Le choix du coeur (12/?)

Sep 22, 2010 19:11

Title: Le choix du coeur
Author: KittyBlackCat
Disclaimer: If I own it, Chris Hughes would be a rotten corpse, Katie would be relieved that it is so, and Luke and Reid would be in a happy and sexually active relationship. (No I'm not bitter at all *sarcasm)
Rating: PG-13
Summary:  Post episode of May 20th. Luke is left at the bar with a constricting heart and confused mind. Can he figure things out and make the right choice?
Word count: 2800 words
Previous chapter: chap1/ chap2/ chap3/ chap4/ chap5/ chap6chap7/ chap8/ chap 9/ chap10/ chap11

An: I'm back! No I wasn't dead....though my heart was no thanks to ATWT...anyway, I was able to finish chapter 12 (FINALLY!!!) So here it is. As you'll notice this is Pg-13 because well...I wanted to write an nc-17 chapter for this, but I only wrote 1 Nc-17 before and I really don't know where it came from because I've been trying to be inspired to write one for weeks and nothing, nada, rien. So I just forgot the idea and moved on. So everything explicit not mentioned in this chappy, I leave you all to imagined in your own heads, the way YOU personally like it!!!

AN2: Oh and thank you to all my readers and those who comments. I'm grateful to you. Thanks to you guys I had an incredible summer and you motivate me. And thanks for your patience with my darn writers block!

Chapter 12

Luke Snyder was happy. Deliriously so. Things in his life had finally settled down and had stopped being one gigantic mess. He finally knew what or rather whom he wanted and it just felt great. The night before had been wonderful. Reid and he had finally had their first official public date, after over a week of trying to get together and being unable to do so because of work. Never let it be said that dating a neurosurgeon was easy. Luke couldn’t believe that after only a week of being officially together, he would already want to destroy Reid’s darn pager! Of course, Reid had expressed familiar sentiment. Apparently, things weren’t usually that hectic, even for a brilliant and terribly in demand neurosurgeon as Reid. It was just their luck that their first week together had to be a hospital nightmare. But last night, Reid hadn’t been called and they were able to go out. Well, ‘hadn’t been called’ were big words. Reid was paged, only it was after the date….when they were making out on Reid’s bed about to…well about to what exactly Luke wasn’t sure.

A week ago, when Reid and he had gotten together, they had decided not to jump in bed immediately for whatever reason. Luke couldn’t really remember. Well, no actually that wasn’t true. He did remember why he hadn’t wanted to hop in bed with Reid that same night, he just couldn’t remember what the reason he had given Reid was. You see, when the subject of sex was approached, Luke panicked. It seemed really stupid but in all the time he had reflected about his feelings for Reid, he hadn’t really questioned himself about sex. Desiring Reid wasn’t up for questioning; it was an obvious fact. However, having sex with Reid…Luke really, really wanted to. REALLY. But when Reid started talking about it all he could think was ‘How do I do that?’ He felt like it was his first time all over again….but with even more pressure because unlike Noah on that first time, Reid actually had experience….and probably loads of it too. And that made Luke really, really nervous. What if Reid thought he was boring or something? Of course later on Luke had wanted to bang his head on the wall at his stupidity; he should have just told Reid the truth. But he hadn’t and it sucked because he really wanted to have sex with Reid and the only way to do that, outside of Reid not getting paged, was to tell Reid the truth about their first night as boyfriends. And the truth was he had wanted to take Reid up to his bedroom that night and show him exactly how much he loved and wanted him, but he was chickenshit and had told some excuse (he couldn’t remember what) and told Reid he wanted to wait a little. He thought it might have been something about being proper or how bad it would look to others or something of the like. Really, he had no clue. Which was bad. He had been dating Reid only for a couple of hours when he told him his first lie. That was so ridiculous. Reid would have understood….but at the moment…yeah panic attack. The fear of being inadequate or boring or simply awful in bed had just taken over and he had reacted without thinking. But he was going to change that as soon as Reid was back from the hospital.

“Hey” when you talk about the wolf….

“Hey” Luke answered smiling at his boyfriend entering Katie’s home. “How was surgery?”

“Easy but boring, which is more exhausting than a really difficult one. Sorry for the interruption by the way…not that we would have gotten further than that but…”

“Yeah about that” Luke started.

“Let me guess.” Reid interrupted, sitting himself on the couch next to Luke. “You need more time and don’t know how to ask me? It’s fine Luke. We can take our time”

“Well, actually Dr. Oliver, I don’t want us to take our time. Because we already have. I’ve wanted to sleep with you for months and I’m not doing any more waiting around for it. I want you naked on your bed or mine or any other available surface as soon as possible” Reid’s eyes widened at his partner’s speech. It was so assertive…and different from the last time (only time) they had talked about sex. “I’ve wanted to talk about it for days but with the foundation and everyone suddenly needing surgery, I barely glimpse at you in the last week, and when I finally did…well I was having a lot of fun on our dinner and I figured it could wait until we go back to your place but…”

“But instead you jumped on me as soon as we arrived, we ended up in my bed I don’t know how and then my pager went off and I had to leave for work”


“Can I know why the sudden change in speech? You’ve been wanting to tell me for days that you don’t want to wait for sex, yet it was days ago that you told me the opposite”

“Oh yeah, about that” Luke said shyly, looking at his shoes. Reid raised an eyebrow, looking expectedly at him. “you see…I…well I panicked.”

“You panicked.” Reid repeated slowly. “The idea of having sex with me made you panic.” Reid wasn’t sure if he should felt insulted at that or not.

“No! Well yeah but no.”

“Yes or no Luke” Reid asked, trying to understand what Luke was saying but being too confused to do so.

“No.” Luke said more firmly this time. “The idea of having sex with you didn’t make me panic. The idea of sex with you only brings very, very nice things” Reid smirked at that and Luke rolled his eyes at him. “It’s not knowing what to do or how to do it and fearing not being good enough since I have no clue as to how to have sex… well no I know how to have sex… with Noah.” Luke babbled frantically, looking like he was on a coffee high. “but he wasn’t experience either and we waited two years…well he wanted to wait two years and anyway, my point is…I…I have very little experience with sex. Noah took two years to be ready and after that, well it didn’t happen that often. We were just starting to have sex, it was new so we didn’t do it often and then shit happened because…well….it was Noah and I. Shit always happened. So…yeah, I really don’t know much and you’re older and had I don’t know how many partners so I…I panicked.”

Reid looked at his boyfriend patiently while the other man was babbling. And damn he owed Katie 20 bucks. He should have known better than to bet with Katie Perreti Snyder about the matters of the heart.

“Reid?” Luke asked in a small voice. Was the older man angry at him?

‘Damn.’ Reid thought ‘Luke took my being lost in thought as something else.’

“Sorry, I was just thinking about how I owed Katie a 20 now” ‘Uh huh. I don’t think I was supposed to say that. I really should learn to be less blunt.’ Reid thought.

“What?” Luke asked.

“Luke’ Reid sighed. “I’m not angry or disappointed or anything. Actually, I’m extremely relieved and ecstatic.” Reid continued smiling.

“Ooookkkayyy” Luke said confused.

“I don’t want to wait either Luke.” Reid confessed “But you asked me to, and I promised myself I would never push you to do anything you didn’t want to do…unless it was a question of life/death, which this isn’t. I was ready to wait for you, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t groan out in frustration the morning after, once the wonderful bliss of the night before had faded a tiny bit and my roommate started her questioning session where she had left it the night before which just happened to be at our sex life. And of course Katie saw right through me and made me admit how badly I wanted you, but how you weren’t ready yet. Which ended up with her calling me a clueless idiot and having her explained to me what you’ve just said and then betting me 20 bucks that she had put her finger right on the problem. Which means that I lost 20 bucks to her and I’ve never been so grateful for loosing a bet in my life! “

“You’re grateful?”

“Yeah, because you want me. You’re just nervous and that’s normal.”

“You’re not nervous though” Luke stated

“Well no” Reid admitted matter-of-factly. Luke looked down. Of course, he’s the only one silly enough to be nervous about sex. “But” Reid took Luke’s chin in his hand and made him look at him “I have an ego the size of Canada. So of course I’m not nervous about the quality of my performance. The only things I did for years were surgery and sex. I’m good at those. But that doesn’t mean I’m not nervous at all. Because while I am experienced at sex, I’m experienced at meaningless sex. Relationship sex…well I’m new to the world of serious relationships. So yeah, I get nervous and yes I panic too. “

“you do?” Luke asked. He had trouble imagining Reid panicking about anything.

“Yeah. Just ask Katie!” Reid thought about what he had just said and suddenly his eyes widened as he had a flashforward as to what this type of discussion between his roommate and his boyfriend could imply. “Yeah, actually, no don’t ask Katie. Just trust me on this. When you gave me your notebook/journal, I …well Katie had to jump at my throat to make me read it, because I was too scared of what was inside.”

“Ok. Well that’s reassuring” Luke said his body suddenly relaxing. Reid had always seemed so confident that it made Luke’s insecurities seemed ridiculous. But if even Reid could get nervous or uncertain….then things would be okay.

“Good. So Luke…how do you really feel about us having sex?” Reid asked for the second time this week.

“I’m nervous but I really, really want to share this with you. No waiting”

Yeah?” Reid asked smiling.

“Yeah” Luke answered back. Reid took Luke’s hand and pulled him up. He had planned on pulling Luke to his bedroom, but it seemed his boyfriend (man, it was still weird using that word) had other ideas. As soon as he was standing up, Luke captured the older man’s lips in a passionate lip-lock. For someone who felt so inexperience, Luke Snyder sure knew how to kiss. Soon, Reid felt Luke’s hands tugged at his shirt, trying to take it off his pants. The kissing grew erratic; each partner trying to undress the other in record time. Both much too busy on their task and lustful to think about Katie’s reaction were she to enter her house and find their clothes lying everywhere. They had waited much, much too long for this.


Luke was panting. He felt like he’d just run a marathon. Every atom of his body was screaming as the last bits of pleasure ran through him. This was….there was no way to describe what it was. He had had sex before….or at least he thought he did. Because if what Reid and he had just done was sex, then there was definitely something Noah and he hadn’t quite understood. This was nothing like Luke had ever experience. It was…it was even beyond what he had imagined and fantasize about before his first time. Everyone knew that their expectations for sex when they’re virgins are much too high for what sex truly is. Or at least, Luke had always thought so. He hadn’t expected that much in terms of physical pleasure for his first time and even that had ended up being too much expectation. Yet, here he was, panting and feeling like every nerve of his body had just discovered pure ecstasy. This was more than he had ever hoped for and not only in the physical experience sense either; he had felt so connected to Reid, like they were one. He had never really understood why so many authors would describe love making as being this wonderful intimate and emotional experience that linked two beings profoundly and making them one. He had always thought that it was an exaggeration used to sell more books to delusional and infatuated teenage girls. Yet, just now, he had experience such a thing. Luke turned over in his boyfriend’s arms, facing him and cuddled more tightly into the older one. He needed to feel him close. Noah had never been one for cuddling after sex, which was strange since he had no problem with cuddling as they watched a movie or on other occasions. Reid however seemed to be the opposite; he didn’t cuddle in every day life but he cuddled after sex. Having lived the two situations, Luke had to admit he much preferred Reid’s. Not cuddling after sex just felt wrong. It was a little bit like being rejected. Luke hadn’t liked it at all but….well no need to think about that now. His current boyfriend seemed to have no problems with Luke snuggling into him at the moment.

“So, my little insecure boyfriend, was it really so terrifying after all” Reid teased him. Luke’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. Had Reid really called him is boyfriend?

“What?” Reid asked, confused at Luke’s astonished gaze. Luke gave him a huge smile in response. “What?” Reid repeated.

“Nothing” Luke said, still grinning like crazy. “It’s just I never thought you’d be the one to first call the other his boyfriend that’s all. It just…didn’t seem your style. But you’re just full of surprises aren’t you?”

“Oh crap…post-sex blabber mouth. I had forgotten about that one” Reid said more to himself than anything else. Luke raised an eyebrow. “ Oh double crap, I shouldn’t have said that out loud, shouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know. It’s actually nice to know that I can use sex as a method to make you talk. This way I won’t have to resort to bothering Katie so she can pester you about things until you crack and tell me” Luke answered. Reid groaned. He knew, he just knew that Luke and Katie shared too much in common for his own good. And yet….he wouldn’t change either of them for the world.

“You know, one day, Jacob is going to grow up and learn to talk and that day, it will finally not be two against one anymore because I’ll make sure that kid is on my side! Just wait until his teen years. Jacob and I will make you guys’ life a living hell!”

“Reid Oliver you will do no such thing!” came a feminine voice from Reid’s bedroom doorframe. “You will not turn my kid against me, mister”

“Katie!” Both men screamed, Luke pulling the sheets higher on their body and trying to bury himself underneath them. Reid as for him wasn’t embarrassed. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen him shirtless before after all.

“Katie, what are you doing here? I thought we agreed that our bedroom was off limits to the other roommate” Reid said

“Yeah, I know, but you forgot your clothes in the living room….and the hallway…and weirdly enough also in the kitchen…which is disturbing by the way. I’m already traumatized enough by your sandwiches, if I have this kind of mental imagery when I go to eat too, I’ll starve to death. We’ve got to establish some ground rules around here. Here” Katie said walking up to them and putting a pile of folded clothes on Reid’s bedside table. “Next time, try to keep it to the bedroom…no wait, let me rephrase that. Keep it to the bedroom. I don’t care if you make out on the couch but nothing heavier than that. And if this happens again, try to pick up the clothes before I arrive. If you have the right to go hysterical and throw a fit whenever I leave my bras to dry where you can see them, then I certainly have a right to ask you this.”

“You throw a fit over bras? Seriously?” Luke asked, trying to refrain his laughter. Reid glared at him.

“Oh yeah, it’s to believe he had never seen one before in his life” Katie exclaimed

“As a matter of fact I hadn’t” Reid said.

“Really?” Katie and Luke asked incredulously.

“Yeah. Why would I have seen one before? I have no interest in women’s clothes nor in the jiggly things that go in them.” Luke laughed. Katie just shook her head and left the room muttering about weird roommates. But just before she exit, she turned around and with a teasing smile said “Oh and Luke. By the way, cute boxers!” Luke felt himself flushed once again and tried to hide beneath the blankets again. Reid just shouted “Katie!” as his roommate left his room, laughing. Yeah, he really needed to ask Luke what he thought about them moving in together.


An: Okay so this is it!!! There will be more, this story isn’t finished yet. But I don’t know exactly when I will update. From now on, I will try really hard to update one of my stories every week. This week it’s Le choix du Coeur (and maybe And nothing else too!), so stay tuned. I really, really hope I won’t get month long writers block again… I should be fine. I’ll try to update as much as I can before midterms arrive in October!!! Thanks for reading!

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: kittyblackcat, fan fiction

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