Oct 01, 2010 00:24

Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R - NC-17
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: It was October in Oakdale, and that means Halloween. What will happend when Luke Snyder meets Vampire Reid Oliver?!
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31

It was October in Oakdale, Illinois. It was fall and the leaves were changing colors. Everyone in town had gone back to their normal lives because kids went back to school, and the adults went back to work. The residents of Oakdale loved October because that meant a town wide Halloween Dance on October 31. Everyone loved Halloween, who doesn’t! You get to dress up and be someone different for a day!

Luke Snyder was one of those residents in Oakdale. He owned a foundation and Grimaldi Shipping, both becoming big and powerful companies on their own; with Luke at the head they became even more powerful!

Luke’s life was mostly complete, he was 25, had a loving family, and he had money. One would think he could find love but the opposite happened. He couldn’t find love, the one person he did love moved to LA, and the other didn’t want to date him because he was straight, so Luke was kind of a loner for while.

The story starts with Luke sitting in Old Town, its a little shopping area in Oakdale that everyone goes to and hangs out. He did have at least one good friend, Casey; really everyone else is not worth knowing, at least not for now. Casey will always be there for his friend and Casey makes life interesting for Luke.

Casey ended up working for Luke at Grimaldi Shipping and Casey was grateful, he was 25 too, and they hung out a lot! They didn’t really work together but they hung out at Java or Old Town. Casey was more of a ladies’ man and Luke thought it was ok. To everyone else Casey seemed like a player but what they didn’t know was that Casey did love them he just didn’t want to stay connected to one woman long enough to ever get really deep feelings for her.


Luke was sitting at a table in Old Town talking to Casey when it happened. He saw a man all dressed in black. Luke had never seen him before in Oakdale, and believe me, everyone knew everyone in Oakdale. It was kinda scary how gossip and rumors can fly in Oakdale faster than fire can burn down a house! Despite that in the end Oakdale is a good place to live!

This dark mysterious man was wearing tight black jeans, a nice black long sleeve shirt with a black jacket. His hair was spiked up, he had a slightly pale complexion, soft pinkish lips and he even had black eyeliner on that popped his ice blue eyes.

Luke didn’t know why all of a sudden he was star struck to such a stranger. He had never met him but yet it seemed his heart wanted him. Just as fast as Luke saw him he vanished. Casey was still yapping at Luke when Luke came to. Luke asked Casey about the mysterious man but Casey hadn't seen him. Luke had lost him and didn’t know if he would see him again. Why was Luke attracted to such a stranger?!


Luke Snyder was in his living room, still unable to shake the odd feeling for this guy he never really met. He went to his computer to look at his e-mails from work. His computer was on a desk that sat in front of the big window which looked over the front street of the building. Without Luke knowing, the same dark mysterious man was outside looking up at him. He could see Luke though the window.

No one seemed to even notice this mysterious man just standing across the street looking though Luke’s window! It was kinda stalkerish, if anyone was wondering.

Once Luke was finished with his computer he stood up and looked out the window, noticing the dark mysterious man, from earlier, looking at him. Luke blinked, and he was gone again!!

atwt, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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