Le choix du coeur (14/?)

Nov 30, 2010 17:53

Title: Le choix du coeur
Author: KittyBlackCat
Disclaimer: If I owned it, Chris Hughes would be a rotten corpse, Katie would be relieved that it is so, and Luke and Reid would be in a happy and sexually active relationship. Oh and I could look myself in the mirror unlike a certain head author who really, really should have problem doing that if she had a first clue about anything in this world (No I'm not bitter or hateful at all *sarcasm)
Rating: PG-13
Summary:  Post episode of May 20th. Luke is left at the bar with a constricting heart and confused mind. Can he figure things out and make the right choice?
Word count: 1861 words
Previous chapter: chap1/ chap2/ chap3/ chap4/ chap5/ chap6chap7/ chap8/ chap 9/ chap10/ chap11/ chap12, chap13

AN: Hi!!! No I'm not a ghost, I wasn't dead, although I do believe my muse was(dead tired, I mean. She went on strike or something.) So yeah I'm back. Is it for good? God I really hope so because starting January I'm in intership in high school then primary school till the end of April, so I won't have time to post anyting since a complete Concordia-style lesson plan takes me over an hour to do and that's for one single lesson in one class. I should have 6 groups at least twice a week in high school and probably an entire primary school(that's like 410 names to remember!!!) So I'm hoping to post a LOT in December and hopefully finish my two ongoing Lure stories and then come back in the end of April with new stuff!!!

Oh and this chapter is really short compared to normal but it's all my muse came up with, and hey at least it's an update!

Chapter 14

Reid was standing nervously in front of Luke’s door. It’s not as though he truly cared what Lily Walsh may think of him….it’s that Luke cared what his mother thought of Reid. Of course, the last time he had seen her, she had seemed very welcoming and yet there definitively was some tension in the air. He just wasn’t sure how to react or how things would go. Suddenly the door opened.

“Dr. Oliver. You’re here already. Good, come in. Luke isn’t here yet though. He went to the park with Nathalie and Ethan. They just love to play with him. He’s so good with kids isn’t he?”

“Uh…I wouldn’t know. The only kid I’m around is Jacob and I’m normally the one who takes care of him when Luke visits since Jacob is more used to me.”

“Katie’s kid? I didn’t know you were close” Lily said in wonder. She wouldn’t have ever imagine Reid Oliver taking care of a baby. Then again, she would have never imagined her son loving someone other than Noah AND being happier with this new person. But he was. And she was determined to like Reid, even though she hadn’t really seen anything likeable about him except for making her Luke happy.

“Well, alright” Lily said breaking the tension that had formed. “I think…I think we should use this time alone to talk about a few things Dr.Oliver. There’s obviously some tension and awkwardness and if you’re going to be a part of this family then we need to find a way to make them disappear. Or at least get things to a better level for Luke’s sake.”

“Agreed” Reid said slowly.

“Alright. I’ll go first. I think that a part of the problem is that I have shown in the past that I liked Noah a lot. And I do. He’s like a son to me. You have to understand that you being with Luke doesn’t mean he isn’t family” Reid nodded. Oh yeah he knew that already. The precious Noah…Reid tried to shove that small resentment down. She had the right to like Noah after all. “However” Lily started seeing Reid’s face harden “that also doesn’t mean that you are not family. I don’t know you so obviously I can’t say you’re like a son to me. But….you make my Luke happy. Happier than I have seen in a long time Dr Ol…Reid. And dating Luke….it means you’re a part of my family, and a part of the Snyder clan. Our families loving Noah doesn’t mean you’re not welcome. I’m considered a part of the Snyder clan and yet I’m divorced from Holden and he’s now with Molly, who’s also now considered a part of the Snyder clan. You will find Reid that once you enter that clan, you never leave it. Even when you separate from the Snyder who got you in the clan in the first place.” Somehow that didn’t make Reid feel any better. It made him feel worse. Actually, it downright frightened him.

“My god, you look like a deer caught in the head lights. Or like someone that wants to run away real quick. Why is that? We won’t eat you Dr. Oliver.”

“I have my doubts.” Reid said. “It’s just….”

“It’s just what? You look afraid for your life!” Lily said, starting to get offended.

“I am! Well not afraid for my life but afraid. This family thing…a lot of people…family reunions…I don’t do that. My parents didn’t do that. My parents didn’t do anything but work and show off their genius chess player of a son. I don’t know how to act around you. Having a family….Katie and Jacob are the first people I met that I could consider family. There wasn’t anyone else before”

And suddenly, it all made sense to Lily. Why the doctor was so anti-social and hard to approach. He just never had any models to follow. He must have been raised by his books! The poor kid. She felt bad for kid Reid, but she made sure not to let it show on her face; this man would not like pity or compassion over this. It’s obvious he had moved over these issues and didn’t want to deal on them anymore. She respected that. Hell, she wished she could do that!

“Well, you don’t have to meet the entirety of the Snyder clan right now. Today, it’ll be me, Luke, Ethan, Nathalie and you. It shouldn’t be too overwhelming. And at family reunions, sit beside Luke and Katie close to the end of the table. This way, there are fewer people to talk to. Also, Luke’s grandma Emma is a very good person to hang out with at those reunions if you don’t want to see too many people. Just propose to cook something that you like for the family and she’ll allow you in her kitchen. She’ll be the only one there and she’s the kind of woman who instinctively knows if you’re the type of person who enjoys the silence or if you like silence to be filled by conversation and she acts accordingly. Plus she makes excellent food and Luke told me you like eating a lot. My mother though….I’m warning you it could go either way. If she likes you, you can talk with her. If she doesn’t, trust me when I say you should stay clear of her and don’t EVER let her get under your skin. Lord knows I let her get to me way too often, you really don’t need to fall into that pattern too. Although from what I heard about you, you should be able to handle Lucinda just fine.” Lily said with a smile.

“Alright. That sounds doable.”

“Good. Now how about you practice for your meeting with Emma and help me in the kitchen”

So Reid helped Lily in the kitchen. He was a good cook as Lily found out but preferred his beloved sandwich to any of the other fancier recipes he knew. They worked in silence with the radio playing in the background and Reid found himself getting comfortable. It wasn’t expected of him to do small talk so he could now fully relax. Things had been a lot better than he had previously anticipated and waiting for Luke had been easy instead of bothersome.

“Hey mom, we’re home!”

“Hey honey! That’s great. Reid and I have almost finished making dinner.”

Luke stood there flabbergasted. Reid was there? Already? Surely they hadn’t stayed at the park that long. Looking at his watch, Luke realised that he had stayed at the park with his siblings past the time he had told Reid to be here. And Reid liked to arrive early because he hated being late.

“Reid…hey” Luke said walking up to his boyfriend and kissing him. He tried to communicate an ‘I’m sorry’ in the kiss.

“Ewwww” a small voice said behind them. Why are you kissing?” Ethan asked.

“Uhm…well because he’s my boyfriend and that’s what boyfriends do Ethan” Luke answered.


“Because we love each other.”


“Uh…we just do”


“He’s in the why phase then” Reid stated looking at Luke. “ That’s good. The no phase is annoying”

“So is the why phase” Luke whispered back.

“Why do you kiss on the mouth?”

“Because that’s where people who love each other kiss”

“You don’t kiss me on the mouth, that mean you don’t love me?” Ethan asked

“Of course not! It’s not the same kind of love!” Luke exclaimed. Reid sighed. Clearly this discussion was going nowhere and could potentially be infinite. He decided to take control of the situation.

“You see Ethan, being in love is a special kind of love. So you need a special kind of place to kiss. Your mom and dad already kiss your forehead, your nose, your hair and your cheek. There isn’t anywhere else on the head where you can kiss if you want it to be the only one who kisses there except the mouth and the eyes. And getting kiss on the eyes would be uncomfortable, don’t you agree?” Ethan nodded. “So that’s why Luke and I kiss on the mouth.”

“’Cause you love him special?”

“Yes” Reid answered. Ethan nodded again and then went to watch Tv with his sister.

Luke looked at Reid in surprise. “Wow. You actually handled that well.”

“Yes…..I’m surprised too actually.” Luke laughed and kissed his boyfriend again.

“Kids kind of freak me out if I’m completely honest” Reid continued sheepishly. Luke thought he looked simply adorable.

“Get that thought out of your head Snyder!” Reid growled.

“Huh?” Luke asked confused.

“Don’t ‘huh?’ me. You know what I’m talking about. You had that look on your face that you get when you think I’m being cute. And I am NOT cute. I don’t do cute, it’s not me and I demand that you, as my boyfriend, stop thinking I am, when it’s clear to everyone else in the world that I am not.”

“Actually” Luke rectified mockingly, “I was thinking you were adorable, not cute”

“Luke….” Reid said seriously, grabbing his boyfriend by both shoulders. “That’s even worse. Get that word out of your vocabulary. Please.” He added emphatically.

“Awwww….you poor baby” Luke mocked him “sometimes you’re really so…”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence Snyder!”

“…cute!” Luke laughed as Reid groaned.

“You’re going to kill my reputation. The nurses will walk all over me and make my life a living hell with their stupid, insipid comments. I’ll end up having a burn out or committing murder and that will be on your conscience Snyder!”

“I’ll take the risk”

“Come on children, supper time” Lily yelled over the television. Nathalie needs to learn how to watch TV without putting the volume to maximum. It’s a wonder any of them still have their eardrums intact.

“Supper!!!” screamed Ethan enthusiastically, while running to the dinner table. He was the first seated, followed quickly by Reid.

“Food, food, food, food, food!” Ethan exclaimed. Reid looked up to Luke and whispered to him “I like that kid” Luke just rolled his eyes. Of course Reid would appreciate Ethan’s hollow leg; he had one of his own!

Dinner went by peacefully. Luke did not know what his mother and Reid had talked about but whatever it was, it allowed both of them to have dinner together in a completely natural way. Although, surprisingly, Reid had talked more to Ethan than he did anyone else. Ethan had made a comment about the food and then Reid had of course butt in with his opinion on the matter and the both of them just seemed to click. And Ethan was fascinated by how knowledgeable Reid was. Being in the why phase, he wanted to know everything about everything and Reid was very good at answering even the weirdest questions. Suffice it to say that Luke enjoyed his evening and thoroughly showed his appreciation of his boyfriend’s good behaviour later on that night. And if Luke became that creative in pleasuring Reid after every family dinner, the older man suddenly didn’t mind them anymore.

AN: Hoped you liked even though it's short!!! If any of you has any suggestion about what you would like to see in the next chapters, feel totally free to tell me 'cause my muse has a lot more difficulty with this story recently than with And nothing else


rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: kittyblackcat, fan fiction

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