Oct 16, 2010 01:30

Author: foreverfaith101
Genre: Romance, Angst, Halloween
Rating: R
Characters: Luke Snyder & Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: It was October in Oakdale, and that means Halloween. What will happend when Luke Snyder meets Vampire Reid Oliver?!

Luke watched as Kevin made his way down the hall.

Luke thought to himself and said “Fuck it” and he got a jacket and closed the door and locked it.

Luke ran after Kevin who was getting in his SUV and Luke yelled at him.


“What Luke, you can’t stop me”

“Let me go with you”

“What? I can’t risk you getting hurt again”

“Kevin, you want to kill my boyfriend, I need to come with you”


Luke climbed into the SUV passenger seat and Kevin got in and started it up, they left Oakdale for Minnesota.


On the way up to Minnesota Kevin was quite but Luke was wondering why Kevin was so eager to kill Reid. There has to be something behind it right?


“Yeah Luke”

“Why do you want to kill Reid so bad for, he didn’t hurt you?”

“No, but we don’t get along”


Kevin smiled and said, “Do you want to hear Reid’s backstory?”

“You know Reid’s backstory?”

“Some of it, not all of it”

“OK, Kevin, tell me what you know”

Kevin took a deep breath and told Luke what he knew about Reid

“Reid was dating a guy named Evan, as you know, and well, they were both vampires and Evan was seen by my great-grandpa, and he thought it was some kind of monster but when he shot him Evan became violent and started to attack my great-grandpa, and then my Grandfather came out and Evan killed my great - grandfather and then my Grandfather killed him, without knowing it, he stabbed him in the heart. With whatever he had handy. Reid came speeding by and took Evan and left before they knew it. So my grandfather always took my dad about the Vamp, at least that what he thought it was from the reach he did in the library, the missing animals and the fast speeding/running, and the bit marks on great-grandpa had. It was a wild story, most people think my grandpa made it up but when after a few weeks Reid came back, and told them, he will leave and never come back.”

“But how would you know what Reid looked like?”

Kevin laughed “Well, my grandfather was an amazing artist and drew him so that our family could always have a face to the story even if everyone thought it was made up”

“I remember Reid’s face from the picture”


“So what you feel like you need to revenge your dead relatives now?”

“I don’t know I guess I was told all my life that vamps are bad and Reid needs to die and when I saw him with you it was like, everything my family told me came flooding back!”

“But you don’t need to do it Kevin”

Luke was touching Kevin’s hand trying to make him think about he was planning

“Luke...I am sorry”


“Everything, our past, Reid”

Luke smiled and said, it is in the past, but please talk to Reid; if you get to know him I am telling you he isn’t bad”

“But what about what he did to you?”

“Oh, him kinda biting/attacking me?”


“Reid just got hungry, when Reid gets worked up and hungry he gets aggressive, I am telling you he doesn’t mean anything by it, he even told me leaving together and being close could make him “wanting me” harder”

“I guess as long as you’re sure Luke”

“I am” Luke smiled at Kevin “I am in love with him”


“Yeah...I want to spend my life with him; he is like, my better half”

Kevin smiled and laughed at Luke’s last words

“Well, if it anything, I am happy for you Luke, you should fall in love”

Luke smiled and Kevin smiled back and they both ended up at an old part of town in a town in Minnesota.

Luke got out of the car and suddenly someone took Luke away covering his face with something so he couldn’t see.

Kevin, saw this and knew the person and followed him.

“Dude, why did you do that?”

“Because you told me dumb dumb, I thought we were going to kill some vamps”

“Well Luke isn’t one, yet!”

“Right, we were going to use him for bate right?”

“Well, yeah, but now I don’t want to do this” Kevin was having cold feet

“Come on”

“No Noah, stop!”

“Fine, if you don’t want to do it then I will have to hunt him down, I know where he has been hitting”

Noah hit Kevin across the face and stole Kevin’s car. Kevin was left in an old building laying on the floor.

Noah took Luke with him so he could use Luke to get to Reid!!

!author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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