Oct 11, 2010 21:49

Author: foreverfaith101
Genre: Romance, Angst, Halloween
Rating: R for language / maybe more later down the road....
Characters: Luke Snyder & Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: It was October in Oakdale, and that means Halloween. What will happend when Luke Snyder meets Vampire Reid Oliver?!


http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1097114.html#cutid1 >> CHAPTER 1
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1104154.html#cutid1 >> CHAPTER 2
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1110868.html#cutid1 >> CHAPTER 3
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1115382.html#cutid1 >> CHAPTER 4
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1120209.html#cutid1 >> CHAPTER 5
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1125247.html#cutid1 >> CHAPTER 6
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1129162.html#cutid1 >> CHAPTER 7
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1133372.html#cutid1 >> CHAPTER 8
http://community.livejournal.com/lure_atwt/1135995.html#cutid1 << CHAPTER 9

Reid was holding Luke and they super speeded back to Reid's run down house on the outside of Oakdale. Reid put Luke down when they got inside. Reid ran off to get the bag on the table and took out some bandages and told Luke, he needed to wrap his forearm up before he lost too much blood.

"You like that wouldn't you!" Luke was angry

"What no Luke..."

"You lied to me"

"Luke, I wasn't sure you could handle the truth"

"Well, you should have trusted me, we are dating for goodness sake, and on top of all that I thought we could have sex someday too, but I guess that is out the window now isn't it"

Reid was shocked and taken back


Crap! The last words came out to fast before Luke realized what he said.

"Well...you know what I mean, I was falling for a guy I thought I could spend the rest of my life with, but clearly you were just using me"

"No Luke I was never using you"

Reid tried to move closer to Luke and he backed away and yelled at Reid to stay away

"Luke let me help you with your arm"

"No you freak! Stay away from me"

Luke had a hard time wrapping his arm up so he was like fuck this shit, and he tried to get away from Reid as fast as he could. Reid was blocking the only way out of the room so Luke ran for it up the stairs.


Luke ran up the stairs and looked around for a way out of the house but he found Reid's bedroom instead, it was the only room upstairs that had furniture in it. He made his way in and closed the door and put something in front of it to block it and Luke walked over the other side of the room to get far away.

Reid made his way up the stairs and turned the door knob and he couldn't get in. Luke thought he out smarted Reid. But what Luke didn't know was Reid was incredibility strong and he was able to kick the door in. Luke was shocked and scared. Reid walked in and saw how scared Luke was.


"Stay the hell away from me"

"Luke I don't want to hurt you" Reid was trying to sound soft and loving and even put his hands in his pockets to show Luke he is not threatening to him. Reid was trying to walk over to Luke but Luke kept on yelling at him.

"You look like you want to eat me"

Reid smiled and laughed "Luke your ... um... arm ... still bleeding do you know how hard it is for me to be this close to you while your arm is bleeding?"

Luke looked down and tried to wrap it up again this time Luke was becoming calmer.

Reid tried to move forward to help when Luke said angrily "Back off"

Reid backed off and just stood there looking at Luke wrapping his arm and calming down

"Luke..." Reid said softly after he saw Luke was finished

"Reid...I can't"

"You can't what Luke"

"I can't be with you, you're a vampire, we can't work"

Reid took in a deep breath. Reid was feeling better, Luke was able to wrap up the cut and the blood smell was going away.

"Why Luke, why can't we be together?"

"Because, you're a vampire..."

"So, I love you, I meant what I said, I love you "

"Reid, you can't love me"

"Why not?"

"Because I am human, the only way this will work is if you turn me, otherwise we can't work"

"We have worked Luke, don't you see I can control myself with you, I can love you for you"

"But you can't be fully with me right?!"

"If you're talking about making love, then no, if I make love to you, I could hurt you, if I lose control with you Luke, and I hurt you, I couldn't live with that, when I want something I get it, and that means I go full force"

"So you get where I am coming from, we can't be together."

Reid was looking down and started to get sad by Luke's comments

"Look I am sorry I was so mean to you when you brought me here, I didn't mean it when I called you a freak"

Reid shrugged and said "I am used to it, that is why I have been a loner most of my life, try being gay in a time when it was wrong, try being gay and a vampire, it is not easy"

"I am sorry Reid"

Luke is feeling safer. He even comes closer to Reid, who in turn steps back every step. Luke moves closer.

"Why are you coming close to me, you don't want to be with me"


Reid stops moving and Luke walks right up to Reid and stands in front of him.

"Reid...look at me"

Reid was felling shy and disappointed none of this is going the way he wanted. Luke knows the truth and he was hoping that he would still love him and it seems like all Luke wants to do at least in Reid's eyes is to get the hell out of there.

"What Luke?"

"Please look at me"

Reid was now sitting on his bed and it was getting dark out and it was time for Reid to eat.

"Reid, I do love you, it is just falling in love with a vampire, you have to admit, it is one of the last things I have ever thought about"

"I know Luke, it is ok, and if you want to break off our relationship I totally understand"

Luke was quite for a moment

Reid was getting a twitchy, he needed to eat

"Reid what's wrong?"

"Sorry Luke I am getting hungry"


"You know, I need blood"

"Oh!" Luke looked down at his arm "Do you want mine?"

Reid looked at Luke in shock


"Why not?"

"I can't take the blood from you Luke; I don't take it from humans unwillingly"

"Well it is not unwillingly it is willingly, I am giving it to you if you want it"

"I am scared if I suck YOUR blood I will not be able to stop and then if I drain you, you will die!"

"Well...we have a few choices then don't we"

Reid looked at Luke

"1 -- I can give you my blood and you will just have to be careful, 2 -- I can go and get you some blood from the hospital or, 3 -- You change me"

Reid looked at Luke "Change you?"

Luke was quiet

"No no no..." Reid got up from the bed and was pasing back and forth


"No Luke you don't know what you're asking, you don't want this life Luke, trust me"

Luke got up from the bed and stopped Reid from pasing back and forth, he held onto Reid's arm


"Luke you shouldn't be this close, if I hurt you..."

"I trust you"

atwt, rating: r, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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