Hey look it's a meme!

Dec 18, 2011 05:14

     The Common Knowledge Meme     
While Luceti might seem pretty big, for a village, it's actually rather small. Naturally, there are a lot of characters out there who've probably never threaded before, but should realistically know each other. And since it'd be impossible to thread out every second of every day, here's something that might make ( Read more... )

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Comments 270

Sarah's Dudes kittanylilac December 17 2011, 20:17:10 UTC
Neither of whom are very dudely.


Fon Master Ion soreplaceable December 17 2011, 20:20:52 UTC
Things Anyone Would Know
Ion spends most of his free time at the library. During the summer, he reads in the plaza or in the cherry tree grove north of the village. During the winter, he either stays in the library or returns home to read. He doesn't necessarily keep to himself, so any library-goer might have had a conversation with him at some point or another.

His favorite place to eat in the plaza is Seventh Heaven, but he's only ever there for lunch. DINNER IS FAMILY TIME.

He goes to school every day like a good student at least, when he's not sick which is a lot. And he probably offers to help tutor people on the side if they need help. This could be a cute CR opportunity if anyone wants to go for it!

He's described in-game as looking "so pale he looks like he's about to die". ಠ__ಠ

On that note, he also doesn't wear his robes every day. Or very often, really. Though his usual outfits still tend to be more loose and cover-all. He loves sweaters and scarves /secretly fabulous??He gets sick at least once a month, and much more ( ... )


lostinmyway December 18 2011, 03:46:40 UTC
So, since Grune visits the clinic a couple of times a week, these two have probably run into each other a few times. She would've kept him company and brought him flowers and stuff. Maybe we could thread this out sometime?


soreplaceable December 18 2011, 09:07:59 UTC
Aww, that'd be cute. ;w; It'd have to be during a time when he'd be pretty sick though... he goes to the clinic a lot, but not to stay there. Just to see a doctor in case it's something more serious (like, he's in bed for 3-4 days). Usually he feels better being at home when he's sick. |D


This meme is awesome! lists_to_port December 17 2011, 20:19:24 UTC
Places lists_to_port December 17 2011, 20:27:20 UTC
1) The Marauding Bridge. This is the bridge behind House 35. Jack frequently accosts unwary travelers there and tries to steal things from them.

2) The Rope Ship/"Tree Village" This little enclave is located by the eastern shore of the Western lake. Originally, Jack constructed a ropes course by the lake in this area---zip line, ropes to climb, slack lines/tightropes, platforms in the trees, and a very well-hidden tree house. Since the Fairy Tale experiment when Archie Kennedy went all Robin Hood on everyone, this structure was expanded to include more treehouses. Picture the Ewok village except not nearly as cool or large or filled with Ewoks. Other characters are definitely free to use this area.

3) For anyone interested in doing stuff for the sea/beach/ocean, please check out luceti_ocean. There's a map, a thread catalog, and info on the boats that are out there.


Captain Jack Sparrow lists_to_port December 17 2011, 20:53:12 UTC
Average Day/Week?

--If your character frequents Good Spirits, they...will probably have noticed Jack Sparrow. He's there A LOT.

--He can occasionally be found in the library, where he will either be in the Self Help section (he loves helping himself) or poring over the copy of the Pirata Codex, which is located there. Other characters will NOT be able to read the codex because it is locked. Jilly Coppercorn has the key.

--Jack has to trek supplies out to Cullen House every week, so he can be frequently found in the village shops.

--Cloud Nine is a place he goes when Archie Kennedy decides he is bored and calls Jack over the journals and asks him to come by.

--Any character who frequents the barracks or the beach has probably run into him. Jack lives quite close to where the transporter lets people off at the shore--a stone's throw from the fort.

Things your character might notice right away by looking at Jack Sparrow--They will probably notice that Jack most of the time is dressed like a pirate: hat, belts, coat, sword, ( ... )


mikangirl December 18 2011, 03:02:32 UTC
One wonders: is the Pirata Codex openable with a judiciously and expertly applied lockpick?


This is a subject title saltprince December 17 2011, 20:21:11 UTC

Kyio's Dark-Haired People kyio December 17 2011, 20:26:29 UTC
Jacqli hackedcode December 17 2011, 21:08:00 UTC
Basic Day-To-Day Things

+ Jacqli spends a lot of time in the library, usually sitting directly in the middle of aisles while reading.
+ She's incredibly pale (and used to be even paler), which probably stands out even more given how she almost always wears black. Her usual outfit is also ... kind of eye-catching.
+ She eats at Seventh Heaven a lot and would be seen there almost as often as she's seen in the library, since her cooking has a high tendency to turn out more than a little inedible ( ... )


Yuri Lowell once_knighted December 17 2011, 21:56:47 UTC
Basic Day-To-Day Things

+ Yuri is at the battle dome nearly every day. Occasionally, he may be there with someone else for a spar, or a battle simulation. Raine is one of the people he goes on battle simulations with, though it's only on weekends.
+ He looks fairly girly to some, but could come across as just a pretty boy to others. Either way, his voice is far from similar to a woman's, so any mistakes should be cleared up the second he opens his mouth.
+ He is skinny and tall, hitting around 5'11".
+ He's always carrying a sword with him. Always.
+ Yuri takes a lot of walks around the village, if the weather is agreeable. Most times, his dog will be walking alongside him ( ... )


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SWEET IT'S MEMETIME lightningcute December 17 2011, 20:26:55 UTC
Pao-lin "Tap that zap" Huang lightningcute December 17 2011, 20:59:50 UTC
Places where you're likely to spot a Pikapao in her natural habitat

❊ Any of the food places: the bakery, Seventh Heaven, Azzip, Good Spirits, Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, and the tea shop. She switches off between the bakery and Seventh Heaven for breakfast. She can be found in Good Spirits or the tea shop later in the day or at night just to relax. Sometimes, though, she gets lazy and doesn't feel like going out, so she'll be heating up takeout or frozen food from the grocery store in the kitchen on the 8th floor of CH7.
❊ The Battle Dome. Next to the food places, this is the place she visits the most, probably at least three times a week. So people who also go to the Battle Dome or who work in the hospital there will have seen her and possibly talked to her a little. (In fact she'll probably have landed herself in the BD clinic a few times injuring herself during training.)
❊ The library. This is not as frequent as the first two places, but she's been in there quite a few times in the past month or so for various reasons.
❊ The Rec ( ... )


Pommy "This marshmallow is the man" Has-No-Last-Name bemyused December 17 2011, 21:19:54 UTC
Places where you're likely to spot a Pomyu in his natural habitat

✪ Any of the food places. Just like Pao-lin! Though Pommy usually doesn't go to Good Spirits or the tea shop, but he's probably checked it out a few times.
✪ The Rec Center. Games! Movies! Whatever!
✪ Wandering around the village. He likes to hang around Grune and her garden though. :|a

About Pomyu himself

✪ People may have seen this already, but repetition is good: Pommy's only 12 inches tall.

Other schnazz

✪ Pommy recently returned from a mallynapping that had him sounding like a British Sex God instead of a Magical Critter Sidekick, but that should be wearing off right about now.
✪ zzzzzzzzzzzzzz where is my brain
✪ OH YEAH he recently joined the SOS Brigade. So. Uh. Stuff that's related to that.


No-Last-Names unite! lostinmyway December 18 2011, 04:05:49 UTC

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