticks."

"They're not going to take her away because we don't have candles! Jensen, you're being ridiculous." Jared touches his face and Jensen sighs. He nods and shrugs out of his jacket, throws it over the back of the chair, hangs his head.

"C'mere," Jared says. "You wanna hold her now?"

Jensen nods and touches her shoulder, and she turns to him with those big dark eyes and looks at him like he holds the moon in his hands. Jared lets Jensen take her from his arms, and he cradles her and smiles. Jensen sits down at the table while Jared continues setting and checking on the roast in the oven. Jensen makes faces and laughs as she kicks her chubby little legs in delight. By the time Jared finishes with all the dinner preparations, Jensen's calmed and collected, giving his daughter little raspberries on her belly and making silly sounds.

Jared sits opposite from them, watches with his head in his hands. Jensen's signing softly now, sweet little poems and lullabyes. The Owl and the Pussycat being a particular favorite.

"God, how can you be worried?"

Jensen turns to Jared, and he laughs softly. "How can anyone say you're not a good father? How could they watch you and Noelle and think for one moment that you're not her father, that you don't love her with every part of your being."

Jensen smiles, bounces Noelle on his leg as she cranes her head up to look at him, can't keep her eyes off of him.

"She thinks you're the best thing in the world."

"I get scared Jared," Jensen blurts out. "I get scared because it's been two months, and I already love her so much. She just, she can't be taken away. Two months! I've never been this attached to someone after two months since-"

"To be fair, it took me two months and a week to get that attached to you."

Jensen looks at him. "You're a good father too, you're so calm and patient with her. God, I wish I was like that. I wish I wasn't having a heart attack over missing candles or dusty china."

Jared stands and walks to the other side of the table, leans down to kiss Jensen, kiss Noelle's head, Jensen again. "Mmmmmnnn, you're a good husband too," Jensen adds as Jared pulls away.

"You're an amazing husband and father and everything else. The caseworker isn't gonna care about missing candles or dusty china or that the roast is a little burnt-"

"The roast is what?!" Jared puts a finger on Jensen's mouth."

"-not important! What's important is that we show her we're a family. We show her how good we are together."

"We order food from the restaurant down the block and pass it off as our own."

"I already made the call."

"I love you. I'm going to do things to you tonight that I can't say in front of children. Even if those children have no concept of language yet. It's that filthy and dirty."

The doorbell rings before Jared can say anything back. It's Ms. Bartlett, their caseworker. Arriving for a pre-Christmas dinner, and the two-month follow-up in their adoption process. Jensen stands, Noelle in his arms, nods to Jared.

They walk to the door and open it, smiling and standing side by side, Jensen holding onto their daughter, and Jared with his hand on his shoulder.

"Welcome to our home," Jared says.

Bright Eyes - The First Noël

eight cozy nights (of porn), j2, fic, drabble, rating: pg-13, rps

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