Oct 04, 2010 19:50

Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R - NC-17
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: It was October in Oakdale, and that means Halloween. What will happend when Luke Snyder meets Vampire Reid Oliver?!
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31

It was 5AM and Luke woke up in a really good mood, he couldn’t wait to meet Reid at the park. He got dressed up nice and made his hair as perfect as he could get it.

Once Luke got to the park it was 5:55AM and he didn’t see Reid anywhere. He was the only person there. Normally people who meet in parks that early are people dealing drugs or looking for trouble, but not Luke. He was looking for Reid. He walked around the park looking for him still no sign of Reid.

Luke’s watch was making a buzzing/beeping sound when it hit 6AM and he looked down at it and just then Reid showed up behind him, Luke knew this by the feeling of soft wind that came with Reid speeding so fast. Luke didn’t even notice Reid super speeded to him. Luke was just happy to see Reid again!

Luke turned around and looked at Reid.

“You made it” Luke said with a smile

“I’m sorry”


“I shouldn’t be interested in you like this, but I can’t help myself.”

“It’s ok, it’s nothing to be embarrassed by”

“I am not embarrassed...far from it actually” Reid trying to hold himself together, knowing that being with Luke could be dangerous

“Then what is it, why did you want to meet me so early, the sun isn’t even up yet!”

Reid smiled, “I like it more without the sun”

Luke was confused “Why did you leave the dinner when Janet hurt herself?”

“I can’t stand blood”

Luke was confused again “Oh….can you tell me what you want from me then?”

Reid didn’t know how to say this “I want you Luke, I don’t know why my heart is acting like this, it hasn’t before”

Luke was shocked but fell even more in love “Oh…well….ummm…the heart wants what the heart wants!”


“So this is why you wanted to meet me?”

“Part of it, I haven’t been really good with the whole….romantic stuff for a long time”

“That’s ok, I am not either”

“That’s hard to believe”

Luke smiled at Reid

“Do you want to go and get breakfast with me?” Luke asked




Luke and Reid ended up at a breakfast dinner and they got seated. Luke ordered eggs, toast and Reid had nothing.

“You’re not eating again?”

“I ate before I got here” Which wasn’t a total lie.


“So I have been seeing this flyer around town, is there a Halloween Dance or something?”

“Yes! Every Halloween we have a big Oakdale Halloween Dance”


“Yeah, the whole town goes and we all dress up or at least most do!”

“What do you go as?” Reid was wondering

“I don’t normally go; if I do it is just to be with friends. I haven’t dressed up for many years!” Luke said with a shy smile.

“You should this year!”


“Because it will be fun, and you never know, it could be interesting!”

The waiter came back with Luke’s breakfast and juice

“Why would it be interesting?”

“If you go with me I will be dressed up!”

“Aren’t you dressed up now, I mean most people don’t have black eyeliner on and vampish clothes”

“Are you stereotyping me?” Reid smiled in a sexy manner.

“Sorry!” Luke blushed

“No need to be sorry”

“Will you go to the dance with me Luke?”

Luke became shy

“Luke?” Reid tried to meet Luke’s eyes but Luke kept on trying to keep from looking at Reid.

“Luke?” Reid said again, this time resting his hand softly on Luke’s hand on the table.

This made Luke look at Reid. Reid used his emotional control to make Luke feel comfortable. Normally Reid wouldn’t use his powers on Luke because he loved Luke too much to do that to him! But in this case he wasn’t sure why Luke was being so shy when normally he is very direct to him, at least up until now that is.

Luke felt a soft calming feeling wash over him, and he was able to look at Reid. Reid took his hand off of Luke’s so that Luke was fully under his own control now. Reid settled back in his chair while Luke took a deep breath.

“Are you ok Luke?” Reid asked in a very calming tone.

“Yeah...” Luke said softly back.

“Do you want to go to the Halloween Dance with me Luke?” Reid asked again, this time in a very much calmer, softer tone.

Luke looked at Reid and was falling harder for him by the second. Luke took another deep breath and told Reid “Yes, I would love to go to the Dance with you” Luke smiled at Reid and Reid smiled back!



Reid and Luke walked around seeing the fall colors of Oakdale, Illinois. Reid put on his sexy black shades. The people in town weren’t sure what to think of Reid all gothic in black and eyeliner, but if Luke was with him he was ok in their book.

Reid didn’t want to hold Luke’s hand just yet, he was cold skinned and he wasn’t sure yet how Luke would react to it.

They found Casey in a store for Halloween things trying to decide what he wanted to have for his costume. Luke told Reid “Maybe I should be a Vampire for Halloween!”

Casey for whatever reason didn’t like Reid. He didn’t know why but there was some bad feeling he had in his body that Reid was bad news. He didn’t say anything though because he didn’t want to upset Luke!

Luke looked around at the different things while Reid talked to Casey.

“Hi, I am Reid.” Reid kept his hands in his pockets.


“So you’re Luke’s friend”

“Yes, and you’re what...”

Reid could read Casey’s mind, “I am Luke’s boyfriend, I guess, we are going to the Halloween Dance together”

“Oh, you are, are you?!”

“Yeah, you have a problem with that!”

“No...should I?”


“Just treat Luke with respect!” and with that last statement Casey left.

Luke came back and asked Reid what happened.

“Nothing!” Reid smiles at Luke, he didn’t want to lie, it was against his nature but he was just cautious with Casey from here on out.

Reid looked at the shit ass vampire costume Luke found! Reid laughing “You want to be a Vampire but yet you want to be a stereotypical one at that!”

“This is all they had, what you want me to dress like Edward or something?!”

“No...well, he dresses ok, but what about Damon or Steffen from the Vampire Diaries?”

“How do you know this?!” Luke asked in question

“I am very attentive about things!” Reid smiles a more devilish smile at Luke, which makes Luke feel like goo. “If you want to dress like a real vamp, can I help?!”

“Sure” Luke tells him and puts the costume back

atwt, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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