Hey look it's a meme!

Dec 18, 2011 05:14

     The Common Knowledge Meme     
While Luceti might seem pretty big, for a village, it's actually rather small. Naturally, there are a lot of characters out there who've probably never threaded before, but should realistically know each other. And since it'd be impossible to thread out every second of every day, here's something that might make ( Read more... )

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Pao-lin "Tap that zap" Huang lightningcute December 17 2011, 20:59:50 UTC
Places where you're likely to spot a Pikapao in her natural habitat

❊ Any of the food places: the bakery, Seventh Heaven, Azzip, Good Spirits, Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, and the tea shop. She switches off between the bakery and Seventh Heaven for breakfast. She can be found in Good Spirits or the tea shop later in the day or at night just to relax. Sometimes, though, she gets lazy and doesn't feel like going out, so she'll be heating up takeout or frozen food from the grocery store in the kitchen on the 8th floor of CH7.
❊ The Battle Dome. Next to the food places, this is the place she visits the most, probably at least three times a week. So people who also go to the Battle Dome or who work in the hospital there will have seen her and possibly talked to her a little. (In fact she'll probably have landed herself in the BD clinic a few times injuring herself during training.)
❊ The library. This is not as frequent as the first two places, but she's been in there quite a few times in the past month or so for various reasons.
❊ The Rec Center. She plays video games (or any other kinds of games there are at the Rec Center, IDK) or watches movies when she makes the trek out to this place.
❊ On the roof of CH7, around the river, or in the barracks. These are her alternative training grounds when she doesn't feel like going to the Battle Dome for whatever reason. The roof and the river are more common at the moment, though, and her presence will be marked by lots of flashes of white-blue lightning and yells.
❊ Just walking around the village. She likes to take walks or run around, so people will likely have seen her just meandering the streets of Luceti more than once.

About Pikapao herself

❊ She does not wear her trademark yellow tracksuit all the time! Her common everyday wear includes things like T-shirts, sweatpants, and sneakers, or specialized gym wear of sorts, like this (plz to excuse the ~*~QUALITY~*~). She usually accessorizes (using the word loosely) with wristbands and the flower hairpin given to her by her parents.
❊ When she can, she'll hide her wings under her clothes, but she doesn't mind letting 'em hang out.

Other schnazz
❊ Since the beginning of October 2011 or thereabouts, she's been taking swordfighting and archery lessons from Link. Still not sure on the days yet, but people may have seen her in the vicinity of...whatever house it is that Link lives in? IDK?
❊ ???
❊ She recently painted her apartment walls in shades of yellow and red, with occasional green accents, using some of the leftover paint from the mural. Anyone who comes over to visit, prepare to be blinded a little. |D;;

May post more later if I can brain any more things.


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