Title: Horikoshi University Author: macy Pairing: /horikoshi pairings/ YamaShi Genre: fluff, angst Rating: G AN: -random. Unbetaed. -it's the Horikoshi people but instead of being in high school, they're in college….
Title: Rules of Love Author: macy Characters: Hey! Say! JUMP and SCANDAL Rating: PG Genre: Crack AN: - unbetaed, rushed, a fail - boredom can make you do stupid things, like this fic. /shot - made this in school on the 24th
Title: The Chemistry of Love Author: macy Pairing: Inoo Kei x Sasazaki Mami Genre: crackfluff Rating: G AN: -random, unbetaed -prompt from a conversion with fellow YamaShi fans. xD -they're kinda ooc. /shot
Title: A Little Too Late Author: macy Pairing: YamaShi (main), implied ShouZomi, OhgoJima, UmiChii, MariSaki Genre: Fluff, Friendship Rating: G AN: -unbetaed, rushed -I have muscle cramps (right leg) so I wasn't able to go to school (T-T) and since we just took our midterms exams; I suddenly have time to write a fic.
Title: Horikoshi University Author: macy Pairing: horikoshi pairings~ Genre: crack Rating: er...PG15? AN: -random. unbetaed. -it's the Horikoshi people but instead of being in high school, they're in college….
Title: New Book Author: macy Pairing: OhgoJima Genre: Crack Rating: PG-15 AN: - just a quick drabble for Suzu's birthday. - didn't really think about this. don't really have any place in mind for the setting... library perhaps?