Eight Cozy Nights (of Porn): SEVENTH!!

Dec 10, 2007 23:20

So I've been going in order, but I decided I wanted to save annkiri's prompt for tomorrow, when the last one goes up! *sniff* I have really been enjoying these!!

(I may have a pretentious writing-process meta-post in store for the end of these, a warning to y'all.)

Title: Warmer Climate
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,564
Notes: aynslee requested: Sam/Dean - breaking in a nice hotel to skinny dip during the winter. Buckets of love to wendy for the supah-fast beta!!

Summary: Dean loves hot-tubs. Sam loves Dean. If you don't know where this is going, then you haven't been paying attention.

It's the last hotel in town with a vacancy, and Sam and Dean figure out why pretty much immediately. It's the first night in December when the temperature has dropped below zero, and the heat is out in the entire building.

"We're paying customers, Sam. This just isn't right!" Dean yells, white puffs of smoke rising from his mouth.

"Technically, we're not paying, Dean. Dr. Nick Carlton is."

"That's not my point, Sam!"

"Freeze in here, or drain the Impala's battery; it's your choice."

Dean huffs and pulls his jacket closer. He's triple-layered himself, and Sam's draped every spare blanket in the linen closet around his body, as he sits on the bed typing on his laptop while wearing gloves.

"Wait... What about the hotel across the street? It looks like they have power," Dean says as he looks at the window.

"They don't have any more vacancies, remember?"

"But they have heat, Sammy!" Dean says with a troublemaking smile.


And the hotel not only has heat, but a pathetic excuse for a security code.

Sam doesn't quite figure out Dean's master plan until they're at the door to the pool room. Dean's picking the lock and Sam's watching out for the staff or security guards.

"We're gonna get caught, Dean." Sam peeks down the side of the hall, squeezing his cold fingers together.

"With that kinda attitude we are," Dean says as he angles the pick just right, tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth.

That is not adorable... Sam thinks, instead trying to plead with his brother again. "Dean, will you just think about this-"

"Two words, Sam," Dean says as the glass door swings open and he stands up. "Hot. Tub." Dean claps his hands together and flicks on the light switch. "God, I'm awesome," he says, hands on hips, chest puffed out.

Sam carefully closes the door and takes a deep breath, maybe they won't get caught? Maybe-...

His thought kind of end there as he turns to stare holes into Dean's broad, muscled back. Dean's walking towards the Jacuzzi, shedding clothes as he gets closer and closer. He powers up the jets and the whirlpool comes alive, whirring and swirling and warm.

"Man, this heats up nice and fast Sam!" Dean beams and shrugs out of his jeans and boxers, Sam turns away as quickly as he can, face flushing.


"What? You wanna walk back to the room in wet boxers? Fine by me." Dean steps into the water and groans as the warmth covers his body. "God, that's perfect," he murmurs and settles himself into the water. He positions himself so that the jets can hit the sore spots on his back, massaging tired muscles.

Sam spares a glance over his shoulder at Dean. His eyes are closed and he's got a peaceful look on his face. His skin is beginning to regain color, turning pinker even with the heat; and that just makes his freckles pop against his skin, trail of them across his chest and shoulders, and damn it, Sam wants to lick everyone of them, his mouth salivating-

"You comin' in or what?" Dean asks.

Sam sighs, it would be nice and warm, and his body is tired and aching and he really hasn't felt his fingers in a good hour since they went numb from the cold. So he carefully starts taking off his layers, folding them neatly in a corner of the room. He pauses as he grabs the waistband of his briefs, and Dean lets out a wolf whistle.

"Cut it out, don't look at me, okay?"

"Whatever, shrinking violet."

"Fucking pervert."

Dean frowns and places a hand over his eyes, "I promise, no peeking at your delicates, Samantha."

Sam shrugs out of his underwear, and quickly walks over to the hot tub, slipping in and drawing his legs up to his chest as he sits across from Dean.

"Okay," Sam says. And Dean eyes him oddly, before letting his eyes flutter shut as he begins to relax again.

Dean may be boneless and loose, but Sam's a ball of nerves as he realizes the mistake of getting into the water with Dean. Well, not just getting into the water, but getting into the steamy warm water, while he's half-hard and Dean's gorgeous and naked and freckled.

He's doomed. Absolutely doomed, until Dean peeks an eye open and says:

"I looked."


"I looked, through my fingers. I wasn't gonna before you said anything, but then I thought you might've been hiding a tattoo or a piercing or something. And then all I get is an eyeful of boring old naked Sam, nothing remarkable at all."

"... I'm not boring! What the hell is wrong with you?"

Dean laughs and spreads his legs out under the water, pokes Sam's thigh with his toe.

"You gotta relax, Sammy. You're gonna pull all your hair out someday, have a heart attack."

"Yeah, because of you, Dean," Sam mutters. "And what do you mean I'm not remarkable? Have you seen more remarkable naked guys?"

Dean raises an eyebrow, and Sam realizes he's answered his own question. Something burns in his stomach, either because of the thought of Dean having seen other guys-

Or the thought that they were better than him?

Sam nearly jumps out of the tub when a hand comes down on his shoulders, Dean's hand. Pulling him to one side, by the jets.

"Sam, c'mon, you're so tense." Dean gives him a worried look, and Sam folds. He lets Dean rub his shoulders, his back.

How it exactly happens, he'll never know, but Dean says something about needing him to move, so he won't dislocate his shoulder; and Sam ends up in-between Dean's legs, his back to Dean's chest. His should be tensing more, worrying more but he suddenly stops freaking out, feeling sleepy and nice. Like he's wrapped up in blankets, being held, being cared for. It's the heat of the water, the blood rushing down below to tighten his cock, the arousal, the touching, the strength of Dean's grip on-

"Oh yeah, you're gone, right?" Dean laughs and lets one hand slide off his back, down under the water. Sam rolls his head back to rest in on Dean's chest, exposing his neck. And then he feels Dean gasp.

He forgot for a moment, that maybe Dean could see how hard he was. But just as the realization made him snap up, he felt something push, just ever so slightly, at his thigh.

Dean's cock twitches under the water, just as Dean's hand comes to rest over Sam's. Starts to curl around it slowly, tentatively.

They don't talk, Sam just stares straight ahead, swallows. He's letting this happen, he's relaxing and he's going to let this happen, a part of his mind tells him. Sam makes a noise, somewhere between a moan and a warble, and Dean's mouth comes down on his neck, feather-light touch, purse of lips against wet skin. Sam never wants it to stop.

Sam can feel how hard Dean is by the time Sam comes, and Sam's head is swimming with the tremble of it; but he has to pull himself together. He has to turn around and crush his mouth to Dean's, has to get his kiss and his taste. Has to pull back and lick and nip at every dark freckle on Dean's shoulders and chest; just as Dean has to wrap his legs around Sam and grind against him as hard as he can.

They're on the edge of something, water swirling about and mouths locked together, Dean sliding against him in slow, slick curves and Sam holding on strong, all teeth and muscle and need. Dean is getting close and he starts to dig his nails into Sam's back.

There's a bang at the door and they freeze as they lift their heads to see an angry concierge and two burly security guards gaping at them in awe.


They're laughing and freezing by the time they run back to the room, barely dressed and carrying most of their clothes, tumbling together on the one bed that doesn't have all the weapons spread out.

"That was a close one!" Dean runs a hand through Sam's hair and laughs.

"That was so dumb, Dean! We could've been-" Sam pauses as he realizes Dean's running the back of his hand across his face, looking at him with mischief and cunning in his eyes again.

"We could've been something, huh Sammy?" Dean stretches out on the bed, throws a leg over Sam's torso.

Sam bites the inside of his mouth, his fingers are starting to freeze up again. So he takes a deep breath, and shoves them underneath Dean's shirt, splayed out flat on his belly. Dean squeaks and tries to shove him off but Sam sits up; straddles his hips and buries a cold nose into his neck.

"Share the warmth?" Sam asks, head turned.

"Mmmmm. Only if you can actually get me off this time."

"Sounds like a plan I can get behind."

"Behind, in front, underneath, however you wanna do it, Sam." Dean winks.

Sam leans down, and kisses Dean. "How about we give 'em all a try?" he says as he pulls back, feeling a wave of heat move across Dean's face, turning his cheeks red.

Snow Patrol - Warmer Climate

kashmir1 gives us a lust meme! Be gentle, I'm a delicate cupcake.

*is such a meme-ho today*

eight cozy nights (of porn), fic, drabble, meme-fish eighty six, supernatural, wincest, rating: nc-17

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