Eight Cozy Nights: Working In Pairs

Dec 21, 2008 23:09

MWAHAHAHAHA! Right before the deadline!

Eight Cozy Nights '08!

Title: Working In Pairs
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13 (even for swearing in Pig Latin)
Wordcount: 1,717
Notes: For ignited: Sam/Dean - haunted Christmas village, ghosts and sleigh rides.

Summary: Christmas Village Playland is haunted. But that doesn't stop one family from trying to make the best of it!

Working In Pairs

It was a crisp, white December afternoon when Gary and Alison decided to load the kids in the minivan and drive them down to Santa's Christmas Village Playland in Harmony, New York. Gary was up to the usual car antics, starting up sing-a-longs while Alison navigated and Cissy and Bebe watched the Powerpuff Girls on the TV in the backseat. The drive took about 45 minutes before they could see the giant inflatable Santa pierce the horizon. The girls threw up their arms and cheered, "Christmas Village!!" and Gary and Alison echoed in their glee.

And that's when Sam Winchester went flying into their windshield.


"Are you okay, mister?"

"Jesus Gary, what's going on? This man has a gun!"

"I don't know, Ali! I don't know what in God's green Earth is going on! But we have to at least exchange insurance, I'm not just going to hit and run the guy because he has a sawed off!"

"Mommy does Santy put you on the naughty list if your Daddy kills a guy?"

"Cissy, Santy-Santa doesn't know what-"

"Mommy! Santy Claus knows everything! He knows when you are sleep-ing, he knows when you're a-wake!"

"Oh sweet Jesus in the manger, please don't be dead," Gary mutters as he writes down his insurance information on the back of his business card.

"Daddy, I don't think he's dead?"

"Bebe get away from the body, the cops will dust for prints," Alison tells her and shoos her away.

"Uhhhn, don't worry, he's not dead," Sam groans as he sits up and shakes his head. "What hit me? Where's Dean?"

"What's a Dean-y?" Cissy asks. She's going through that phase where she has to add an -y to just about everything.

"I uh, might have hit you with my car, here's my insurance info-"

"Duck!" Sam shouts and cocks his rifle as the wailing ghost flies down at the group. Alison and Gary scream at the sight of the spectre, and Sam pumps him full of rocksalt and he disappears.

Unfortunately, when the dust settles the girls are fine, the youngest chewing on her fingers and the parents are lying splayed out on the ground.

"I think they passed out from fear," Bebe says as she inspects her father by poking his nose with a stick.

"Well, great," Sam sighs and then the little one tugs his sleeve.

"C'we go see Santy Claus now, mister?"


Sam stows the parents in the minivan, and then turns to the girls, staring at him with wide eyes. "There's uh, no way I can convince you to stay in the car where it's safe and not follow me, right?"

"Logically speaking, we're probably safer with the guy holding the evil-Christmas-ghost killing gun, then on our own. Besides, Cissy will cry and scream for Santa, and you don't want to wind up this here music box, trust me."

Sam nods, the girl makes sense, and she takes her little sister's hand and follows Sam into the nearly-destroyed Christmas Village Playland.

"So, are you like the Ghostbusterers?" Cissy asks.

Sam smirks, "Kinda. It seems like some spooky guys got a hold of this park, they're possessing the animals and the rides and some of the park staff."

"Is Santy okay?"

Sam pauses, and tries to remember where Santa's head rolled off to when he sliced it off with the giant metal candy cane. He makes a mental note to keep the girls far away from that area of the park. Just then, a pile of rubble rustles, and shouts, "Sonavabitch!"

"Dean!" Sam yells and grabs the girls to run ahead and start digging him out, Sam grabs his hand and pulls him up, trying to dust him off, but coming back with a handful of goo.

"Dean, what are you covered in?" Sam says, crinkling his nose at the sight of Dean drenched in red and what he can only assume are entrails.

Dean looks himself over and sniffs. "I think it's Blitzen."

"Dean, ix-nay, on aming-nay the eindeer-ray in front of the ids-kay," Sam says impatiently.

Dean rolls his eyes. "Uck-say my ick-day, itch-bay."

Sam snarls. "Ater-lay. If you behave."

Bebe huffs. "Mister Sam, I can eak-spay ig-pay atin-lay. Watch it in front of my little sister, whatever you and your oyfriend-bay do on your own time is your business."

Dean furrows his brow. "I'm not his oyfriend-bay-why am I arguing with the kid, Sam. When the hell did we get kids?! Wait, don't look at me when you answer. I can feel the puppy-eyed stare coming at me already. Just, just tell me their parents aren't gonna sue us for the therapy they'll need someday."

"Their parents aren't gonna sue us, their Dad hit me with his car."

"What!? I'll kill him."

Bebe snorts, "Oh right, he sooooooo isn't your oyfriend-bay."

Dean turns to the girls, plastering on a sugar-sweet smile. "Girls, Mr. Dean is covered in ketchup and pink intestine-shaped French fries. You be two good little scamps and duck and cover now, will you?" Dean gets up and fires off two rounds felling the next rabid reindeer to the ground while the girls crouch and scream. "Goddamn Vixen, I keep forgetting they work in pairs.," Dean mutters as he reloads.

"How the hell do you know reindeer work in pairs?!" Sam says.

"Duh, Mr. Sammy, of course they work in the same pairs they pull Santy's sleigh in," Cissy says with her hands on her hips.

"Duh, Mr. Sammy!" Dean says, mirroring Cissy's hands on his own hips. They smile at each other. "I like this one, Sammy, I'ma get her a cookie."

Sam and Bebe roll their eyes, and that's when Cissy shouts, "EVIL SANTY CLAWS!" and points ahead at the demon with the long whip-like tongue eying them and snarling and drooling on the ground.

"Fuck me, it's the Krampus," Sam says under his breath and grabs the girls to get them to cover.


The Krampus is dead, the ghosts exorcized from the petting zoo's reindeer, and the beheaded demon Santa successfully avoided, Sam and Dean get Bebe and Cissy back safely to their car and into the arms of their loving, albeit startled, parents.

Sam's lying on the bed while Dean changes into clothing that isn't covered in reindeer guts.

"It was kind of nice today, y'know?" Dean says when he emerges from the bathroom.

"You mean it was kind of nice blowing up the symbols of childhood joy in front of two impressionable young girls."

"They were whip-smart Sammy, and tougher than their parents. I mean, it was nice kind of, working with them, or alongside them. Protecting them."

"Like Dad did?" Sam says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah but Dad did it on his own. Y'ever think how it might have gone down with Mom around too? Two hunters raising us?"

Sam shakes his head. "I am never letting you watch The Incredibles again, Dean. We're not superheroes. And we're not even super-hunters. We're not going to raise any kind of a super-family!"

"So," Dean says, stretching across Sam's body. "You've thought about us raising a non-super family?"

Sam pushes him away playfully. "Get outta here with that, you're not even my oyfriend-bay."

"Yeah, but the offer still stands. You can uck-say my ick-day. Anytime."

Sam kisses Dean, moving to cover his body as Dean lies on his back and starts to pull down his sweats. "Merry Christmas, boyfriend," he murmurs into Dean's skin.


"And please Santy, make sure my friends Mr. Deany and Mr. Sammy get whatever they want for Christmas, and please let them legalize gay marriage because my sister Bebe said that spending two hours being parented by them was way better than twelve years of parenting from our lame-ass wussbag biological folks. And if anyone deserves to have the right to get married and raise some kids; and raise hell-it's Mr. Deany and Mr. Sammy."

The Macy's Santa Claus just blinks and stares at the little girl as his helper elf says "Cheese!" and the flash goes off.

Eight Cozy Nights 2008:
  • Eight Cozy Nights #1: Working In Pairs [Sam/Dean]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #2: Oi To The World [Jared/Jensen/Misha]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #3: Love, War, and Snowball Fights [Sam/Dean]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #4: Hot Stuff [Jared/Jensen]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #5: In The Glow [Jensen/Jared]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #6: Angels We Have Heard On High [Sam/Dean, Castiel]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #7: Blades of Chad [Jared/Jensen]
  • Eight Cozy Nights #8: Aurora [Sam/Dean]
  • eight cozy nights (of porn), fic, rating: pg-13, wincest

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