Fic: On The Straight and Narrow 3/29

Nov 30, 2010 18:03

Title: On The Straight and Narrow 3/29
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: Chapters will vary
Word Count: 2149
Summary/Prompt: What if Damian's plan to break Luke and Noah up actually worked? This is an alternative story to how Luke and Reid fall in love.
credit: the times

Previous Chapters: One | Two

Luke came storming into Java, his eyes were narrow and he was trying his best to not let get the news he just heard get to him. But he couldn’t help it, he couldn’t believe that Noah would do that to him, even after everything he had done for him. To be banned from the hospital! To be banned from seeing him!

He couldn’t believe that Noah would agree with Dr. Oliver. It hurt more than he knew it should. It shouldn’t be about him, it should just be about Noah getting better. But there was an interesting ping in his side that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. But it was hurting him.

“Luke I’m over here.”

Luke was snapped out of his anger when he heard his girlfriends voice. He had forgotten that she would be the perfect person to talk to about this. He sometimes forgot that she should be the person he should go to when he needed somebody to talk to.

Luke made his way over to her table where she had a notebook and a book spread out on the table. She moved some of the stuff as he walked over next to her. She lifted her head up and Luke leaned down to give her a small kiss before taking the seat across from her.

“Babe, what’s wrong, you look terrible.” Ashley asked with an interesting look on her face. She would have thought that now since Dr. Oliver was in town that the stress in Luke’s life would subside, but now it only seemed to be getting worse and worse and the wear and tear of Luke’s mind constantly going a mile a minute made her nervous.

“I just got done meeting with Noah.”

“Were you two alone?” Ashley asked, a small hint of accusation in her voice. She knew that they were best friends, but she didn’t particularly care for it when they hung out alone.

“My mother had just picked him up from one of his appointments with Dr. Oliver and I was promised to stop by and see the kids considering I have been M.I.A. for the past couple weeks.”

“And? How are his appointments with Dr. Oliver going?”

“Noah told me that I can’t even step foot in the hospital or else Dr. Oliver will refuse to operate on him.”


“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Well I actually think it is a good thing?”

“What?” Luke asked, he was so confused. He totally thought that Ashley would be on his side about this considering all the work he had put in just to get the doctor here.

“Dr. Oliver is causing you so much stress. He has only been here for just over a week and I can just see the constant strain he puts on you. Have you two ever even been in the same vicinity without fighting?”

Luke tried to think of a time where they had had a civil conversation but it deemed impossible. Just yesterday he was dropping off something from his mother at Katie’s and when Reid answered the door a brief moment of hell broke out.

“Stalking me now Mr. Snyder.” Reid’s eyes narrowed as he eyed the blonde.

“What are you doing here?”

“That’s none of your concern.”

Luke couldn’t believe that Katie would sleep with Dr. Oliver. He couldn’t believe that Dr. Oliver took advantage of Katie in her vulnerable state. He hated the doctor even more thinking about how he could have possibly manipulated her. What worried him even more was what Katie might possibly see in him. He was vile, he was rude, he was annoying.

“Speechless are you Mr. Snyder. What a shock. To think that would even be possible.”

“What about the hotel I’m paying for.”

“Oh you’re still paying for it, but who wouldn’t want to wake up to a blonde every morning. This hell of a town I had to find at least something worth my time.”

It took almost everything in Luke’s body to not hit the doctor right there. He couldn’t risk Dr. Oliver not doing the surgery. He knew that Dr. Oliver was doing this to rile him up and he was trying his best not to give in to his taunts.

“Again, I have rendered you speechless. Amazing.”

“Just make sure Katie gets this.” Luke handed Dr. Oliver an envelope and then promptly turned on his heels and left.

“Maybe you’re right. I have a feeling that not seeing Dr. Oliver will do me some good. I’m just mad that Noah didn’t talk to me about this first.”

“Why does it matter? It’s his eyesight?”

“Ashley.” Luke said sternly “He’s my best friend and now I probably won’t get to see him until after the surgery.”

“Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.”


“Just let Noah make some of his own decisions. Dr. Oliver will do the surgery and he’ll get his eye sight back and then you can see him again. Dr. Oliver isn’t going to be here much longer, just do what they say and then everything can go back to how it was before the doctor showed up.”

Luke didn’t like Ashley saying what seemed like the truth, but something was just bothering him about the whole situation. Besides blackmailing Dr. Oliver and fighting with him nonstop, what did any of that have to do with seeing Noah. We’ll Noah didn’t say they couldn’t see each other outside the hospital but the thought of running into Dr. Oliver if they were together would on illicit terrible results.

“I guess.” Was the only response that Luke could give.

“Alright babe, I gotta head to class.”

“Call me when you get out and maybe we could do something together tonight?”

“Not tonight. I’m meeting Ali later, she is helping me write that research paper.”

“Oh well have fun. Do you know what time you’ll be home?”

“Probably late, I’m going to be at her place.”

“We’ll maybe I’ll stop by and see Noah and then when you are done we could drive home together.”

“That’s sweet, but I don’t know how late this will go and you need to get sleep. You look beat.”

“Ok.” Luke said, his voice was full of hurt. He didn’t like feeling that everybody was rejecting him.

Ashley was gathering her papers and her notebook and threw them into her bag. She quickly got up and gave Luke a quick kiss on the lips before departing.

Luke lingered at the table for a while just trying to soak everything in. He was still angry about Dr. Oliver banning him from the hospital and that he wouldn’t be able to see Noah as much as he would want to. He cared deeply for Noah and to think that he won’t be able to be there for him during this time hurt him like crazy.

Luke took a sip of his coffee only to realize that it had gone cold. He was going to ask the barista just to reheat it when he saw the redheaded doctor walk through the doors. He tried his best to wish himself invisible but it was a lost cause.

“Should I really be concerned about you stalking me?” Reid said as he pushed pass Luke and to the ordering window.

“I was here first.” Luke spat back. He knew that he shouldn’t respond to Dr. Oliver’s insults but he just couldn’t help himself. He was never one to not get the last word in.

“Who’s to say you haven’t memorized my schedule.” Reid turned his back towards Luke. He didn’t even need to say his order out loud as the barista was already making his drink for him, leaving Luke’s coffee unheated.

Luke wondered how that was possible that Dr. Oliver was somehow able to control almost everything around him. It didn’t even look like he had struck fear into the barista’s eyes, unlike he did to the poor interns at Memorial.

What Luke didn’t know was the Reid had told the baristas at Java his order on the first day and said that if any of them ever spoke it out loud he would figure out a way to get the place shut down. They also knew to put his caramel latte in an discreet cup as to not draw attention to it. Although, Reid found himself liking the baristas.

Once Luke realized that Reid was officially done acknowledging his presences he couldn’t help but get the last word in.

“Always a pleasure, Dr. Oliver.”

Reid turned around and watched as the blonde walk out of Java. He loved getting the kid all flustered and riled up. He enjoyed watching his pale cheeks become a flushed crimson color and he loved watching him trying to search his brain for at least a decent comeback. He wasn’t going to deny, Luke Snyder could verbally fight and attack with the best of them. He would miss their banter at the hospital. But he wouldn’t miss it enough to thoroughly enjoying every moment that the blonde wasn’t there.


“So…” Ali said looking up at Ashley “…tell me what is wrong.”

“It’s Luke.”

“I figured, I’ve had that look on my face many times.”

“It’s just today we met for coffee and of course all he talked about was Dr. Oliver this and Dr. Oliver that. I tried to tell him that it is probably for the best that he wouldn’t be at the hospital anymore just because the stress that Dr. Oliver causes him.”

“I had heard that Dr. Oliver had banned Luke from the hospital. Noah also told me about it, he seemed mildly upset but knew he had to do it.”

“That’s what I tried to tell Luke, that Noah had to think about himself for once.”

“But why does this seem like this isn’t what is really bothering you.”

“I guess I’m just having doubts.”


“You know…Ali, I don’t like saying it.”

“What do you have doubts about.”

“He is investing so much time and energy into Noah again and I’m just worried that he’ll leave me. I mean, what I am feeling is not unfounded, but I want to trust Luke when he tells me he loves me, that he cares about me, that he wants to be with me. And I try to push everything else to the back of my mind because I know that people can change and I believe him when he says that he has. I mean, we’ve been together for two years!”

“Did you tell Luke about how you feel.”

“He’ll just change the subject, he’ll tell me he was in a confusing time in his life, that he was drinking all the time, and that his father was just doing what he thought was best for him.”

“Why do you think this will be any different than the past two years?” Ali asked and Ashley responded with an interesting look. “I mean, you guys have been together for two years and Luke and Noah have remained friends for that long as well and nothing has happened. I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“I think I am just over analyzing everything because of the residual stress that I am feeling from Luke. It’s that damn Dr. Oliver. I wish he never came here, he is driving poor Luke crazy.”

“I’m sure everything will all work out.”

“Me too. I believe in us and I know he does too.”

“That’s good.”

Ashley lingered in the silence for just a couple moments longer before continuing to work on her research paper. She knew she needed to talk to Luke and she needed to reconfirm that they were meant to be together, but she didn’t know why she already felt like she was losing him.


“How many of you are in need of some hope here tonight?”

Luke looks around the room and notices that there are plenty of nervous faces like his and he slowly starts to nod his head in agreement.

“How many of you are at the end of your rope?”

Again Luke nods his head. He was brought here against his will, but the more he listened the more he realized he fit in here.

He was an alcoholic, he was in a bad place, he was acting out, he was hurting his family. He knew he needed to change. He just didn’t realize that this was what was causing the pain in his life.

“Am I in denial?” The announcer whose name Luke had missed the first time around, but later learned to be Danny, “Absolutely. I live a life of denial and I love it. I didn't choose my same-sex feelings but I do choose how I'm going to steward them. Freedom is possible.”

!author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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